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BeamNG + SLI?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hellacat, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. hellacat

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    Aug 7, 2013
    Inb4 "sli is ancient history"

    I run twin 1070s in my main machine but im dissapointed that beamng isnt compatible with double gpus. Has anyone had any success with multi gpus and beamng? Is there any demand for it? What are your thoughts
  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    There is no special SLI support.
    You may be able to enable it, but you may not see any particular benefit from it.
  3. EvilMcSheep

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    Jan 5, 2016
    The game's not completely incompatible with it, as I've heard that modern AMD cards scale reasonably well if CF is forced on.
    For some even less relevant, but first-hand information, my HD 6990s scale all the way up to 4-way, though there are some settings/map elements that need to be reduced/removed to avoid flickering/frame drops.

    As you can see, average FPS has great scaling, but the lows don't, so the 'feel' doesn't actually improve that much with more GPUs (though my FX CPU might be partially to blame for this) :(
  4. F_For_Freedom

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    Apr 28, 2020
    Hey EvilMcSheep,as I have a more modern and more performant Cpu,if I ever get the chance soon to mess around with SLI/Xfire,I'll update this post,even though I'm not sure it will be helpful
  5. atv_123

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Yep, I had twin 5650HD's in CrossFire for a good long while... without crossfire I averaged about 18FPS... which was rough... once I bought the CrossFire bridge cable and enabled it, I got about 30FPS... which was actually playable for me. So it did work pretty well since the computer had them in it already.

    Granted, I eventually pulled them out and dropped in a GTX 1070 and now I rarely drop below 120FPS (and thats on a much bigger, much higher res screen as well). So I don't know what kind of super performance you're looking for, but there is the possibility that you are seeing your game limited by your CPU now rather than your GPU's. 1070's, while getting up there in age, are still pretty powerful cards... so there is a good possibility that just past 1 1070, your CPU can no longer keep up which makes it look like your dual 1070's are suffering when in fact, there just isn't enough for them to do :p
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  6. EvilMcSheep

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    Jan 5, 2016
    Hope you do! Would be interesting to see how well modern hardware scales, especially with lows! :)

    It sounds like OP's 2nd GPU isn't working at all, instead of not adding performance, which seems to be common with NV cards on Beam...
    (are there no alternative SLI modes/profiles to try?)
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