WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. Bauer33333

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    Jul 25, 2020
    There are a couple boat mods, but I don't know of any trailers. So your best bet is probably the base game Wydra.
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Okay, thank-you for your input Sir. I will have a look-see for those. Appreciate it! As much as I'm contributing to this project, I don't get much of a chance to check others, sadly.

    Gas station and another Burger World added, so that a spawn point can go out here somewhere. Hopefully a working one this time. Derp. Gotta fix that, too... almost forgot about the busted spawn point (whatever one is busted, it worked for me, have no clue why it didn't work for someone else). Can someone clarify which one of the new spawn points is busted?
    Not going to make a book of a post today. I spent over an hour writing the last one, oops. I wasn't supposed to do that. I guess we got to 142 pages on this thread SOMEHOW though.
    Spent quite some time customizing the bridge (converted to box-culvert style, which only has sidewalk on one side), and creating these two lots. The burger world is not quite done yet.
    --That's all for right now.
    Hopefully I remember to add in the new spawn point and fix the other one before the beta time comes, which is rather soon.
    Oh, and brick curbs will be solid concrete ones as stated in one of the previous posts, I just haven't restarted the game yet (which is when I'll switch graphic sources over).
    It's not that I don't like the brick curbs, they're great; but I don't want that many different types of curbing clogging up the 1000+ MRK kit. In the end, more variations = more draw calls = less VRAM available and also less FPS as there's more different stuff to render. I will likely release the brick curbs seperately as a kit, outside of this mod, for others to make use of. Mesh road curbs suck.

    EDIT: Replaced curb texture, that was easy enough. Looks a lot better now. These will look better in the city, although I'm likely not to replace a lot of what already is put in. Will use this stuff where I can on the new sections.

    So yes, curbing now looks much better; also the Burger World sign is bigger / taller, and sits in a post on the fence. Now you can see it from the highway as you go by. The curbs with the green (Grass) planting strip are unaffected, just for the record.
    #2822 bob.blunderton, Mar 8, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
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  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Will complete the concrete sidewalk kit later today / tomorrow so it has all it's pieces, for those interested it will be in the next beta distribution.
    To keep your existing brick curbs (for those editing levels of their own) you'll have to switch the texture back to the brick one (they will swap seamlessly) in the material editor.

    Spent an hour or two... or more, creating the Art-Deco kit. This is just preliminary. This doesn't include certain reveals in the facade such as where it jumps in or out 1~2 feet as is common, especially around entrances - though you could do that with the corner piece easily enough. Will add more pieces as I see fit to do so. Window graphic is new, created from another graphic I have already.
    Have a spare commercial awning/hopper window style (common from 50's~60's especially in schools) that can swap in seamlessly, that can be used as-needed for older / commercial buildings.
    A lot of this style will be used throughout the city. However, it will be most prevalent down in the sand-bar / shore-line area (as seen in Vice City for example, and in Miami Florida in the real world).
    Click to expand the picture.

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    • ARTDECO_KIT1.png
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  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015

