Control Settings Improvements

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Garbius, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. Garbius

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    Apr 21, 2024
    The current controls settings have some limitations that limit the usefulness of some hardware and generally restricts the ability to customize controls to suit ones preferences. To combat that, I have some ideas that would increase user control while still keeping the UI simple and compact.

    The first thing I'd like to suggest is to introduce a new "Hold" checkbox in the right hand panel for relevant actions (e.g. parking brake, lights, and turn signals) to control whether the action is triggered by holding the control or if it is toggled between two states by tapping it. This option would, of course, be set per binding rather than per action to maximize customizability and avoid regression. Implementing this would allow for more customization for some actions and functionality that already have separate toggle/hold actions in the left pane can be merged to reduce menu clutter.

    I have made a rough mockup of a possible layout for this solution:

    The parking brake is a special case with its smart activation mode. With the suggested UI scheme, it would make sense to have it as an additional checkbox in the right pane to toggle it that also disables the "Hold" checkbox. which would reduce the three related actions in the left pane to just one.

    Another mockup:

    One limitation with the hold checkbox is that it will only work if an input has two states and currently some controls cycle between three or more states. My idea is to expand the solution that is already used for the ignition state by having one "Toggle" input and a "Set" input for each state. Doing so would add several new rows to the left pane and clutter the menu. My idea to solve that is to group the "Set" actions as sub menus to the "Toggle" action.

    Yet another mockup:

    Side note: I don't see what the difference is between "Toggle ESC/TC Mode" and "Next Drive Mode". Are they the same action?

    This suggestion leaves one question unanswered (that I can think of), which is what to do with all the different modes with differentials, rangeboxes, transfer cases, and TC. There are so many combinations across different vehicles and configurations that having separate action for every single combination might not be viable. Ideas for this one are welcome.

    Same thing goes for everything suggested, of course. If you can think of something smarter than what I have come up with, go ahead and post it. I'm open for discussion.
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