WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. hjwillett

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    Aug 27, 2020
    When is the update it looks really nice
    --- Post updated ---
    why does the tracks look like this? upload_2021-9-26_9-54-13.png
  2. MPL78

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    Jun 10, 2020

    Excellent as always, but sad to report, the traffic lights are still broken. Occasionally the red light will appear as green and then everything else is still shaded gray. I am running the latest version of Beam. Let me know if you need screenshots.
  3. Leon_Rot

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    May 6, 2019
    Sorry for asking but what ingames settings and pc specs do you have? I get about 70 FPS on that map without any cars and i have a 5 3600 with a RTX3060
  4. sinsforeal

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    Aug 31, 2021
    It's all good. I believe in these scene I had the game set to spawn 20 cars but it might of been 24 but you can see 18 on screen and I had some off screen as well. Anyways my specs are : 5950x with pbo enabled, rtx 3090 fe, and 64 gb of ddr4 3200hz. I also have the game on an m.2 ssd but I don't think that is making a difference here. So quite a difference between our pcs but I was also running on vulkan I noticed performance was better in vulkan than dx so if you haven't tried vulkan perhaps you should.
  5. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Feel free to pour out as many ideas as you like buddy, you always have fairly good points to make and this one is no exception.
    There will definitely be debris, dereliction, cracking/subsiding concrete, leaks, graffiti, construction areas/repairs, foliage growing up through cracks, BETTER TEXTURES! for some blurry* spots anyway, the occasional plague rat of doom, and the like in those flood control canals and box culverts. These will be per-instance and be able to be placed where needed and however the mapper (hey that's me!) desires. This way it keeps the models as small as possible, and prevents me bloating the map with repeated copies of the same thing all over the place.
    *there's still some blurry textures, but that's only because they're missing the layering of aggregate texture over top of the color map (what you see is a very stretched color map). I have neglected to even address this any further due to the currently-underway texture update for 0.23. If it takes me much longer to switch the textures over, it'll be 0.24 before I even get it out. Oh well - who doesn't mind more new features.
    Never feel bashful or overbearing by spilling out all your ideas, because that is 100% exactly what this thread is. I can't very well make a map for the community that's supported by the community too, if they don't voice concerns, opinions, ideas, cool new feature they would like or they think a lot of folks would like.
    Oh, and yes, you're not the only one who likes to rip around in a flood control canal. I've had quite some fun in those in GTA SA especially; this was not nearly so in GTA V, which I thought was sorely lacking (though there is some). For this very reason, I made sure they were a prevalent feature of Los Injurus and even some in the surrounding county / rural areas. Considering how few draw calls these are to add per mile, one of the least of any of the infrastructure kits as a whole, it pays big dividends to add them in and extends player immersion and play time significantly especially considering how little they affect performance. I could put in 10x as many and it might make 1fps difference or less to any scene (this excludes any trimmings like plants growing through cracks, graffiti, other decals, etc; and this does not include bridges over open flood control canals in the equation.
    Sometimes the best way from point A to B might not always be a road!
    Thank-you for your suggestions, and they are already in the 'road map' for this map.

    You have an old version of the map conflicting with the new version.
    You are getting the new terrain, but aren't getting the updated AI and the new road placement.
    This can happen for a number of reasons:
    *Two different versions of the map ZIP file in your BeamNG user folder.
    *You edited an old version of the map, please delete or move those files to where Beamng can't see them.
    *You unpacked or extracted the map either from within the game or in Windows folder view. Please remove all old versions and re-download a newer version.

    To fix this error, please browse to your mods folder and keep only the newest ZIP file of my map, which you just got the other day.
    Also, you'll need to browse to C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\BeamNG.drive\0.23\levels and delete the folder that says TSH as that's the code name (The Super Highway map) for this map (this will change in the future).
    If you remove that folder you'll prevent the game from having duplicate stuff from editing the map and saving or from extracting the map in Windows folder viewer.
    You may elect to clear cache after this, but keep in mind that can clear other things too. So make sure you have a copy of the contents of your BeamNG user folder in-case something you like is gone later.