    The Bob did something. Being nervous / afraid is by no means required. Don't worry, it's just adding a bit more stuff to Los Injurus.
    Another few buildings added, lots of curbing put in (majority of time spent on this), more roadway and lot detailing etc. Roads are currently a bit too 'flat' and boring in that regard, but the texture is nice.
    My back is totally trashed and so is my ability to walk, so I've been having a lot more bed-rest than usual. Might take a few days to work this out, feels like someone took a bat to my legs about 10 times over. Not fun. No pity expected, but just being transparent here. Ouch ouch. Lots and lots of ouch. Luckily still made it to both church services (two different churches) that I attend yesterday, but by the end of it I was definitely using my walking stick (my to-go cane, keep it in the car for days like this). Still happy I went though because it'd be a lot worse just being stuck in the house, and that already happens much too much! Now keep in mind when I say pain, I don't have prescription pain meds of any kind, as I refuse to jump through the ludicrous amount of hoops to get them legitimately and pay exorbitant prices for the doctor visits (never-mind the addiction crisis). I don't plan on getting them any time soon; so when / if I bring up pain in my posts, it's usually earth-shattering levels of it.
    --That is all for right now.
    Edit: Fixed a typo / omitted letter.
    #2824 bob.blunderton, Mar 12, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
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  5. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to admit how long this two-piece Art-Deco balcony took to create and perfect / line-up. It wasn't treating me fairly, to say the least.
    Shown is a 3-piece unit with two (identical) corner pieces, and one straight run. To be created yet will be deeper section filler (just a slab square/rectangle) and a half-run (half straight) piece. Those will thankfully be MUCH easier as they're just slight modifications of existing pieces. Going to need these for the art-deco buildings / high-rises. It's nothing too fancy but quick to do LOD's manually that won't pop as you drive up to the building (LOD pop-in being too obvious really puts the kabosh on immersion, some of my original houses do this).
    ARGH! Stupid Technology!!!

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    • artdeco_balcony_done.png
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  6. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    So combine the 'balcony that took way too long' with the art-deco building kit (which shares a majority of the draw calls, so it is super-FPS-friendly) I made, and you get...
    (still needs the mostly flat roof with it's knee-walls around the top, of-course and a basement level for uneven lots, too)
    This type of model will be featured around the city, but most will be concentrated in this sand-bar area. Other common art-deco colors will be featured in addition to boring white with light grey, e.g. pastels.
    The back of this model is almost identical to the front. It's four units per floor, garden-apartment style, with five floors for 20 units total.

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    • artdeco_apts_20unit_1.png
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  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    This building has been completed. Doing the LOD's and collision now. Will have simple collision. Not sure if I will make the railings have collision or not due to the propensity for vehicles landing on them to get stuck (narrow-surface collision = stuck cars, much like landing atop a Jersey-barrier / K-rail is equally bad the same way).
    I hope this is realistic enough, and also this should keep the draw calls nicely at bay as this building is super-duper efficient with them. If a draw call can possibly be shared no matter how different the piece is, it definitely is shared. A little bit of push for efficiency on each building in that regard goes a LONG way when building a whole city. Any efficiency gained allows me to add exactly that much more detail and hence realism (for immersion) to the scene. That's a good thing. That's what has enabled me to take the time (where I can manage to get some time anyways) to make the detail levels closer to GTA V and the rest of this game's maps, in-stead of like GTA San Andreas which was my original goal (hence also why buildings got nicer as time on this project went on).
    Penny of prevention is worth a pound of cure and all that mumbo-jumbo.
    In other news; if you live in Tennessee I hope you have already built at least one ark. You're going to need it, as it's been raining like absolute mad out here.

    Attached Files:

    • artdeco_apts_20unit_1_complete.png
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  8. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Today I've exported 11 different buildings, which are now completed in all phases except naming textures (as I haven't put most of them in-game yet).
    5 floor art deco apts
    14 floor Chicago style
    10 floor Chicago style
    6 floor modern Chicago apts
    gothic 8 floor mixed use with mansard roof
    (all following are Manhattan style)
    4 floor rectangle
    5 floor rectangle
    5 floor u-shape
    10 floor n-shape
    7 floor n-shape
    3 floor i-shape
    All models need to be individually gone through so that texture names are correct, and textures must be scripted into the game via texture indices.
    All models need to be zero coordinates so that the render engine doesn't make off with them a bit too soon when you're starting to turn away from them.
    All models need proper hierarchy / structure so that LOD's / Collision meshes work appropriately.
    All models have already been draw call reduced as much as possible especially on LOD's.
    Model variations in different colors will be created, of-course, to keep the immersion up without driving past the same building 50 times a minute (like repeating backgrounds in chase scenes of cartoons).
    Just being transparent so that you folks know how Los Injurus progress is going.
    --That is all.
    You can see all the buildings, along with misc bits and pieces I used to create them, in the picture provided. What a huge monstrous mess, but this was possibly a month or more of solid work.
    Click the picture below to expand.
    If things get quiet for a week or more, I may possibly be on the cusp of another (new) health issue, which may possibly cause this. Please be patient if this happens, until I return.
    Otherwise no worries, I will continue posting my progress. I'm usually a glutton for punishment and push through like always. Lots and lots of USB extensions got together and told me I can now work on Los Injurus even when bed-ridden, if it comes to that. I also have a USB to SNES controller adapter which can control the OS (not just games) just like a mouse.

