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Early Experimental Preview of Career Concept

Discussion in 'Microblogs' started by tdev, Sep 19, 2022.

  1. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    Their development cycle is already planned for the next 6-12 months, so it probably would not even be started by then.
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    What about offroading missions for career mode? maybe using your own vehicle? There is no reason to own one, and I think offroading would be a good reason to own one, and a good challenge depending on the terrain.
  2. LegThePeg

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    Jun 4, 2022
    There isn't that much off-road sections in urban cities
  3. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    Yes, but there could be missions with placed objects, or missions using the empty space around the map. Or possibly an "offroading park" in the future.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. EUDM fanboy

    EUDM fanboy
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    Nov 30, 2023
    I have a suggestion/complaint: The delivery destinations should be more lenient: When you order doordash you don’t expect the delivery driver to park in your driveway, so the game shouldn’t expect you to park in a specific parking spot when you’re delivering auto parts.
  5. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    On top of that, It feels like the size of the Industrial facilities is wasted having only one pick up and drop off location at the front of the facility.
    It'd make more sense to at least make a dedicated trailer drop-off location for most larger facilities in lieu of their front office car parks, as it's weird to pull into a car sized parking space with your semi truck.

    This is also probably already planned, but having an extra requirement to back the trailer into a specific spot, like in ETS, would add to the immersion of truck driving, and would also justify making trailer deliveries pay a bit more.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  6. catchow1977

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    Jun 2, 2022
    the current career mode starter cars are too good they should be replaced with a mid trim 90s pessima and a 4 cylinder legran wagon and maybe drop the trim level on the covet a bit the current cars are to nice especially for quarry side a place that seems to specialize in retired taxis
    • Agree Agree x 4
  7. Ax50

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    Aug 12, 2019
    I'm barely finding any Labourer type missions now, do I need to buy a commercial vehicle to unlock them, or did they all get replaced by cargo delivery?
  8. ARES IV

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    May 6, 2019
    I love the updates to career mode... it already feels much more refined than the last version: :)

    I would like to make some suggestion in no particular order: I almost exclusively played the labourer branch/delivery game play, so most of those suggestions are based on that:

    The highway doesnt see as much use as one would expect when doing longer distance deliveries. The parts next to the city are basically never used as the on and off ramps of the highway are comparable far away and as such never are considered as a route.

    Example of an undersea tunnel: (Starts at 1:30)

    Even going all the way from Spearleaf Island to Belasco Garage forces you to take the "regional road" instead as there is only an highway off ramp (but no on ramp) where Spearleaf Bridge meets the mainland.

    If one wants to use the highway, there is no choice but to drive all the way through Belasco Downtown and use the on ramp there. This detour makes using the "regional" road much faster than it should be in comparsion. It also becomes a bit boring because this road sees a lot of use as a result.

    Even if you go all the way to the end of the suburbs... almost no highway usage happens.

    The bottom line is, that I find myself driving through Downtown Belasco pretty much on all deliveries which gets a bit old. :oops:
    No of course, for locations that are there that makes perfect sense, but I really should not have to drive trough Downtown Belasco to get to the Steel Mill, Lensflare Studios and the Suburbs. Going from large scale industrial facilities to other large scale industrial facilities should be more highway based. :)

    There is no highway on ramp near Spearleaf bridge on the mainland, forcing you through Belasco Downtown or some regional roads. As such it would be highly appreciated if we could get an direct highway access from Spearleaf Bridge on the mainland. I basically should be capable of driving over the bridge and then entering the highway in both directions :).

