Can somebody make a Mark I Mini cooper mod?

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Iluvherbie, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. Iluvherbie

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    Jun 18, 2020
    This is my first ever thread that I'm writing. So I really like the Mark I mini cooper and I know many of you guys will disagree. So I was looking for a mini cooper mod in BeamNG.Drive but I only found it in the automation section. Now, Ik a lot of you will say 'YeAH So? AuToMAtIoN MoDs ArE aLsO GoOD' yes Ik automation mods are cool and all but I really love a good Forum mod which have cars with interior. So if any good mod creator is reading this then please make a Mark I Mini. (Also please don't be in a hurry make it perfect take your time. If you want to take some months please go ahead and do. Also this is just a request plz don't be rude to me)
  2. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    I admit a bmc mini would be a cool mod to make, as there are plenty of potential variants of it that could be made,
    things like the series 1, 2, 3, Wolseley/riley and clubman front ends, along with the normal, Wolseley/riley, van, pickup, and broadspeed bodies, as well as options for different panel seams, door hinges, door windows, taillights, etc.

    But making even just one variant is quite a monumental task, it's unlikely someone will make it simply because you asked.
    I suggest you try making it yourself, as modding can be quite a rewarding hobby.
    The best place to start with that if you're interested would probably to learn how to 3d model in a program like Blender. for this, I suggest BlenderGuru's YouTube channel.
  3. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    Automation mods suck, just for the record. They aren’t even mods.

    If you want someone to make a mod for you you’re going to need to pay them. Even super low effort ones like you’re describing will take months.

    hopefully this helps!
  4. Iluvherbie

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    Jun 18, 2020
    I am not really saying that the mod is for me I am just saying for everyone not just me. Because I really want everyone who love the Mini be happy that's all :)
    --- Post updated ---
    Thx for the info :)
  5. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    Yes I’m aware you want to release the mod to everyone, which is great. All I’m saying is you won’t be able to get a mod creator to spend months of their life doing this without paying them. Hopefully you find someone who’s willing ti do it because it’s very cool!
  6. Iluvherbie

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    Jun 18, 2020
    Okay thx
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