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Fatal errors (x0000001)

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by valdepro, May 1, 2018.

  1. valdepro

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    Jun 2, 2017
    I'm getting loads of these at random. I can be 2 hours into a game, or on the main loading screen. Sometimes the game crashes so hard my entire PC bluescreens. I have tried clearing cache, reinstalling, but i still get these errors. Help?
  2. terasect

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    Mar 29, 2018
    If you are getting blue screens it is something with your computer, software(drivers, corrupt data, etc.) or hardware(overheating, unstable memory, bad power supply, etc.). BeamNG has a way of bringing up instabilities with peoples computers they didn't know they had. It has done the same with my computer in fact.

    What is the error message of the blue screen?
    Are you running any overclock?
    Check your cpu and other system temperatures while playing and tell us what you get, give hardware specs, etc.
  3. valdepro

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    Jun 2, 2017
    It hasn't happened while playing any other game. The problem has been happening on-off for some times now, usually an update (either nvidia, windows, or the game itself) will fix it temporarily, and then it will come back. I know it's not a problem with overheating, and i don't overclock my graphics card.


    I can only just barely run this game lol,

    I5-7300HQ quad core (2.5ghz but automatically detects when you're in a game and goes to 3.5)
    8GB ram
    GTX 1050

    Don't know the rest, it's a laptop and i can't see my motherboard in Device Manager
  4. terasect

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    Mar 29, 2018
    Are you running windows 10 by chance? A quick search of that error brings up a lot of mostly windows 10 stuff.
    Doesn't really matter which game happens to cause it, if it was beamng we all would be effected. And games don't directly cause faults like this.
    Is the storage device a solid state drive?

    This overall sounds like files are getting corrupted at some point with updates temporarily fixing things and that particular blue screen.
    Could also be bad memory causing something like this, or even a dieing gpu.
    Have you checked the temps of anything while running yet? Best to make sure, especially with a laptop.
    Also run an intensive scan of the hard drive/solid state drive for any bad sectors, and a memory test to make sure that is not the problem.

    Can only find the source through trial and error with something like this. Eliminate potential areas of cause for sure without any assumptions.
  5. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    As @terasect said, BSOD usually indicates problems with the system itself. Else the game would have simply crashed.
    This indicates something related to the video stuff.
    Try to clean reinstall your video drivers (On the Nvidia installer, there's an option for that under 'Custom Install').
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