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Career Mode 0.31 WIP - Fragile Cargo breaking no matter how smooth I drive

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Mr_StickShift, Dec 23, 2023.

  1. Mr_StickShift

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    May 11, 2019
    Decided to try the career WIP again, not played it for about a year, be damage % counter drops like a stone even if I drive as smoothly as possible.

    Usually it's already damaged before I even get around the first corner at 10mph, and it seems to be worse the slower you go, so the only time it doesn't get damaged is at 40ish Mph in a direct straight line. However, as it's a city, it has tight corners, so as soon as I slow down, loses probably 1-5% of damage just by slowly applying the brakes. It just all seems very broken at this stage where the fragile cargo's are unusable.

    Tried it with 3 different vehicles, Bastion, T series, D-Series Pickup, all the same thing, no matter how gentle I drive.

  2. TStabbert

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    BeamNG Team

    Nov 28, 2016
    Thanks for the report :) like you said, career is still WIP. The system for fragile cargo is only a prototype at the moment and does not work properly with bigger vehicles.
    For more detail: The current implementation only checks the vehicles refnodes position and calculates the velocity, acceleration and jerk from that. Acceleration and Jerk are then used to calculate the damage to the cargo, if the sum exceeds some sensitivity threshold. Sensitivity can be changed, but it leaves us with two options:
    • leave sensitivity as is: it will work fine for cars, but trucks will be "broken" because fragility will trickle down slowly even when driving normally
    • change/lower sentivity: it will work better for trucks (ie no or a lot less "trickling" when driving normally), but bumpy driving (ie over sidewalks, rough terrain, and also crashing) will deal a lot less damage to the item. crashing head-on at full speed into another car might only reduce it by as much as 10 hp or so
    We decided to leave the sensitivity as it is right now so that the fragile cargo modifier works properly for the majority of the cars.
    We are planning to change this system so that the movement detection happens directly at the cargo boxes (since they are part of jbeam) in the future.
    Hope this makes it a bit clearer :)
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  3. JlnPrssnr

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    Jun 15, 2016
    Can't you balance it based on vehicle weight? I presume that's comparatively easy to get, then multiply the cargo damage disproportionally with it. Just as a quick workaround
  4. PowerstrokeHD

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    Feb 5, 2021
    It is definietly a tad bit finicky. When I went to pick up a load and then return back to the game, the boxes from my flatbed broke and flew up in the air!
  5. TStabbert

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    BeamNG Team

    Nov 28, 2016
    This might fix some cases, but the main issue persists. Like i mentioned, we want to change the fragile-system as a whole, which will solve the other issues as well

    will be fixed in a hotfix hopefully soon :)
    Same issue as this i suppose? (at 15:28)
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  6. PowerstrokeHD

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    Feb 5, 2021
    Yes. Thanks
  7. Mr_StickShift

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    May 11, 2019

    Thanks very much, pretty much everything I wanted out of a reply hah, shame it's quite complex to fix for the trucks and stuff, but it's still usable in career, fully loaded with fragile and all destroyed still nets a pretty decent amount of cash, but yeah, we will see in future what different versions bring.

  8. ZdrytchX

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    Jan 8, 2024
    I tend to have less issues with cargo trailers, but I've also had fragile items lose more than 40hp every second in a motionless vehicle before because the cargo box was uhh, mounted upside down.

    Also the sensitivity isn't necessarily fine for small cars imo, it's really all up to jbeam wiggle that ruins the day. Some vanilla cars have pretty noticible jbeam wiggles, some are catastrophic (as is the case with truck dollies that occasionally spontaneously cause stuff to explode upon coupling). The fact that wheels aren't perfectly circular also impacts the fragility of items.

    My suggestion is to have it take the moving average over the course of let's say about 0.1s and use the acceleration values from that.

    BeamLR, another third-party career related mod had used the in-game acceleration system to determine the player's health (so the player can actually die from crashes / receive fatigue health damage from excessive driving for long periods of time) had to ditch the acceleration system for their fatigue system a while back due to changes on the system's mechanics.
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