    As the area is already a bit crowded, I would like to suggest an underwater tunnel from Spearleaf Island to the highway. I even have some lore for it: ;)
    "Ever since an tragic accident where an fuel truck from Spearleaf Refinery Group set Downtown Belasco ablaze, there has been political pressure to have most commercial vehicles take an alternative route. The Belasco Bay Tunnel, linking directly up to the highway was openend in 2020. Due to the expensive undersea construction and cost overruns, it however comes with mandatory toll to help recover the construction and operating costs. Besides offering superior highway access, this has made the tunnel unpopular for local drivers and truckers alike, a fact not helped by a certain lack of enforcement of traffic rules that often sees heavy trucks - that have to take the tunnel unless they are delivering directly to fuel stations inside downtown - not only exceeding the speed limit significantly but also honking aggressively at anyone driving to slow for their liking. Word of rumour has it, that most officers from the Belasco Police Department also dont like the thought of having millions of tons of water above their heads and would much rather watch any incident from the bridge instead. Sealbrik, the local concrete manufacturing plant says that there is no need to worry about anything, the tunnel was made with their best quality concrete to which the president of the police in a press conference was heard muttering "That is precisly what I am afraid of".;):rolleyes::p
    To make matters more interesting, the way the tunnel walls reflect engine sounds and a comparable low traffic volume has lead to local street racers taking interest into it. While the tolled nature of the tunnel should in theory discourage repeated unnecessary driving, the toll stations are only placed on the entries... leading to some mad racers quickly steering into the uncoming traffic to avoid paying for their fun.

    From a game logic standpoint, the tunnel toll system could be based on the redlight camera system. Except that the "red light" is always red and the "fine" is actually a toll. Maybe 1 BB per entry?

    And maybe an dirt road access tunnel that is only used for maintainance and "closed" for traffic? :cool: A nice way to cheat on the toll but not for the faint of heart as there is only poor emergency lightning and material from construction is laying arround.

    • Generally speaking, there could be a few more underground facilities/tunnels. Yes, I know the secret tunnel from construction site to the canals but a city of this size often tends to be made out of swiss cheese in the underground. The tunnel under the steel mill are wonderful, as is the police station parking lot..... more of this please :cool:
    • Speaking of tunnels, I would like to suggest a shortcut:D:
    This tunnels leading to the Dockyards/FinancialDistrict/Promenade are quite useful as they allow you to tow heavy trailers gently upwards compared to the step inclines in other places. They are already quite nice, but they could be better with an - maybe abandoned/under construction tunnel leading to the other side of the map?

    This is the tunnel leading to the promenade to give you an idea of far the tunnels go below the ground already.

    And this would be an suggestion for an short cut tunnel to the other map side. Maybe something like an maintainance tunnel? It doesnt have to be pristine road.... more like dim lit horror movie stuff like below the Steel Mill. :cool: The map is located in the USA so neglected infrastructure is a somewhat common sight in the less well off areas. Also, it is a maintainance tunnel... it really does not need so much working lights or regular cleaning.


    If you would consider the suggested underwater tunnel, those networks could be connected, but the shortcut would also be nice all by itself. ;)

    But enough on infrastructure:

    • Cargo should be sortable by column:

    • Trailers that (in general) require a real large truck could be displayed in a different text colour compared to trailers that at least in theory could be pulled by a car.

    • A similar colour code system could be used for urgent/fragile/special cargo

    • Locations that are already on the delivery list should have coloured text even when you are not hovering above them. This would make it much easier and more enjoyable to find the ideal cargo for a run. :) Basically when I am going to Sealbrik and my current input location has anything to deliver to Sealbrik, those lines should be colour coded for easier visibility.

    • "Tow me to the next road" should probably include the trailer in most cases. "Tow me to garage" already includes the trailer, "Tow me to road" should too:

      Ouch... that hurts. The vehicle is unable to move under its own power because it is impaled by the bollard.

      Thankfully I can be towed and because I was lucky this time, I can reattach the trailer that is not blocked which can also happen.


    • Cargo Transport Boxes and their rewards feel like they could use a bit more fine tuning:
      While it is perfectly reasonable that the XL-Cargo Box can fit the largest parts and be the most profitable one as such, there seems to be an certain lack of diverstiy between the medium and the large cargo box: The Landsdale is pretty much the "normal" car with the most cargo capacity, yet even with multiple LARGE Cargo Boxes it doesnt feel particularly more profitable than a vehicle like the Vivace that can only carry medium cargo boxes. I have the feeling that the reason for this is, that very little cargo fits inside a large cargo box that does not fit inside a medium one. This means that you are still mostly hauling medium stuff, even when you have large cargo boxes on your vehicle. For 4 digit reward deliveries, you need a cargo box XL.

