WIP Beta released Belasco City Street Circuit

Discussion in 'Terrains, Levels, Maps' started by Krazycrafter1053, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. Krazycrafter1053

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    Mar 10, 2021
    Belasco City Street Circuit


    In the early 1990s, the Beam Racing Championship was looking for a new city to host a series of races. Belasco City was one such city which was considered, and as such, was approached by the racing series and was asked to provide a host for this race; and such the Belasco City Street Circuit was born.

    With a total distance of approximately 2 miles, this 24 corner circuit has many opportunities to overtake, but is still challenging.


    In the modern era, the Belasco City Street Circuit is still used by many racing series, including the Beam Touring Car Championship and the American Prototype Series, as well as BeamCar and Formula 4.
    This mod captures the state of the circuit in the current day - which, while not changing much since it's creation, has been modernized to comply with modern racing standards.


    Future plans:
    I intend to create a trophy truck circuit elsewhere in downtown Belasco City, and I also intend to continue to update this map with small fixes and modifications to keep it enjoyable.

    BeamNG for most of the props and map.
    trackbroseff on discord for help with some kerbing and other assistance with the mod

    Please do not redistribute this mod without my explicit permission.
    Please do not use this mod in any video content without providing a link to the mod.

    Known Issues:
    - Some kerbing out of turns 4/5, 15, 18, 19, 23 and 24 may have a tendency to damage your vehicle.
    - Small texturing issues
    - Tire Barriers do not have collision.
    - Pit Garages are low quality.

    Please feel free to give feedback regarding anything, but be constructive.
    Also, feel free to report any bugs you may find here.


    Attached Files:

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    • Like Like x 10
  2. Ax50

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    Aug 12, 2019
    Ok I like the idea, there is some stuff that I want to ask/point out:
    -Why reupload the entire map instead of making it a mission? I know the missions system is annoying for hotlapping as you can't reset your car, but at least it allows to spawn the prefabs for those who know how to, and when the devs eventually update the map, it will be less of an hassle for you to update the mod I think.

    About the layout:
    20231118121939_1.jpg 20231118122041_1.jpg 20231118122117_1.jpg
    These chicanes are impossibly short and/or narrow, they totally break the fun of the track and I doubt there's enough space for even two cars in the red ones. You should make them wider and much longer (if not getting rid of them), think of the proportion of Monza's chicanes for instance.

    This one as well, I understand why it's there because of the pavement bit. My suggestion would be to just skip this whole part like this:

    Finally, the start/finish area is weirdly placed? Usually on a track it's parallel to the pits so you start a new lap when you exit them, so it's weird for the pits to be behind it. Moreover when there was plenty of space to put it before. Plus on the current one when you start it's immediately a 90° turn which is neither fun or usual.
    Also yes putting the starting grid on this straight would allow to skip another chicane which would make the flow better (did I tell you I hate 90% of chicanes on racetracks? Nothing to do with your mod btw but by god chicanes should be as sparse as possible on a track)

    Edit: One more thing about the chicanes: There's definently no need for the tire stack on the apexes, because that's where I'd want to put my car when taking these, as far in as possible with barely two wheels left on the track, that's how you usually approach corners
    #2 Ax50, Nov 18, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
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  3. Krazycrafter1053

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    Mar 10, 2021
    For this, my reasoning was because the map would be annoying to just drive in singleplayer. I can make a scenario or time trial version of it too, though.

    The first chicane in the images you posted was created due to the transition from the wide straight to the significantly more narrow section. It's designed like this to slow the cars down and make an easy transition between two sections. I can perhaps change this if need be, but I would need to readjust the entire sector of the track.
    The second chicane was created due to the tendency of cars to drive straight into the wall at the final corner, due to the high speeds. I feel it makes more opportunities to overtake on the following straight, making exit speed more important. (The tire barriers are just there to attempt to deter you from cutting the snot out of the chicane) I could experiment with moving the chicane around, though.
    The third chicane is there to prevent flight down the back stretch. Sadly, there is not a lot of wiggle room here - the sidewalks have a tendency to get in the way. I can possibly try and work around this, but it will be annoying.