    TL-DR: Basically, not being able to walk much at all really sucks when you have TONS of real-world things you must do, not just this project. Also, surprise surprise, a physically disabled person who can't walk much, also has deteriorating health. Never-the-less, I still crack a joke and smile and push through. It's the only choice I have right now, because being miserable is not part of my job description.

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    • eleven_different_buildings_completed.png
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  9. Tyler-98-W68

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    Jan 3, 2021
    I've spent the last few weeks testing a bunch of different configurations in Beam and this Map. If you can get Vulkan to work absolutely play in that mode, only catch is you NEED a good CPU to get the increase in performance I have.

    I won't make a huge post now, but lots of vehicles or AI, 14900K is the CPU to have, even with nothing spawned there is a 30+fps difference between a 7800X3D and 14900K

  10. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I'm surprised there is that much difference on those two processors. Color me shocked. Looks like the GHZ speed advantage of the intel chip is where the superiority is coming from.
    That stated, most benchmarks are siding with the 7800x3D from what I see short of a few wins for Intel, so this is definitely something I will have to talk with the devs about.
    If what I am theorizing from that bit of info you provided is correct, draw calls still seem to be the limiting factor here. This will likely change in future versions since the Vulkan renderer is very very much under construction. It got pretty crash-tastic over here, and with me desperately trying not to mess up the update in the works with a crash-tastic editor, I don't get to enjoy Vulkan as much as I'd like.
    Sadly, I don't think I'll be seeing performance numbers on my computer like you have for a VERY long time. I think I'll be holding onto this tower for quite some time yet, as it still feels like I just threw this thing together yesterday to me. I don't even have a monitor that does better than 1080p / 60hz, so I guess I wouldn't notice too much any-who.
    Still, never-the-less, I thank you for your time and info, and also do encourage you to test out some other games for your own info. See if you get the results reviewers like Gamer's Nexus and Hardware Unboxed do.
    Make sure to use the latest BIOS for your motherboard, and check that Resizable Bar (ReBAR) / Smart-Access-Memory (SAM) is enabled, since fussing with several different machines can cause you to miss things easier sometimes. It's likely fine the way it is, but it never hurts to check these things regardless.
    Enjoy your new hardware purchases!

    Almost forgot about this one building I was working on what-must-be a few months ago, that never got finished. Well now it pretty much is, aside of the scale of the brick texture and possibly making a super-duper low detail LOD. A draw-call optimized version of the tower is the lower of the two detail levels, and it barely looks any different. The collision mesh (grey) is done and shouldn't munch anyone. Getting munched is bad, mmm-kay?
    Surely some of you remember seeing this building before, yes it's that one. It's definitely one of the more NYC / Bronx themed ones, with 15 floors of apartments on-top of a ground floor with some open space under the building's foot-print for tables/chairs/muggings etc. There are doors on two opposite corners of the building, basically identical.
    Concrete curbing / sidewalk that surrounds the building is only there for show, pretty much, as it's for a level lot only. Though, the stoop (at the door) is part of the building model.
    Posted some close-up detail images along with it, so you can better appreciate the work that went into this one (mostly for those who didn't see it's previous iterations).
    I would have worked on something else, but I noticed this in my sort-by-date file entries and suddenly remembered I had made this. DERP!
    Still have some strange pain in my abdomen that's been going a good week now. Hope nothing goes to PLAID (if you get the movie reference, you get a cookie), or goes BOOM, etc.
    Sadly, I haven't found it's "cancellation button" yet.