    The last picture in this linked post (below) shows the same area you pictured, from almost the same direction, except that it's at road level and not high above.
    This link is safe for work and only directs you a few posts above. I would re-link the picture but I have a wicked tendency to mess that up in short order.

    Please get back to me if you cannot resolve this issue alone, but do give it an honest try - or a few honest tries if it comes to that as sometimes it can be a bit before I reply back.

    I have been very busy doing maintenance around this place, updating some things, repainting, cleaning the garage, the whole 9 yards as they say. So that will continue to hurt map progress for the next week or two. Please bare with me here as this obstacle will be handled in short order and then I can concentrate on mapping and not be bothered. I want to have all the outside stuffs done up nice before it gets genuinely chilly out, as at which point my joints go from bad to worse and such.
    That said I am still updating map textures (I have a copy of files I am working with, that won't get to be sync'ed up until it's a good 95~98% done - so I can see what I missed - this accounts for any small amount of errors).
    I am also working with map sources (the models and textures I purchase or find available for free under CC-0 / CC-SA licenses, and I am working with the models you have seen previously but have not yet made it into the map.

    So that is all for right now. Contributor invites to the Patreon supporter beta will go out tomorrow. I haven't had time to post this yet. Those who are lucky enough to get a copy or are generous enough to get the Patreon version recently, may share a copy with a friend or two (or a few, I don't care either way), but please do not re-upload this on various other places on the internet. If this got re-uploaded to other places, those other places would be out of my control, and not updated at all or as soon, causing folks to get the wrong idea when they see the map on a recent Youtube (or similar place) video / stream and not see it's been updated since then.
    That said anyone who wants to send this map or it's Patreon beta to folks who review BeamNG drive maps on Youtube, feel free to do so! I am not sure this has ever been on YBR, or other similar Youtubers yet. Admittedly I don't get much chance to watch, but spreading the news about the map with folks who have many followers surely does not hurt. In-fact, if someone does so and more people sign up for the Patreon, I can get more city built faster for the rest of us - so it's win-win.
    Do NOT place the links in public view though, there's only so many folks who can download per day and I'm sure I'd get a roasting if someone via Patreon could not download the map they support.
    • Like Like x 5
  6. Leon_Rot

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    May 6, 2019
    Jesus Christ thats insane, i used to use vulkan but i didnt like the glitch where the suspension stretches when it breaks, so i switched back to dx
  7. sinsforeal

