WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Yeah I know, right?
    I got quite a laugh out of that, you made my day.
    @DaddelZeit Thanks for answering that one.
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Getting closer to finishing my runways and such, even made a new edging texture that will go on the taxi-ways (the runways will have their own edging texture very similar, but with singular white striping VS double yellow).
    Only a 500x500 pixel snippet, texture is 1024x4096 to keep it from repeating too much. Subject to change, of course.

    Attached Files:

    • sampler_runwayedging.png
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  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Slowly but surely things are coming together...
    Ignore the z-fighting (textures clashing / glitching) as that's just the way it looks when you're not close up in the modeling software - it's not nearly that severe in BeamNG Drive.
    The runway is the less finished portion, but this gives you an idea of what to expect here. If I wasn't worried about CPU loads here then it would already be done, but this way when you do the model the right way, the GPU gets the Lion's share of the duty leaving the CPU free to do physics and process the rest of the game environment/map.

    Attached Files:

    • sampler_runway.png
    • sampler_taxiway.png
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  4. Ewk1200

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    Jan 16, 2021
    Good job so far
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  5. geobeck

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    May 1, 2014
    I'm getting a lot of lag when driving on the unfinished roads over the tunnel beside the south end of the runway. Is this a known issue? It's pretty much the only place on the map where I get any lag.

    Well, the only place I've noticed. After exploring for several weeks, I don't think I've driven much more than half the roads so far!

    BTW, I like the sketches of what's to come, like the hotel pad and the "?"
  6. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    Yeah the part over the tunnel is pretty much the only part of the map that lags, that needs to be fixed.
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I remember visually very well, and can remember audio real well, but the words and things sometimes not as much. Keeping things open with a ? or putting a HOTEL sign lets me know what models I need to buy or build, and to make sure I have textures ready - never-mind all the infrastructure that must be placed first.
    It also helps me build a convincing area, as I build around it, or reminds me to leave extra space for things when needed (like if I had wanted to continue an underground or ground-level flood control canal, put a park nearby or a large store). This way I don't have to move things, or un-build things and waste my time doing double work.

    There's so much planned, and so little time and only one of me. Project funds* go to buying buildings, textures, keeping subscriptions to the software I use (yes, I do pay for commercial software but mostly cheaper 'indie' plans), which helps speed up work TREMENDOUSLY. So for those who do support the map or contribute in some other way, hats off to you folks because I really appreciate it highly.
    *Project funds, when it comes to PC hardware, don't go towards things like buying a new 5000 series Ryzen CPU (my 3000 series is sufficient), or other un-needed upgrades, but they may go towards things like my motherboard blowing up (because shame on me for not buying an ASUS, that's taken care of now), or needing more space for the project files/backups/buying more memory if I run out frequently to the point where things slow down etc.
    I've already spent WELL OVER 1000$ on this project in the last 2.5 years alone since I started it - BUT that's okay, because I enjoy making it. I also feel the BeamNG community deserves a map to truly show what this engine CAN do (even if it means I exceed it periodically and need a game-update to enable all the features, which has happened before a few versions ago, same things happened on Roane County's last update a while back). It's likely around 1500~2000$ (I try not to remind myself how much is spent!), but I haven't tallied it up lately.
    I have to fully assemble the airport runways/taxiways model and place it in the map, and make sure all the texture sources are there for it. Then once I am done with that, I will need to do a little more work on the 'extended parking' area of the airport (which is close to the stack interchange, a large blank asphalt area), and should be able to post an update in the next 4~6 days sometime. I don't have too much left to do, but I want it to look decent and not murder us with draw calls (that is why sometimes you see a CPU core going to max 100% use and yet changing video settings does not yield much more performance). Draw call overload is our chief enemy besides exceeding VRAM itself, here on a DirectX 11 game engine (DX12 and Vulkan resolve this).
    @geobeck You are getting lag because you are exceeding video memory. The tunnel is too detailed and has to be re-done at a later date (when I get better modeling software which isn't as limited!), and such detail eats up a lot of the PC's video memory. So when it loads it in and has to display it, it's feeding off video memory and system memory and that's when it slows down.
    This was totally my mistake, you may solve this by turning down texture detail (but not mesh detail) by one notch. The next version of Los Injurus that hits servers next month OR in March (public version) will likely have this fixed. It won't be fixed in the next private supporter beta yet though, I haven't had time yet.
    Using HIGH DETAIL textures requires roughly 8GB of VRAM, if your OS uses some of this, or a web browser is open or something else like graphics software, you will easily exceed 8GB of VRAM and whenever it displays something that does not fit, it will cut FPS in half by throwing it in system memory (or a little more/less fps depending on your PC's specs).
    I will try to get the traffic lights not working on LOW / LOWEST detail bug fixed though by the next beta. I added new WCA traffic light models (from West coast) in but I have to sync them up in the forest brush, shouldn't take TOO much effort unless they all end up facing the wrong way - but even then it shouldn't take more than a few hours to fix that if so.
    When I got the tunnel (I bought it, and modified it which took about 5~10 days or so), it was several GB in size without textures added - which were another almost 0.5~1gb or so. It was nuts. I really pared it down good and made sure it would work in the game. It's a wee bit narrow yet (lanes are exactly 8 feet wide, NO TRUCKS!), and will be fixed & widened at a later date for those wondering. It might be a few months though.
    I will save the high detail models if I simplify the tunnel for the 'high detail' version of this map that will later fork off, depending on how many folks adopt new GPU's and the general pricing/availability of them on the market. I think working traffic lights are much more important than seeing the rocks that make up the pavement below you or the broom marks on broom-finished concrete (which on my new textures currently present, you can). I am not going to make this map like Crysis was, it's not going to be 'But can it run LOS INJURUS???', but of course if it's possible for me to run it here I will make a high detail pack available for those that want ludicrously good textures, models, and immersion and have the PC for it. The public version in the future will not have GPU VRAM requirements (video memory) that is so steep, again, 'my bad'.