    --That is all!

    Attached Files:

    • yet_another_building.png
    • yet_another_building2.png
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  11. Tyler-98-W68

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    Jan 3, 2021
    Without making a huge post about the performance (which I will when I can find the time) The 7800X3D does outperform a 14900K however its in cases where there is no GPU bottleneck and when there is few AI cars spawned.
    Here is an example of that

    In this case on this part of the map only......7800X3D large increase in performance.....but we aren't using Vulkan this time. It really is a case and usage scenario situation. Most times, not in Vulkan the 14900 and 7800X3D are very close to each other (this goes for other maps as well) But the big difference is when you have lots of cars spawned.

    Here is the 7800X3D Non vulkan in the short loop i've used before

    Now the 14900K

    You can see in this case the 7800X3d is ahead by 10-15fps

    Now we add 40 cars in (yes I know not totally realistic) Using Vulkan



    Nearly double the FPS.

    Anyways next up is testing out my RTX 4090 in my 12700K system to see it performs.

    @bob.blunderton Do you use paypal? If you do could you send me a PM. Thanks
  12. passengerpigeon

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    Jan 22, 2017
    Hi Bob, how did you make the original California Interstate terrain base? I am wondering because I am also considering creating a large map and am not sure whether raising mountains in the editor (if that's what you did there) will give adequate results or whether I need to create a heightmap image first. Also, does the construction kit in this map contain all of the same trees that Roane County did, or will I need to copy content from both maps if I want those?
  13. Tyler-98-W68

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    Jan 3, 2021
    I"m back with some more testing, this time with some OLD hardware. If someone thought they could run this map on a 10 year old CPU you would probably assume it's not possible, well I thought so too but I was pleasantly surprised.

    New test system

    i7 4790K @ 4.7ghz
    32GB DDR3 1600
    Gigabyte Z97 Gaming 5 M/B
    RTX 4090
    Kingston KC3000 1TB SSD

    Initially the performance was not very good (as expected) in the direct x mode

    35-40fps without spawning cars....once spawned because it's only a Quad core CPU the performance drops a lot.

    However, should you use the Vulkan Render you get playable frame rates.

    I have a bunch more screen shots but here are some ones of different starting areas in the map

    In this last photo its the same as above but with 4 cars spawned

    The vulkan render in this map is amazing, it can breath new life into older systems for sure, providing you have the GPU to back it up
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  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Vulkan and Direct X 12, when properly implemented are AMAZING ways to bring a fluid performance level to even older systems from the Broadwell/Haswell(yours)/Ivy Bridge/Sandy Bridge/ and even socket B /1366 original i7 chips from the Broadwell/Nehelam based systems. Anything older than that is just too old/slow, and lacks SSE 4.2, thus many games with procedural generation (not this one!) either won't run or the world won't show up.
    A few years ago when I smoked the VRM off the Asrock Phantom Gaming X570 motherboard with a 16-core 3950x (at stock speeds mind you), I used my i7 4790k / 32gb 2400mhz / Asus Max Hero z97 motherboard system, and it does just fine when given a proper motherboard. That system runs Windows 7 (pro) though, so I've pretty much decommissioned it, since it won't run Steam anymore (to the best of my knowledge).
    No crime in that, it'll run Minecraft or PubG like a boss, and thus be a wonderful digital babysitter for any youngins' that end up here and keep them out of trouble like a good digital babysitter should.
    In all seriousness, aside of really struggling to run a lot of AI, the Vulkan renderer (and DirectX 12) will enable the game engine's renderer to feed the graphics driver's rendering queue to the graphics card via multiple cores of the processor in-stead of just one. While DirectX 11 does have very limited ability to multi-thread draw calls to the graphics card, it's almost never implemented, and when it is, it is nowhere near what Vulkan / DirectX 12 can do. It's a shame the Vulkan renderer is still a bit unstable, as I could really use it more often over here when switching between testing and editing. It likes to crash when using Vulkan while map editing.
    I highly thank you for the performance feedback. It helps me when working on map stuffs, and tells me where it's bad and where it's good performance-wise for other folks playing the map.
    So thanks! It's much appreciated. As you've stated, the i7 4790k is far from down for the count and actually quite viable for gaming yet. Haswell (4000-series) chips were the first to feature FPU's (math co-processor) with native 256-bit instruction handling, and thus about twice as powerful in any game that uses a lot of math instructions VS the previous 3000/2000 intel processors (stuff for physics, world generation for procedural generation, almost anything with AI pathfinding, most all sims or village management sims use lots and lots of FPU stuff). In-fact, if someone is happy with 60fps gaming (and not too many other cars simultaneously in this driving sim) , they're better off upgrading the graphics card VS the processor. This is of-course in hard contrast to someone chasing the highest FPS for multi-player shooty-shooty games like Counter-Strike (2?), and online racing sims like Assetto Corsa etc.

