
Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Dummiesman, May 31, 2015.

  1. 1UZ-FE

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    Oct 13, 2014
    What is the dpa? And that's sick he's got the g27. I actually had to quit smoking recently to look for a career in hvac for commercial work. So if I can find time somehow, totally down to meet
  2. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Had a dream that I was with my dads friend going somewhere, on a perfectly sunny day, and ended up at a parking lot full of trucks. I ended up taking the drivers seat gradually over our drive, and now it was my turn to park. I was getting cheered on as I parked , then went inside the restaurant everyone was at. My dads friend left somewhere to talk to people while I ordered food, somehow the bill came to $2000, the receipt said something like "90 day membership" bla bla, and after I exclaimed "$2000!?" the woman with the receipt walked back into the back room.

    <break in story because I forgot what happened>

    All of the sudden, the restaurant is broken at the table I was sitting at. I'm relieved that I won't have to pay $2000 though. I can remember people calling out to me from the top floor of the restaurant which was hanging over the edge of a snowy cliff (Possibly inspired by COD : Black Ops 1 snow map in DLC). That's all I remember of that dream D:
  3. rachmat_777

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    Dec 9, 2014
    I had a dream where i was in a classic mini car show, looking clean and heavily modified minis, and suddenly, saw a red, wide tires, fender flares, and a SR20 swap. Then i woke up.
  4. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    deer park ave, in north babylon, off the southern state...its the hot spot for car meets and shit over the weekends etc. Yea man id be down...

    on topic I had a dream once.
  5. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    It was a while ago that I had a dream that I went to a park in the winter, and there was too much snow under the swings to use them.

    The swings have bars on either side.

    It was about 2 minutes ago I had a dream that I was going to the park to swing, and I walked to the swing regardless of the amount of snow. Then the snow remover truck comes straight for the swings and stops an inch or less away from the bars. It looked something similar to this : https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5051/5458213603_a38bb41074_b.jpg but even bigger.

    Quite a wake up.
  6. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Last night's partial dream log:

    Dream # 1 : (Last night I ate food but got a stomach ache from it, but went straight to bed after so I didn't notice I had one until I woke up feeling nauseous) Was dreaming that I had some kind of blockage in my stomach causing huge pain and wanted to go to the hospital.. Weird

    Dream #2 : Was in a shop, and it was a "lazy day" or something, where you could take other peoples carts with their kids in them and they wouldn't even get mad... I don't even know

    Dream #3 : Had a dream I was being driven around in some kind of vehicle and everything in the city was sort of mixed up. For example : High school I used to go to had a glass roof from a mall somewhere around here.
  7. Joeyfuller2000

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    Jan 19, 2015
    I saw Jurassic World, and then dreamed I was being chased by dinosaurs in a prehistoric Texas.
  8. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Dream log from last night:

    Had a dream I saw "bae", cuddled them, got carried around.

    Had a dream I saw "other bae", same thing somewhat, ended up hanging out a bit then going to bed with them (just sleeping, jeez).

    Had a dream I was at a theme park , and it had "The Decisioner" or something. Basically a trust ride for couples where, it was some sort of spinning ride, and if you didn't hold your significant other on a rope as it spun they'd fall out of the ride. Weirdly, I only saw the ride through a "camera", then was back to seeing my own eyes. A woman asked me if I "suddenly saw a camera" as well.

    Dream log from 2 nights ago:

    Had a dream that I was playing with my cat, cat whispered in an older mans voice "You won't be breathing when I'm done with you", then ran away from me.

    Had a dream that a friend convinced me to steal something from someone's house , but it was a setup and the cops got called . Then I walked down the road and instead of the side of my road being forest, it was a concrete retaining wall . I hid behind that then a few minutes later I went to start running again only to realize a motel suddenly appeared beside the wall . In my attempts to escape I stepped on garbage behind the wall and ended up waking people in the motel. Then suddenly I was eating while bike racing an older Asian man at like 80 kmh.
  9. JackAttak

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    Sep 12, 2013
    So last night I had a weird dream. It's now the middle of the afternoon, so I don't remember as much as I did in the morning, but I still remember some stuff (which is rare for me).

    Essentially, I was driving on a super dark road out in the middle of nowhere while looking at a 1960s gauge cluster (maybe I was driving Mr. Regulars's Falcon?), and I came upon a floating yellow jacket on the right side of the road that was moving slowly in the direction that I was going. As I got closer, the jacket thing did the classic jump-scare tactic and teleported right in front of me for a split second. Then I woke up.

    With my vague memories of the whole thing at this point, I don't really remember it as being a nightmare or all that scary, but I'm kinda scaring myself now as I type this. I almost doubt that it was actually a dream that I had, but how else would I come up with this?
  10. SuperNoob05

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    Jan 4, 2015
    I remember having a re-uccuring nightmare when I was like 5 years old.
    I just jumped off the stairs, and as soon as I hit the ground I'd just get teleported back up to the stairs and then it would repeat itself.