    --That is all
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  8. eggward

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    Apr 28, 2020
    do you plan on expanding the existing rail line? i know there are already some subways, but what about some elevated rail lines? a freight yard? also, do you plan on making, commissioning, or simply asking someone to make an accompanying subway train?
  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Elevated rail lines - YES, there's already the start of one over where it crosses a flood control canal. I haven't built more as I was going to have a contribution by someone, but they got busy (etc) and that didn't materialize. So, I will get to it, that section will be quite run-down anyways and have a lot of buildings you can explore, fly off of collapsed ceilings/roofs, and so-forth - oh and the roads will be absolutely positively terrible - think Detroit :) Yes, that's what's coming over past the mall where the ? is on the terrain and nothing's build sans a flood control canal.
    A rail yard? There might be one, one day, not sure how I will fit it in or where, but it might be a rural line of train track somewhere, I have to see where the terrain will be able to fit it in logically.
    I am not sure I can fit it into the industrial area by the airport, so don't hold breath for one there.
    A subway train? There already is one! I forget who made it, but it was pretty awesome in it's own right. If you're like me and save older versions of the game to use mods with or test maps across versions or even edit, you can run it more than likely in 0.18~0.19 (I am editing on 0.20 now that 0.21 is out - 0.21 is rather buggy and crashed 10 seconds after I started using it, several different ways, in both editors. I keep old versions to keep this project moving, it's slow going enough as it is without more stuff keeping me from doing what I need to).
    Remember folks, you can access Editor 1.0 by hitting CTRL+SHIFT F11 and not just F11 which brings up Editor 2.0 which I have too many issues trying to use.
    Editor 1.0 for life. The entire map sans a few resized decal roads is entirely made in Editor 1.0.
    When Editor 2.0 is ready for prime time (hint: it's not, not even remotely close), then I'll be able to use it but not on this project. If Editor 1.0 support is dropped entirely, I will continue to editor from old versions until it's no longer a sane decision.

    Please ignore any stray lines or patches in the first shot, I've got a bunch of source material stored there temporarily.

    This unfinished lot is absolutely massive and will feature hundreds of parking stalls. There is also sections for bus parking for passenger unloading / storage / short-term parking and so-forth. This lot is meant as a long-term parking area and will feature ticket booths going in (first shot) and you pay for your parking as you leave at the exit booths (second shot). Third shot included just for size/perspective, and for those that know the map, the big stack interchange is just out-of-shot to the left. I will be finishing this for the most part before I upload the beta, so I have a few days of work yet on it.
    The airport runway model is almost done, I do have to make the retaining walls around it (as it is built on 'fill' and so you need retaining walls and such), and tile the runway pieces together and it should be done. I'd reckon about a day of work on it, maybe, give or take some hours.
    The runway will be able to be used when this beta is uploaded, and will be great to land very large aircraft that you'd typically find at an international airport and large hub such as this one. So, pilots can rejoice that we're finally getting a REAL runway (almost 2 miles long, or close).
    The runway may be missing some threshold markings if the model takes too long or I need to spend time on other things in-stead, but it will be functional. I will make sure it doesn't disappear quickly from far away, because you need to be able to see it for a few miles to be able to properly land.
    For those prospecting on using aircraft on this map, please get in touch with me if you have any special requests. I'd like this map to please both road users and train lovers, but also pilots too. I can't fly anything to save my sorry hide so you must let me know if anything is amiss when the beta comes out or the pictures go up.
    • Like Like x 6
  10. Bauer33333