    I haven't been totally goofing off over here, I'm just getting started with slowly shaping some under-utilized terrain for the route 1 facsimile implementation... but that's likely not going to be done for a while yet.
    I have also been exporting completed models from Maya / Blender that are now ready for import in Los Injurus.
    I have also just finished a bunch of nicely tiled asphalt textures, got the PBR maps done for the new 'ARS' "asphalt road set" of graphics. These will replace the old ones that were carried over from Nevada Interstate that, while perfectly serviceable in 2016, look far out of place here in 2024. The old ones won't go to waste in-fact, they'll be put up on OpenGameArt (dot org, if you want to peruse) in due time when I get them removed from this project.

    In other news, I've always had a knack for city builders, all the way back to when I used my 10th birthday money to buy a copy of SimCity for the Super Nintendo (Super Famicom) back in 1992 when it was new.
    Being so disgusted with Simcity 2013 or Cities Skylines 2 (never played or bought either, reviews were enough to keep me away), I was happy to finally find a pretty good city sim that also incorporates a resource-based economy. This game is HIGH RISE CITY. DO check it out. Unlike Cities Slideshow (I mean Skylines) it actually uses the UNREAL engine and NOT UNITY. It has Direct X 12 rendering as an option, too. However, word of warning, while the game is awesome, KEEP AN EYE ON CPU TEMPS especially if you use the Direct X 12 rendering mode. I've never seen the temps get this high on my processor during the entire time I've had this computer, not even with bench-marking software. At one point, it even climbed to 96C where I got audible warnings on here as the processor topped 95C dropping back to stock clock-speed. That's a Ryzen 3950x stock speed with a Noctua NH-D15, using liquid metal thermal interface material (and importantly, not too much material), in a sound-deadened full tower Fractal Define XL case (great case btw, my 2nd full-tower Fractal and I LOVE it).
    It's a darn great game, and I HIGHLY recommend it (even at it's 25$ USD full price). If you want a modern city builder that can handle FIVE MILLION people, that will keep you busy for a long time, at 60fps ... you owe it to yourself to try it out. There's a demo, and I believe it's available on GoG (dot com) in addition to Steam.
    Just PLEASE make sure your CPU cooler is up to the task at hand, or you'll roast the processor or smoke the VRM off the motherboard.
    Going to link the Steam version here if you'd like to check it out. I don't make commission from these links, I just share this to help give you some fun things to keep yourselves with things to do until the next beta of this map releases.
    If you think I should earn a commission for some reason, just join up on the Los Injurus project's Patreon page, to help provide money for Software / Models / Textures etc that help move this project forward. The link is of-course in my signature at the bottom of this post, or on my profile page, and on the project resource page.