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    Aug 31, 2021

    Hey thanks man that worked I appreciate it.
  8. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I am not sure why that looks the way it does. I have to send out the contributor links today/tonight yet. If you've contributed towards the map or have an awesome mod contributed to BeamNG, you can get on that list.
    The next public update I'd like to push is in mid to late October - basically 'before November' is the time-frame. Then I'd like to do another public update right around the holidays / new year's.
    Chances are the graphics will be less bugged or less doing strange stuffs like that when I switch over to PBR textures (that is not fun btw, it's monotonous as heck but the end-goal is totally worth it as always).
    So once I slog through all the GFX it might be fixed, if not, just keep pesting me about it until it's fixed.
    I have a 3950x stock with a Noctua NH-D15 air cooler, 32gb of dual-rank memory (16gb x2, micron, cas 15 or something like that), Asus 200$ motherboard x570 chipset, think it's the Tuf Laming Wifi plus or something to that end, 2070 Super with 8gb of VRAM that's never enough, a mid-tier to low-end SOUND BLASTER card that still sounds way better than motherboard junk audio, in a quiet air-cooled case. There's about 8 SSD's in it, and one of them is one of those store-brand NVME 1tb drives, which is plenty good enough for now.
    Machine will run around 20 vehicles give or take a few before it goes below 20fps. You must use Vulkan if you want more vehicles, vulkan spreads the rendering load out over more cores VS direct X.
    I do not plan on upgrading my machine any time soon outside of more memory when I get more into World Machine (it's memory limited via it's license), and upgrading my NVME drive capacity whenever I can afford it (have to put my 'fun' money for the next few months into the house, it needs work, which I have been very very busy with).
    Fully recommend Ryzen 3000, 4000 (oem), or 5000 series processors for running a lot of vehicles - think two vehicles per core or there-about up until you hit around 20 vehicles or so as that'd be the limit for most chips. An 8 core gets you a lot of traffic and beyond that is much diminishing returns until the rendering engine gets better on Vulkan. So grab a 3700x, 3900x, 5800x, 4650 OEM, 5900x, or if budget limited, 3600x, 5600x, and you shall have lots of traffic to play with. Around 10~12 cores or so you start hitting limits of the rendering engine and won't be able to use all the CPU. This is also why my map's buildings are quite simple compared to some other games - it keeps more of the rendering engine performance focused on the road or vehicles and not wasting it on fancy houses (unless it's a spawn point or focal point where missions will be later on in map development, such as the Police dept parking garage which you can enter, or the abandoned mall which you can also enter).
    So entirely, unless you're made of money grab a six or eight core CPU and a half-decent video card (seriously, a 2060 will push medium or high details all day long, this map will run medium unless you have 10~11gb of VRAM on your card, to that end a 12gb 3060 would be perfect if bought at MSRP). You will be quite satisfied. Either intel or AMD doesn't matter, the price makes more difference than anything, just get something in the last two generations and you'll be set for a while.
    I hope all this rambling has helped.
    That's a darn good setup there, even puts mine out to pasture (but I am not made of money either, though I have no mortgage payment or car payment), however, I really DO appreciate that you listed how many vehicles you can run on this map. It seems to be about 20% more than mine, so your setup is as it should be, and the game engine is getting better at stacking performance past 20 vehicles, slowly but surely. I am just super-duper glad the developers finally caved in to me yelling at them about Vulkan or DX12 for years now and put it in the game. It is truly the way forward as single core rendering DOES NOT cut it with vehicles and scenes this complex. This is also especially true in that single-core speeds aren't really increasing year after year like they used to be. I really was a thorn in their side about it, but it was with merit, and has really helped the game a lot (the developers have not wasted their time putting Vulkan in).
    Enjoy the top-dog setup, I gotta live with mine a few (3) years before I even think about replacing it... planning on keeping this one 5 years minimum like the last one I had. Otherwise to me upgrading feels like a waste (unless it's hanging production up in some way or stopping it altogether). Plus, if I blow Patreon funds on needless hardware upgrades (other than something blowing up), that would be super disrespectful of the folks donating to keep this project alive and well. Those funds are generally for monthly modeling software bills, and the purchase of various assets related to game environments.

    @MPL78 Make sure you cleared your cache, and try again. If it is still broken, there might be the same graphic somewhere else in the map folder structure (it's a big mess right now anyways). I will look into it and test here. The reason I haven't tested better is that the game doesn't always switch the detail levels like it's supposed to - when I select low medium or high details, it sometimes ignores it - so I haven't a clue if the setting took or not. I haven't bothered the developers about the settings snafu at this point because it was not worth the time of day compared to the other bugs they have.
    I will stay on it, and thank you very much for reporting that, I appreciate it.

    I hope I didn't miss anyone. If someone is missed and still has an unanswered question, you know who to scream at.
    The squeaky wheel gets the greasing, as they say.

    I should be able to get back to meaningful map production and such by the weekend. Right now I am slamming through the back-log of house work / maintenance / repairs / upgrades / fixing stuff at the church / etc so I want to have most of the stuff off my to-do list by the weekend or at-least by mid next week. I want to get it all out of the way so that I don't have to worry about it and can have long uninterrupted mapping time which is when I do my most meaningful work / am most productive. If I get interrupted, it's easy to lose one's place and mess things up - especially when doing texture indices - I darest not even look away.