    • While the roof mounted Cargo Box XL is of course awesome for hauling stuff, it comes at a heavy price. High center of mass, high wind resistance and it makes it harder to drive when using Orbit or Chase Camera. I realize that it is supposed to have significant drawbacks but could we maybe get a flatter, more aerodynamic version of it? Something like a large aerodynamic roof box? The roof box could also carry a bit of stuff ;-)

    • What about a Tow hitch supported Cargo Box? :oops: That way one could increase the cargo capacity of ones modest daily driver further.

    Some final suggestions:

    • Calling a taxi should be possible even when your cash balance is negative. Walking km back home is not a fun game mechanic in most cases :p

    • Display the distance to the navigation target in meters (yes meters to be more precise). If I am sitting at the Refinery Pier and click on Belasco Garage, not only should the map display a route but it should also display the total distance (using all allowed roads).
    This would also make the "automatic route tool" even more useful. And it would be really great to have an remaining distance counter on the navigation UI App :). I want to see how many more meters my overheating engine has to survive :p.

    It also would be quite useful for FreeRoam and also Time Trials. Some modded maps are so huge.... you really want to check the distance between spawn points with the map tool and not drive there yourself as it could take hours. (Lands of Sands being a prime example).

    • Walking Mode should have "Tow to next road" option as well. When was out of cash, I transported a vehicle to "Fast Automobile" on the racetrack. The car naturally disappeared and I could not call a taxi (see above) due to a lack of money. So I walked..... a long time... and I made the mistake to try to jump over tire stacks.... I got stuck and was unable to get out... thankfully the game hadnt saved because otherwise I would have been stuck there forever. Still had to walk all the way a second time....

    Thank you for consideration. :)

    Painting requiring to sit on the button for an extended period of time should be made more clear in the UI... I was about to do a bug report video:oops:

    Go outside of your car. Go to the trailer. Enter the trailer with F. Press R. Now you can already discard the trailer.

    Read above ;-)
    #928 ARES IV, May 12, 2024
    Last edited: May 12, 2024
    • Like Like x 9
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  9. LegThePeg

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    Jun 4, 2022
    I definitely agree that there should at least be a highway entrance from the bridge area. I also rarely see people use the tunnels from the docks to the promenade
    • Like Like x 1
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  10. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    I agree with all of this but HOLY CRAP that's a long post. Also, can we get gooseneck trailers as deliverables?
    • Like Like x 1
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  11. catchow1977

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    Jun 2, 2022
    walking mode node grabber would be nice to have in career mode
    --- Post updated ---
    that and dynamic time being able to be toggled like in freeroam
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. EUDM fanboy

    EUDM fanboy
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    Nov 30, 2023
    Maybe limited to 10% strength and no coupling or pinning nodes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. simsimw

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    Nov 23, 2022
    we should get dynamic time!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. catchow1977

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    Jun 2, 2022
    the walking mode node grabber is perfectly realistic in freeroam your limited to a realistic amount of weight you can move as a human
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  15. bussin.buses

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    Aug 1, 2022
    I can't move anything with the node-grabbing tool in walking mode. Once a door is open, I can't move it, I can't pick up cones, nothing. It's weird.
  16. catchow1977

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    Jun 2, 2022
    we need more dealerships and trailers should have a good chance of being from as early as the year 2000 with a few thousand miles on it depending on the trailer and should be able to be bought for a few hundred dollars in some cases instead of all brand new and the d-series should be much more common in the dealers especially the low end used dealer like quarryside or private sales and isnt there an unused dealer ground near the logistics center that would make a great 2nd low end dealer
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    So I managed to get to the "dev mission" drift mission, but it didn't work, any idea why this was still included?

    Also, I can't wait for the expanded police and racing modes! :)
  18. bussin.buses

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    Aug 1, 2022
    Yes, please! I agree, the trailers are all way to expensive, and the D-Series shouldn't be uncommon.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    I get this weird glitch almost everywhere when using any UI (especially career mode UI). Its usually something like

    Tried to load blah blah blah
    failed to load blah blah blah
    repeat until that UI is closed.

    Anyway, it's screwing up my mouse and I don't know why this is happening.

    And yes all my mods are disabled and I clearded my cashe.

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    Apr 6, 2020
    I don't know that is there anyone mentioned, but when I was charging a electric car, I end the charging but the charging sound still there until I close the game, the charging sound is a very annoying sound that I heard it for a long while then I had a headache
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