    I didn't engage in any Tom-foolery with the April Fool's day, in-fact I slept most of the day today, after being so exhausted with the time spent in Nashville TN yesterday seeing that my sister was doing well and all. Oddly, I was on the very same block that had a mass-shooting go down just after we got to the place where we were going... glad to be alive! Heard lots and lots of sirens about 10 mins after we arrived. Sadly one person didn't make it, and some half-dozen were injured. Prayers for those involved and the families... this country does not need more mindless death and violence. Been through enough abuse myself in the past, to the point my memory has mostly gone; this world doesn't need more violence. Life is short and fleeting, best enjoy it doing something you love. For me that's this project, and of-course helping others around me. I'd much sooner squat down on the road-side changing a church member's flat tire in the pouring rain, than go and selfishly hurt someone (in all seriousness, that was me a year or two ago. I came upon the vehicle in my travels and went and -freely- of course to her work place, and offered to help). I am the guy that stops to help others in their moment of need... I've always been like that. The Mr. Fixit, whether or not I intend to be.
    But I didn't come here to brag. Quite the contrary. I came here to show thanks, and not just for not being involved in misfortune yesterday in Nashville, but to say thanks to all of you. Those who enjoy this project - a work of love for many years now - THANK YOU. I could be in the worst pain imaginable, and if I can still sit upright, I work on this project, and that helps keep my mind off my body failing me.
    Worry not though, I keep my head on a swivel when I'm out and about; the PTSD makes absolutely sure of that. I don't plan on coming home resembling Swiss cheese (like the Wile E. Coyote or Daffy Duck) anytime soon.
    Maybe more people need to discover the fun of hauling pianos in BeamNG and giving them a whats-for, in-stead of being violent / trying to enact some fictional Hollywood gangster persona.
    Ah well, half-rant aside, do know I'm physically getting by, and working on this project. Just isn't always stuff I can take pictures of.
    I've purchased another (huge) building pack and 'industrial ruins' pack recently as part of a bundle on sale, for this project. Look forward to seeing it in game in the future as they're good quality modular pieces, and thus exactly what I was looking for. That stuff is worth every penny as I get a lot of mileage out of it. Takes a little longer to get rolling with one, but once you get going, you can put out models right-quick without everything looking identical or being super tedious to do the LOD & do collision for.
    One of the commercial assets I purchased some time back, was a road texture pack, and is some of the best I could find for the price-class it was in. While these don't tile perfectly, getting them to do so isn't a seriously involved process. I thankfully won't be using ALL of them, but they are going to come in super-duper handy for giving Los Injurus some top-quality AAA-class road surfaces to drive upon.
    Most all of these pictures tiled in the file manager are 2500x2048, with the few rectangular ones being tiled by myself to get something I can use in-game at 4096 x 2048 (power of 2 dimensions is req'd).
    You can click any of the 3 pictures below to see a rather small preview, but best checked on a PC as they'd be microscopic if viewed on a cellular telephone.

    --That is all!
    P.S. If you're interested in the story about the incident in Nashville, look it up on the news please as I don't have more information than what I heard (hearsay) in the neighborhood minutes after it happened.

    Attached Files:

    • road_tiles_sources_1.png
    • road_tile_sources_2.png
    • road_tiles_sources_3.png
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  15. Blue Bird Gaming

    Blue Bird Gaming
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    Feb 2, 2021
    I have to say, I love the amount of detail you put into the buildings on your maps! Like making the balcony by hand, I don’t know any other map maker who goes into that much detail
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  16. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Thanks! I pride myself in the moments that I can devote to detailing little things like that. I do my best; and as time allows, I pour my energy into this project. It might be taking half of forever for this map to finally be getting SOMEWHERE, wherever somewhere may be; but what matters is I will never abandon this map project so long as I can still get into this chair and do stuff on the PC. No worries there though (At the moment).
    I do love putting in lots of little details. Maybe it's balconies one day... or multi-colored road surfaces another, like we see daily in our drives around towns world-wide, or another day it's the menu at Burger World, or even the words scrawled into the man-hole covers (yes, if you read the round man-hole cover, I think it says POOP on it). Never too late to grab some rat-burgers for the family, after-all.
    Glad you notice those little details, they do help immersion (where FPS head-room and time allows, I try to cram in whatever details are possible).

