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Adding multiple engines breaks my mod

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by passengerpigeon, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. passengerpigeon

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    Jan 22, 2017
    Hello all,
    I have currently run into a mysterious bug with a mod that I am trying to create and although I have asked this question before, it was in a thread with a different title, so I think a wider audience might be able to figure it out. Here is the .zip file of the mod that is experiencing bugs. In the /modfiles folder, there are three engine files: moonhawk_I4engine.jbeam, moonhawk_beaterengine.jbeam and moonhawk_blownengine.jbeam. If I run the mod with moonhawk_I4engine.jbeam as well as either moonhawk_blownengine or beaterengine.jbeam (but not both), all of the engines and parts added by those files work perfectly. If, however, I try to run the mod with all three engine files, none of my modded parts show up in the configuration menu. I previously tried combining the beater and blown engines into a single .jbeam file, but that resulted in the mod breaking the Moonhawk and preventing it from spawning for some reason.
  2. Taza

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    Nov 8, 2015
    For me it works no problemso_O
  3. passengerpigeon

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    Jan 22, 2017
    Really? I'll check that later when I get time. Thanks!
  4. passengerpigeon

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    Jan 22, 2017
    Well I'll be damned, it does work. I don't know why I thought it was broken in the first place. I have, however, found out that the mod breaks again when I try to add a vehicle skin (one of the planned features for the mod). Here is the materials.cs file with the new skin added, located in /vehicles/moonhawk/modfiles:
    singleton Material(moonhawk_I4engine)
    mapTo = "moonhawk_I4engine";
    reflectivityMap[1] = "vehicles/moonhawk/modfiles/moonhawk_I4engine_s.dds";
    diffuseMap[1] = "vehicles/moonhawk/modfiles/moonhawk_I4engine_d.dds";
    specularMap[1] = "vehicles/moonhawk/modfiles/moonhawk_I4engine_s.dds";
    normalMap[1] = "vehicles/moonhawk/modfiles/moonhawk_I4engine_n.dds";
    reflectivityMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/modfiles/moonhawk_I4engine_s.dds";
    diffuseMap[0] = "vehicles/common/null.dds";
    specularMap[0] = "vehicles/common/null.dds";
    normalMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/modfiles/moonhawk_I4engine_n.dds";
    specularPower[0] = "128";
    pixelSpecular[0] = "1";
    specularPower[1] = "32";
    pixelSpecular[1] = "1";
    diffuseColor[0] = "1 1 1 1";
    diffuseColor[1] = "1 1 1 1";
    useAnisotropic[0] = "1";
    useAnisotropic[1] = "1";
    castShadows = "1";
    translucent = "1";
    translucentBlendOp = "None";
    alphaTest = "0";
    alphaRef = "0";
    dynamicCubemap = true;
    materialTag0 = "beamng"; materialTag1 = "vehicle";

    singleton Material("moonhawk_intcarpet.skin_interior.worn")
    mapTo = "moonhawk_intcarpet.skin_interior.worn";
    normalMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_intcarpet_n.dds";
    diffuseMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_intcarpet_d_worn.dds";
    diffuseColor[0] = "1 1 1 1";
    specularPower[0] = "32";
    useAnisotropic[0] = "1";
    castShadows = "1";
    materialTag0 = "beamng"; materialTag1 = "vehicle";

    singleton Material("moonhawk_interior.skin_interior.worn")
    mapTo = "moonhawk_interior.skin_interior.worn";
    normalMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_interior_n.dds";
    diffuseMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_interior_d_worn.dds";
    specularMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_interior_s.dds";
    diffuseColor[0] = "1 1 1 1";
    specularPower[0] = "32";
    useAnisotropic[0] = "1";
    castShadows = "1";
    translucent = "0";
    translucentBlendOp = "None";
    alphaTest = "0";
    alphaRef = "0";
    cubemap = "global_cubemap_metalblurred";
    materialTag0 = "beamng"; materialTag1 = "vehicle";

    singleton Material("moonhawk.skin.paintworn")
    mapTo = "moonhawk.skin.paintworn";
    overlayMap[3] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_skin_worn.dds
    colorPaletteMap[3] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_skin_chrome.dds";
    diffuseMap[3] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_chrome.dds";
    specularMap[3] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_s.dds";
    normalMap[3] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_n.dds";
    specularPower[3] = "128";
    pixelSpecular[3] = "1";
    useAnisotropic[3] = "1";
    diffuseMap[2] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_d.dds";
    specularMap[2] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_s.dds";
    normalMap[2] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_n.dds";
    diffuseMap[1] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_d.dds";
    specularMap[1] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_s.dds";
    normalMap[1] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_n.dds";
    diffuseMap[0] = "vehicles/common/null.dds";
    specularMap[0] = "vehicles/common/null.dds";
    normalMap[0] = "vehicles/moonhawk/moonhawk_n.dds";
    specularPower[0] = "128";
    pixelSpecular[0] = "1";
    specularPower[1] = "32";
    pixelSpecular[1] = "1";
    specularPower[2] = "128";
    pixelSpecular[2] = "1";
    diffuseColor[0] = "1 1 1 1";
    diffuseColor[1] = "1 1 1 1";
    diffuseColor[2] = "1 1 1 1";
    useAnisotropic[0] = "1";
    useAnisotropic[1] = "1";
    useAnisotropic[2] = "1";
    castShadows = "1";
    translucent = "1";
    translucentBlendOp = "None";
    alphaTest = "0";
    alphaRef = "0";
    dynamicCubemap = true;
    instanceDiffuse[2] = true;
    materialTag0 = "beamng"; materialTag1 = "vehicle";
    And here is the modskins.jbeam file, located in /vehicles/moonhawk:
    "moonhawk_skin_interior_worn": {
    "name":"Worn Interior (Not yet implemented)",
    "slotType" : "skin_interior",
    "skinName" : "worn",
    "moonhawk_skin_worn": {
    "name":"Worn Paint (Not yet implemented)",
    "slotType" : "paint_design",
    "skinName" : "paintworn",

    The moonhawk_skin_worn skin is the addition that caused the mod to break. The other skin works perfectly in the game. Have I formatted the skin or materials files incorrectly? I have no idea why this mod hates me adding new content...
  5. Taza

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    Nov 8, 2015
    The jbeam should look like this:
    "moonhawk_skin_interior_worn": {
        "name":"Worn Interior (Not yet implemented)",
        "slotType" : "skin_interior",
        "skinName" : "worn",
    "moonhawk_skin_worn": {
        "name":"Worn Paint (Not yet implemented)",
        "slotType" : "paint_design",
        "skinName" : "paintworn",
    disclaimer: I have not tested this

    Edit: it was the curly brackets I changed.
    #5 Taza, Feb 6, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
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