Easily Make Descriptions For Custom Configs Made Ingame

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by The Crimson Kellashee, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. The Crimson Kellashee

    The Crimson Kellashee
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    Jul 15, 2017
    I enjoy making custom configs for my vehicles. Here I've made a custom config to imitate a car from my childhood. https://puu.sh/xfekP/a508f49c44.png

    However, there's a problem that you can clearly see. As with any other config made ingame, the thumbnail is a big "?", and there's no description, so it stands out like a sore pink thumb in the configs list.

    I've looked into the files, and I have no idea how to actually add a custom description to a custom config, since its data is seemingly stored in an entirely different way to the "Official" configs.

    Perhaps there could be some way to implement this into the game, or at least make it easier to add one outside of the game?
  2. BombBoy4

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    May 16, 2015
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