    I did manage to carve in some nice beaches to the unused corner of the map not far from where the latest update changed the highway, and did carve in a little over a mile and a half of roadway. It's not quite ready for show yet, but I'll show it off sooner than later. When I'm next posting with the editor open I'll get some screen-shots put up on here. Nice winding 'rural' two-lane route-1 concept.
    If it's been quiet, that's partly my fault for not posting; but I do have this to show for it, which will be part of that route-1 concept I've just mentioned:
    (the following shot is very Work-In-Progress {W.I.P.}, and as such, the textures aren't 100% yet. I am still working on the texturing for it and need some hours of making LOD's/Collision yet)

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    • a_bridge_thats_different_dot_dot_dot_wow_finally_sheesh_took_you_long_enough_Bob.png
    • this_file_name_is_much_less_interesting.png
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  17. Gabriele 11111

    Gabriele 11111
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    Mar 17, 2022
    hey! Mhh so I got a big issue with the map since the map is very heavy, when I try to use it my game keeps crashing all times for no reasons idk what's wrong with it; I tried to download the map again and nothing happened :(
  18. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Do you have the texture detail set to medium or low (in-stead of high). Try low first, restart the game so the change will take effect, and then try to load the map. If it still doesn't load, type in your system specifications and post them here so I can see if your machine is okay to run it. You know, processor, graphics card, system memory etc. As much as you know about it any-who. Is it a net-book, laptop, desktop? Is it on FIRE?
    Make sure your system has at-least 16gb of system memory. You'll need somewhere between 4~8gb of VRAM (video memory) for medium textures, just to start. High detail textures can take 11~16gb of VRAM (video memory), depending on vehicle texture load. For those reading this and are about to buy or build a new computer, please get 24~32gb of system RAM and, at minimum, an 8GB Graphics card (12~16GB again, for high textures). Folks with an iGPU will be sharing system RAM with their graphics RAM (VRAM) and might run into an issue on medium/high texture details. You'll have to see for yourself if and how this effects you.
    This is no doubt a huge map and by-long-and-far the largest in file size, and thus is a major resource HOG. However, to those who much is expected, much is given (in exploring/game-play and fun stuffs).
    Let me know how it goes!

    More of the bridge. It's now much closer to completion on textures. I've been texturing this for a good 5~6 hours straight today. Seriously, it takes FOREVER, but the model sure looks so much better for it. I might take on the sub-structure before the update, or if I'm sick of it by then, I'll just wait until after the update to fancy up the sub-structure (Super structure is the better term).
    There's 47,934 different textured surfaces on the high-detail model. Currently it's sitting at 55~70 draw calls. Yes, that's a lot, but considering that's only when you're within a city block of it, that's not too bad AND it's only about 1/85th the entire scene budget. 54,428 triangles mean that it does little to put a dent in the rendering queue via said triangles or draw calls mentioned above. Lots and lots of surfaces are batch-rendered and many are connected where it's not insanely time-consuming to do so. When I started with it, it was around 600~1000 draw calls or about 1/5th the scene budget. Now of course each surface will be several draw calls (I think total cost on PBR is 3 per surface), so even then it's a small fraction of the total budget AND you have to be up close for it to use the full amount it's allotted since further away the model is much simpler. I'm going to approach this model a bit differently with reducing draw calls on the LOD by deleting smaller surfaces (if this does not increase draw calls to do so) and batch-rendering even more things that would've looked ugly up close. There will be a four-lane and three-lane version of this bridge later on, made as I need them.

    Attached Files:

    • bridge_textures_make_a_big_difference.png
    • bridge_textures_more.png
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  19. Gabriele 11111

    Gabriele 11111
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    Mar 17, 2022
    I have an RTX 2060 and a Ryzen 7 4.800 H Series it’s a laptop and also before the 0.30 the map was working fine for me so idk
  20. Malamo999

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    Aug 23, 2013
    Quick thought: have you tried clearing the cache since the last BeamNG update?
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