    I am considering starting a discord server for the map. I do not quite know how to do that yet, but I do have discord, so I will be looking into this over the next two weeks once my house improvements & maintenance are done and I no longer have small trees growing out of my gutters or wood rotting/falling off the house. Yes, it's long overdue, and really needs some fixing.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Los Injurus City map project needs YOU!
    I need to know by YOUR input what people want to see next.

    Okay, after a small quiet spell, I have some good news - I have finally caught up on my home repairs and maintenance (and with the car, too). I even got the car done without falling down (as I get very light-headed after standing up sometimes), and otherwise got stuff done without injuring myself due to physical disabilities. Now for the bad news.
    Our outside cat - Button - got smooshed on Monday, my now-very-sad 12 year old niece found him by the road. We buried him and planted a rose bush, and I went in the garage and made a nice white cross for the 12 year old niece and her grandmother to paint and decorate. While I am not crying, I will sure miss him (or her?). I wasn't able to get close enough to pet him but we always fed him, and he watched me bumble around in the garage while laying in our gazebo (which connects the house to the 3 car garage where I keep my car and the workshop is). I hadn't seen a single mouse inside the house since he had been around, I am just sorry he is gone now as he was sort of the outside-the-shop cat who was there showing face every day. He was a stray cat we were working slowly on taming and eventually introducing him to indoor life (and a neuter / spay), but it didn't get that far. The toughest part was I was the one who carried him to the grave (and dig the hole) and he was as warm as a normal cat, so it had just happened minutes before he was discovered. I didn't want the 12 year old to have to pick him up.
    It's alright in the end, we're all still alive and well, and that's what matters. We still have four more cats (indoor ones!), so it's not like my niece has no cats left to hold (or torture!) when she's here. I told my niece, cherish your pets, don't torture them, you can fool playfully with them, but cherish them as tomorrow for anyone is never promised.

    My apologies if that was depressing, but on for better news, or is that a question coming on?
    I need to know by YOUR input what folks want to see next,
    you must pick one (or two/three if you cannot decide or demand more than one thing, I just want INPUT).
    Note: FPS = Frames per second, here; not 'first person shooter' as a game class. Below 20fps is bad and slows down physics to compensate, but above 45 the car responds beautifully. 60 is the target.

