Unsolved [Blender] Order of materials associated to a mesh doesn't stick through export

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Deleted member 160369, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. Deleted member 160369

    Deleted member 160369
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    I have two meshes in my .DAE file for two similar spotlights to be mounted on each side of a rollcage, the right one (CRD_riilight_R) being a mirrored duplicate of the left one (CRD_riilight_L).

    I'm trying to reorder materials associated to the right emitter (CRD_riilight_R) so that the material for the light (CRD_riilight_R) goes first, while the material for the frame (CRD_riilightframes) shared with the other emitter goes second.

    While this works fine for the left light, materials keep getting switched up for the right light once I export as COLLADA, frame material being forced into first position no matter what.

    I can't figure it out. Is there a workaround for this?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Attached Files:

  2. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Obviously stupid question, but did you remove related .cdae from cache folder after new try of exporting dae?

    Also, how it is arranged in materials.cs, material associated to CRD_riilight_R and CRD_riilight_L is before material that is associated with CRD_riilightframes?

    Opening .dae with notepad++ and tampering with insides might also show if it is .dae or something else that needs modifying.
  3. Deleted member 160369

    Deleted member 160369
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    Yes. Exported .DAE is yet to go in game, so no cache file is generated as of now. Purely a Blender issue so far.
    See above. Blender reorganizes materials for reasons unknown. Order in materials.cs doesn't come into play yet.
    Editing with an XML editor would work, but any manual modification would then be negated as soon as .DAE is imported in Blender again.
  4. Deleted member 160369

    Deleted member 160369
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    Well, nevermind, I gave up and accepted the imposed order for both objects.
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