    I also remember another re-uccuring nightmare, these ones are (or atleast were when I was 4 years old) really creepy.
    I have to give a little back story on it though.
    So basically I had a creepypasta addiction. The only creepypastas I can remember being nightmare-ified are BEN DROWNED and tails doll .
    The BEN DROWNED one was the less creepy one. I would just see BEN appear all over the house just like in the creepypasta, which I had listened to (back then the german version , since my english wasn't that great back then) in whole, so like every part that was released by then.
    Now, the tails doll one is actually not quite as creepy, but it lasted one month I belive.
    Basically, I'd go to the batchroom at a seemingly random time of day, and suddenly the tais doll would come out of the bath tub and attack me. After that the nightmare ended.
    The creepy part is, that all of the 10 people I've told about it, told me they had the exact same nioghtmare.
    Today these don't effect me as heavely though, since I've stopped caring about anything in creepypastas, and since I've realised that (atleast tails doll) is very poorly written and just in general bad.
    I think that these two things were what the things that contributed most to my sleep inability though, so that's probably why I just couldn't sleep back then and can't sleep now either.
    That's probably also why, if I do sleep, I HAVE to have my tv on, otherwise I will get that feeling of someone/something watching me.
  11. Whippy

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    Dec 28, 2013
    I've had dreams where I was in my room and I could hear voices at night, most of them are just screams, girls screaming in fear, and sometimes I'd hear my mum say my name, but the scariest part was when I realized that I wasn't dreaming, I'm legit hearing voices in my head at night when I'm trying to sleep, so to get my mind off it I have my iPad play a random youtube video's, but not my own.
  12. SuperNoob05

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    Jan 4, 2015
    While I don't hear voices, I do sort of halucinate and try to make something like a chair into a human etc. (only in the darkness though)
    That also stops me from sleeping, but the TV is enough for me to calm down.
  13. JackAttak

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    Sep 12, 2013
    Heh, I do similar stuff even though I try not to. Mind makes part of shadowy darkness into a figure all the time. Solution: pull up the covers. Covers are safe.

    But seriously, after reading through some of the stuff in this thread, I'm really glad I don't have messed up dreams and hallucinate/hear voices. That would be terrifying.
  14. Whippy

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    Dec 28, 2013
    The worst part is when I hear voices, sometimes I hear a loud scream but its really short, it makes my head buzz... but the scary part is that it makes me want to open my eyes, and after I'm hearing voices in my head, last thing I wanna do is that.

    One time I had a dream where I opened a door and this guy in a blue shirt appeared in my eyes, it was the worst thing ever, I will never forget that dream, ever.
  15. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Last night I had a dream of "GTA In real life"

    Basically, it started out with someone saying "Yeah we started the game in a bad spot", but then I started the "game" again at my mothers house. First thing I did was start driving the Merc around, and apparently in any one of my dreams I can't brake a car, so that was a great start. One of the first things I did was ended up on the grass trying to reverse into a friends driveway, after that it cut to me driving down a road, forgetting to signal at every turn. After that, I ended up taking a corner with signaling, and then it was a highway on ramp but apparently with a do not enter sign on one of the lanes, and that lane was also surrounded on both sides with barriers. (My dreams are a weird place) After this I stopped, turned the car around, put it in neutral and hopped out. I started walking the car along like a bike and ended up scratching the paint on a gate that was half open, and thought to myself "Oh yeah, this is a car". After that some guy comes and stops and says "I'm only in the game for ticketing", and gives me a ticket for the damage I did to my car. I ask him how do I get out, and he replies with "There's a nice spot to U-turn right there, because it's a dead end", then I ask for him to be serious and he says "I don't tell you how to drive, I just ticket", then he proceeds to get in his vehicle and leave. That's all I can remember that happened.
  16. Cwazywazy

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    Dec 1, 2012
    I had a weird dream. Basically me and some other people were in the woods and there were a bunch of horror cabins. One for each Disney princess. I forget the rest of it. It was weird.
  17. Rubiespeed03

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    Feb 5, 2015
    I had 2 days ago i dreamed that im a drift master in a Mazda mx5
    and then at la sarte i flew out the last corner
  18. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Last dream I remember I only remember because it was such a horrid experience. I usually dont remember dreams at all.

    But a few days ago. All I remember of the dream is getting shot in the thigh, I suddenly woke up in agonizing pain from it, proper fucking hurt. Then after a few seconds and me coming to senses, was fine.
  19. dg65lg71

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    Jun 12, 2015
    I Never remember my dreams at ALL! So i don't even know why i'm posting this. So bye.
  20. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Had a dream I was talking to a teacher at school, and sat in their car for a minute while they were getting ready to go. Then, when they were ready to go, they just left with me in the car. They decided to just drive me home anyways, so she turned around and started heading towards my house. One more turn later, she smashes into a post. We both exit the vehicle and when I go to walk the rest of the way she starts chasing me down. When I stop, she also stops, as if I'm supposed to stay with her. At this time, the engine is smoking really bad and it's getting hard to breathe, I also realize my cat was in the vehicle, and is now nowhere to be found. Me and her both hide in a nearby garage, and discuss names, family, etc. We then hear a firetruck come and extinguish the car fire, then just leave (GTA V much? :p) Afterwards, I find my cat and the dream ends.
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