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DirectX issues and other bugs i found

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Societe Generale Chiatt, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. Societe Generale Chiatt

    Societe Generale Chiatt
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    Apr 29, 2023
    I have already created a support ticket about this issue to which the developers replied that I wasn't precise enough.

    So to avoid spamming support tickets I am posting this here (and also because I have stumbled upon other minor issues while playing).

    My main problem is with fullscreen and borderless modes :
    -In Vulkan pressing Alt+Enter toggles borderless like in any other game
    -In DirectX pressing Alt+Enter toggles the broken fullscreen mode
    I am very used to using Alt+Enter to get in and out of fullscreen in a game but this doesn't work in BeamNG just because the shortcut isn't mapped to the correct thing. Do you imagine the numbers of new players that get confused by this?

    This was my main issue now for the other Literally Unplayable™️ ones :
    -The turn signal shortcuts are kinda weird with an AZERTY layout :
    -The Insert key is still used for vehicle recovery and despite it not being present on modern keyboards and the I key now being free (I don't really car about this one since I use a controller)
    -This Soliad Lansdale config has second gen production dates despite being first gen
    -And last but not least, these road markings in WCUSA don't make sense! (you think there is 4 lanes but there is only 2)
    Screenshot2024-04-16205420.png Screenshot2024-04-16205536.png
    That's it for my Literally Unplyable™️ issues, if I find more I will let you know!
  2. Societe Generale Chiatt

    Societe Generale Chiatt
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    Apr 29, 2023
    I have found something else, and that is in the way vulkan handles traffic. Basically I think that the auto setting that determines the number of car to spawn over estimates your cpu performance since vulkan is "worse" at managing traffic and it will take more ressources
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