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Bajarama lap times

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ericmurillo477b, May 11, 2021.

  1. ericmurillo477b

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    Nov 27, 2019
    Hey everyone I know ROR Bajarama is an old map but I'm still throwing down laps. I would like to see what lap times people getting and start a little competition.
    I did find an older thread but I wasn't able to post on it.

    I don't want to have many rules so let's just say that you should record your times using the hotlapping app in the game and your timed lap should be from a flying start while staying within the track boundaries. You don't have to tell us your tuning secrets but major part changes and engine swaps are worth mentioning.

    To start us off I got a 2:02.7 with the lks prerunner in the bajarama trim. This was a flying lap. No parts were changed or removed. I only made some tuning adjustment in gearing, tire pressure, and suspension. The most important change is that I reduced fuel to 80L rather than 100L. I'll keep going and see if I can get sub 2 minutes and post the video.
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