    1.) More highways / updated highways, for those fast drifting mountain passes through what seems like both parts of rural California with more mild curves, and the rocky mountains just east of it with constant twists, bends, and lots of grade changes.
    2.) Build / finish more of the city, this is supposed to be a city map after-all, isn't it? Tell me if you want an industrial zone, tall sky-scrapers, modern homes, old homes, row homes like in the Bronx, Fancy bridges even, etc.
    3.) Make more interior things, so we can be immersed in a more believable world, since it's 2021 and all. One abandoned mall cannot be enough.
    4.) Do something to improve the subways, they are bland, almost Doom-quality 1993 bland, the inside of a sewer pipe has more details than this.
    5.) Improve the detail of buildings, homes, businesses and the like. Because fancy road-side buildings mean more than FPS... wait, what? Did you bump your head? Do you get beat up a lot?
    6.) No, we want MORE FPS, even if it comes at the cost of a little variation or detail, as long as all the fun is preserved.
    7.) Make a campaign even though you're a blithering idiot when it comes to mission / campaign scripting and this will probably end up a complete disaster of biblical (almost) proportions.
    8.) Hurry up with putting the Patreon supporter features into the map such as businesses named after them or roads with your name (or choice of a name) on them. Yes, that's right, even folks with a dollar pledged can send a message via Patreon as a request for a road or business named after them. You could literally pick any road or building (that is not already a labeled business) and call it what you want and I will put that name out there for all to see (provided it is PG-13 or under, rating, No cussing or obvious profanity or such will pass the BeamNG censor). E.G. Big Wang Chinese Food won't pass censor (verified this, with Roane County), but Big Wong Chinese Food is OK.
    9.) More purpose-built and improvised race tracks. We need this in our lives, as if a car crash simulator should have anything else BUT race tracks.
    10.) More hidden things, Easter eggs, and out-of-the-way places to reward exploring.
    11.) More pieces for the already-over-1000-pieces MRK (Modular Road Kit, with which you can build your own city, but you must be specific to what you need).
    12.) Your terrain sucks! Make it gooderer [better] ! (I have world machine for this, but it's super-duper complicated and I haven't learned all of it yet)
    13.) Something else, please clearly tell me! If it's buildings, take pictures / screenshots, do you like a subway station, send in a picture, and so-forth and so-on.
    14.) Fix something (please be descriptive, as much as possible, and provide screenshots which shall be required), let me know what is broken and how you think it should be fixed if it is not already clearly listed as a bug.
    15.) Better trees, plants, shrubs, or just more of them (be as specific as possible, so I can fit a fix/adjustment in the work-flow that will make the map better). Careful, as greenery/plants can easily be the enemy of good FPS.
    Just copy the number and the description (or type a condensed version of it's description if copy/paste is unavailable to you such as on a telephone). On PC you can copy with highlighting it and pressing CTRL+C, then pasting where you want it to go with CTRL+V. That's universal MS-DOS & MS Windows copy / paste keys since early to mid 90's if not further back (as long as I have been computing, it has been that, it even reaches beyond just the Windows platform).
    I ask this because I have several different work-flows of things that all need a little work before they show up in the map, but it could take most of the time before release again to do them, so I would most enjoy spending my time on what you folks want MOST in the map right away.
    I love making this map, I just need a little direction of where to go from here.
    I am almost finished with that subway station I showed a WHILE back (month or two?). I think I will try to get it in and grouped with the building (likely will keep the building as-is maybe update the interior lobby and such) sometime in the next week.
    I fixed the error with the stretched tunnel graphics (is on the left side towards the end of the new tunnel on the highway), so expect that issue gone in the next release.
    I will be homogenizing all the road and building textures (or just cutting it down to two/three directories), but I will possibly be removing a lot of outdated ECA assets in the process. Please be aware of this if you use Los Injurus resources that it may require some re-configuring if you wish to update said resources in your map. If you just play this map and don't create new ones, this doesn't apply to you, and will be a typical update as always.
    This reason is because there's SO. MUCH. STUFF. that I can't keep track of all of it in all these different directories, resulting in quite a bit of bug chasing (I can beat Metroid for the NES faster than I can fix some of these bugs sometimes!), duplicates, and other strange errors (such as traffic lights possibly still not working right on Medium / Low texture detail). Grrrrr! I'll fix those lights one day.

    --That's all for right now!

    Don't forget to respond if you read this, even if you don't truly have an opinion, pick the first thing that suits your fancy.
    Let me know what YOU want to see next in Los Injurus City, as Los Injurus is nothing but a ghost town or an idyllic dream without YOU.
    "INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT!!!" (Short Circuit, Johnny 5 [robot] sees the book store and rushes in yelling this)
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    The thing I want is finishing that one half-finished part of the map not too far from main city, because it kinda ruins the feel when you drive out of the almost finished city into that. The part that has many crossroads but most of them just have roads leading to nowhere.
    Also there's a bug with the AI, when it drives on that road leading out of the city into a mountain, it will randomly turn around and go back to the city, I assume it doesn't see the rest of the road.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. lordbarkus

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    Jun 16, 2018

    If I'm honest, all i ask is "duplicateable" or "cloneable" objects like buildings/houses/sidewalks and maybe like a used car lot (since the area i made for a movie is quite empty and sad). I'm fine with editing the world since i think it's more fun that way. (And if it's ok I'd like more of an industrial area on the map)

    Attached Files:

    • BeamNGdrive-0235212939-RELEASE-x6406_10_20215_24_24AM.png
  12. chris nowak

    chris nowak
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    Mar 16, 2016
    1.) More highways / updated highways, for those fast drifting mountain passes through what seems like both parts of rural California with more mild curves, and the rocky mountains just east of it with constant twists, bends, and lots of grade changes.
    2.) Build / finish more of the city, this is supposed to be a city map after-all, isn't it? yes i want an industrial zone, tall sky-scrapers, modern homes, old homes, row homes like in the Bronx, Fancy bridges even, etc.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. silvermanblu

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    Mar 1, 2013
    While developing the city more is important. I think we need more rural population. A couple of barns and fences would go a long way. Also we could use more tourist trap like places, route 66 type of joint's. A small town on the other side of the map would be a nice addition. And with it being a desert we probably could use an old mine/abandoned town. Or a quarry... I think a quarry would be an amazing addition. A couple of casino's may also be some nice additions.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  14. geobeck

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    May 1, 2014
    10. Easter eggs. I love exploring off-grid, and those little hidden gems are a great reward. Especially if you have to go through culverts, deep gorges, or other non-road features to get there. As the city fills in, add an occasional house inspired by pop culture. You've got the Simpsons; you could add the house on Elm Street, Al Bundy's house, Lucifer's club, or if you're really ambitious, the Fresh Prince's Bel Air mansion. Not perfect or official, of course, just a building that gives the impression of these icons.

    13. Another idea: Designate an area, maybe 256x256, call it "The Barren Lands" or something like that, and set it aside, no development... with the idea that everyone can make their own little village, race track, crawler course, or whatever they want, carving out their own little piece of Los Injurus that will live on their private save.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. mickeybish1234

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    Jan 28, 2017
    2.) Build / finish more of the city, this is supposed to be a city map after-all, isn't it? Tell me if you want an industrial zone, tall sky-scrapers, modern homes, old homes, row homes like in the Bronx, Fancy bridges even, etc. Answer: I want a commercial-type expansion in the commercial area, maybe make the road that has the Worst Buy and everything in the south-west side of the city longer and add some more stores like a Spend a Lot or a Dollar General
    9.) More purpose-built and improvised race tracks. We need this in our lives, as if a car crash simulator should have anything else BUT race tracks. Answer: I mean, the highways could count as a race track, but maybe add a go-kart race track in the parks and recreational part of the city?
    10.) More hidden things, Easter eggs, and out-of-the-way places to reward exploring. Answer: Add random floating lights in the sky at night, so that Los Injurus has some alien life floating around.
    14.) Fix something (please be descriptive, as much as possible, and provide screenshots which shall be required), let me know what is broken and how you think it should be fixed if it is not already clearly listed as a bug. Answer: Please fix the weird sunrise and sunset lighting issue, it seems that when driving at sunrise or sunset the lighting is too yellow or green (Like in North Barstow State) especially when it's foggy the sunset changes the fog color to an apocalyptic orange and the sky turns green. It's definitely an issue with most old maps like American Road that aren't on par with the newer WCUSA lighting, even a couple youtubers like Jeff Favigano or Bay Area Buggs that have said something about the weird "green mountains" in the American Road map
    Also please fix loading times, especially during first loads, because sometimes even when i don't have anything open my computer crashes during loading
    #2015 mickeybish1234, Oct 7, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  16. 77x5ghost

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    Jun 24, 2017
    the entire map is running smooth on my rx560 but there's this one place where the fps goes below 5 for some weird reasons
    i'm not sure what is going on but driving into that tunnel makes my entire game slow down to a crawl

  17. mickeybish1234

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    Jan 28, 2017
    I've heard Bob talk about those tunnels, they seem to lag most computers out (even mine) due to something with the textures in the tunnels, but hopefully Bob would do something about them
  18. eggward

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    Apr 28, 2020
    a place in the middle of nowhere where there is simply a larger-than-normal cheese wheel
    • Like Like x 3
  19. geobeck

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    May 1, 2014
    Don't forget the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota!
  20. chris nowak

    chris nowak
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    Mar 16, 2016
    same thing with my nivida geforce rtx 2060 and i am glad i am not the only one
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