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    Jul 25, 2020
    When we are talking about public transportation...
    What do you think about adding a busway from here to the airport:
    The area is very flat and you could build very straight, so this could be an abandoned railway corridor like this one, abandoned railways are pretty common in american industrial areas:
    The area down there is not connected by the subway, there is currently no high capacity option to bring people to the airport and I would love to bring some drag cars on such a strip.
    And in my opinion busways are a topic that is almost never featured in maps and feels a bit neglected, probably because you need big citys with low density areas to add them plausible
  11. NuclearKnight

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    Nov 30, 2013
    For some reason this mode is giving me no\ texture problems also the bridge are all gone. I used to have Socal but i deleted it i've also reinstalled this mod several times. Any idea what could be conflicting or something i could try before i re install game?
  12. obamanium

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    Dec 22, 2020
    Clear cache?
  13. NuclearKnight

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    Nov 30, 2013
    Just tried din't work. Guess its time for fresh install of game.
    --- Post updated ---
    Fresh install cleared cache cleared all mods still won't work. Just gonna go back to the original So Cal map because all this effort isn't worth it right now. No reason for it not to be working.
  14. Slugfest

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    Jun 28, 2020
    This is known to conflict with his other maps, so make sure you only have one installed at a time. I have no issues with it right now.
  15. obamanium

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    Dec 22, 2020
    Try deleting or removing any other mods you have clear cache and try again
  16. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Remove SO-CAL interstate, you will not need it with this map. This map used to be So-Cal in terrain and road locations ONLY. Everything So-Cal had and much, much, much more is included in this map. So-Cal was originally designed for a city layout, but when I was working on it in 2016~2017 I had absolutely positively no clue how to model buildings. I also didn't want to just take everyone else's buildings. So here we are.
    Maps that work with this one:
    Roane County
    Nevada Interstate
    Tail of the dragon
    Maps THAT DO NOT WORK with this one:
    So-Cal Interstate (unsupported tag). Please do not use or have So-Cal Interstate when you use this map or that one will override all content of this map.

    If you edited So-Cal and changed it in some way and saved it, please remove the following folder:
    Skip that last folder deletion step if you did not edit it.

    Thank-you, and thanks to Slugfest to try and help.
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  17. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Finally, almost finished with the over-flow / long-term parking area for the civilian airport.
    The model is mostly put together sans any guide-signs for the runways (I'll need a few days getting those together so they are correct / to specification). All the taxi-ways, white / yellow striping, graphics, hold points are done (well, hold points prior to entering run-ways are there but not otherwise).

    Plenty of car-launching rocks that function well as ramps just in-case lines at the pay booths out of the lot get too long. They're also there for map-flow, too. I will make sure to have some at the other end by the highway, just in-case you don't want to drive the mile+ to get out of the airport the PROPER way. Of-course expect there's going to be impromptu jumps made out of anything it's possible to make one out of, because it's a BOB map - shouldn't expect anything less. This is a car CRASH simulator in addition to a driving simulator, so we can't forget the PMO/MMO (primary / main mission objective, for those civvies out there). Above all, it's got to be fun. So it can be a major drift heaven if you so choose to use it that way, as there's not nearly as many dividing sidewalks between the rows (actually, there isn't much in the way of sidewalks, which is bad for this purpose, though that will change a little in the future & I will add some more as time goes on). The lot is tapered to allow proper drainage in almost all areas. I despise 100% perfectly flat terrain, as it's rather boring. Nothing is perfectly flat, otherwise, every lot with any type of curbing would hold water until it evaporated or found a (storm water) inlet to drain into. That said, water only needs roughly 2% grade to move on it's on demeanor, so still plenty good for drifting as-stated before.
    --That's all for now.
    Should have something out over the weekend.
    • Like Like x 10
  18. 2004AudiA41.8T6Spd

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    Feb 18, 2020
    ]You should
    Make a map like east coast USA but bigger.
    #1638 2004AudiA41.8T6Spd, Jan 30, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Just wondering. Are you gonna add more buildings at the hanger area with the runway and stuff?
  20. C4BB4G3

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    Jul 21, 2019
    love the look of this map, shame i need to wait 20 minutes for it to download:p
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