Experimental Finding the custom sound bank for my automation car mod with custom sound

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by Angry_Bird, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. Angry_Bird

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    May 25, 2019
    During the time when I played some Android driving simulator games before getting into BeamNG.Drive, I found the Ovilex Games particular the older version such as the Real Driving 3D had some interesting sounds as well as other older racing games. The sound reference is these ones for example.

    Is there any online sound effect bank for that because I notice many lesser known racing games on Android seem to have those sound effects and I would like to port those sounds to my next Automation car mod (a sports car or a supercar).

    My gratitude to any one that could help out this issue.

    @DaddelZeit Any ideas?
  2. DaddelZeit

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    Jul 17, 2019
    During my digging in the unity asset store, I've found these sounds:
    It might be the ones you're looking for, however they're not free.

    So what was my answer?
    i ripped that game so hard my pc crashed

    no more words just take em'
    they're listed as on and off

    Attached Files:

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  3. Angry_Bird

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    May 25, 2019
    You are doing Lord's work bro. Thank you very much! Will try out on my new future mods!
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