    Sadly, this would be extremely difficult due to the very steep nature of this area - the car would fly and destroy itself going up the hill. The chicane is a bit awkward, but I feel it gives the track character.

    For the placement of the start/finish, I do agree. It's in a very odd spot. I hate it too!
    My dilemma is that the straight which you suggested would be entirely too narrow to safely have a grid of cars lined up. That was where the start/finish was originally intended to be. But... I actually think this is a very good idea to modify the pit straight, though, and I plan to make these modifications with the next version of the map. The start/finish is in it's current location solely for the reason that that is the only area wide enough and close enough to the pitlane to be reasonable for the start/finish.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Fennikal

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    May 10, 2022
    Hey, this is a pretty fun circuit and I've had a blast running it with the Formula 4 mod. My only suggestion would be maybe take advantage of portions of unused roads to build more runoff areas. It doesn't make sense to me that corners like Turn 16 have a runoff area but the heavy braking zone out of the longest straight on the track into Turn 23 doesn't when there is space for one. Also there's a weird bump in Turn 6 with a weird texture (I don't know if that's just West Coast though)

    Attached Files:

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  5. Krazycrafter1053

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    Mar 10, 2021
    Yes, I am going to fix that. I am intending to actually remove that chicane entirely!
  6. Krazycrafter1053

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    Mar 10, 2021
  7. RacerRobin24

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    Mar 30, 2016
  8. KB5_CARS

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    Apr 17, 2023
    Been looking for something like this for ages and it's perfect, the corners flow well and it feels realistic. The only thing I'd say could be cool is if there was floodlights that could light up the track at night, so you could use the track at all times. :)
  9. XxTomCoolpopxX

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    May 7, 2017
    This is an awesome circuit, one of the best modded street circuits in the game for sure!

    The updated version is an improvement, it has a much better flow than the first version, however some suggestions if I may:

    1. Flatten the T5 apex (maybe even T4 as well) since I've found that in open wheelers like the F4, the floor can catch on the T5 kerb and rip itself off the chassis, flipping the car over. I do like the challenge of the T4 kerb, since you can straddle it and carry a decent amount of speed through, but the T5 kerb kinda ruins it. I'd suggest either a painted T5 kerb, or removing it completely. Keep the tyre stacks though - it's a nice little challenge!

    2. Make the T9 chicane more substantial. I see how the corner is meant to be taken, but as it currently is, I feel you can carry a bit too much speed through it by aiming towards the first apex and braking (as you can see in the quali lap video below). Maybe adding another apex may alleviate this(?)

    3. Pleeeassseeee smoothen the road surface going up to T19, it's too bumpy for my poor tyres XD

    Anyway, teeny suggestions aside, I love this track, it very much feels like it could exist irl, and I have put many hours into trying to perfect my lines round here. If I bin it in my iRacing DNLS league race this weekend I'll be blaming this track ;)

    F4 Quali Lap Attempt:
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Krazycrafter1053

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    Mar 10, 2021

    Thank you for the suggestions! I agree, the turn 4/5 chicane is a bit flawed at the moment.
  11. KB5_CARS

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    Apr 17, 2023
    Loving the track so far was wondering if it would be to much of a stretch to add a second smaller course on Spearleaf Island where you go through some industrial zones and around the mountain road as it'd have a completely different vibe than the large inter-city track.
  12. GreenBug1969

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    Nov 24, 2020
    I really like this track, it would be cool if you made one that was wider, like a formula one style street circut.
  13. jackhenry1228

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    May 26, 2024
    I love this track, but can you make a hotlapping thing for it, because when i do it, the ai becomes weird and randomly tries to turn around even though it went through the beacon thing. other wise, this track is perfect 9/10.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. ThePlaneEnthusiast

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    Nov 12, 2023
    that will never happen cause krazy just abandoned this mod
  15. jackhenry1228

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    May 26, 2024
    aww man, its so good though
  16. ThePlaneEnthusiast

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    Nov 12, 2023
    yeah i know, but all good things must come to an end, don't they?
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