First ingame..vehicle

Discussion in 'Land' started by TomiL88, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. TomiL88

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    Aug 6, 2013
    Hi all! After reading tutorials I came up with this simple creation. But I have some problems that I cant solve. :confused:
    Why it´s missing the RL-wheel? The nodes are correct in .jbeam (dont mind the FL wheel mesh) <- SOLVED. One of the letters was 1 not L
    The car wont move, it´s like handbrake on. Engine stolen from pickup and land cruiser gear ratios.
    Body texture wont load. Materials.cs should be fine.

    Steering is fine tho..

    Here´s a pic and car folder.

    I would be happy if someone can point some errors. Thank you.

    Jbeam code:
        "slotType" : "main",
        "flexbodies": [
            ["mesh", "[group]:", "nonFlexMaterials"],
            ["testiauto_body", ["testiauto_body_g"]],
            ["wheel_FL",  ["wheel_FL_g"]],
       "nodes": [       
            ["id", "posX", "posY", "posZ"],
      "beams": [   
            ["id1:", "id2:"],
    "hubWheels": [
            //general settings
            {"radius":0.61}, //Radius of the tire nodes
            {"hubRadius":0.30}, //Radius of the rim
            {"wheelOffset":0}, //Offset from the original position(Left/right)
            {"hubWidth":0.4}, //Width of the rim
            {"tireWidth":0.42}, //Width of the tire
            {"numRays":12}, //The amount of nodes to make the circle, more may result in smoother driving, but at the cost of performance, weight & stability
            //hub options
            {"hubBeamSpring":1081000, "hubBeamDamp":16},
            {"beamSpring":1081000, "beamDamp":16},
            {"hubBeamDeform":36000, "hubBeamStrength":112000},
            {"hubNodeWeight":0.60}, //Weight of the rim nodes, to get the total weight of the rim, calculate numRays X nodeWeight X 2
           //tire options
            {"springExpansion":1081000, "dampExpansion":18},
            {"nodeWeight":0.60}, //Weight of the tire nodes, to get the total weight of the tire, calculate numRays X nodeWeight X 2
            {"frictionCoef":1.1}, //Tire friction for each node, increasing will add more grip to your vehicle
            {"pressurePSI":30}, //Tire pressure in PSI
            ["FL", "wheel_FL_g", "nl0", "nl1", 9999,  "nl2", 1],
            ["FR", "wheel_FR_g", "nr5", "nr3", 9999,  "nr4", -1],
            ["RL", "wheel_RL_g", "nl14", "nl15", 9999,  "nl16", 1],
            ["RR", "wheel_RR_g", "nr17", "nr19", 9999,  "nr18", -1],
        "hydros": [
            ["rpm", "torque"] //Torque curve
            [0, 0],
            [500, 300],
            [1000, 445],
            [2000, 565],
            [3000, 645],
            [4000, 675],
            [4500, 670],
            [5000, 635],
            [5400, 565],
            [6000, 425],
            //revised shift points
            //transmission section
            "transmissionType":"manual", //Automatic or manual, setting automatic will restrict the use of manual mode while playing.
            // -1, 0 (neutral), 1, etc
            "gears":[-4.925, 0, 4.925, 2.643, 1.519, 1.00] //Gear ratios

    Attached Files:

    #1 TomiL88, Dec 3, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  2. fifciox

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    Aug 27, 2013
    So far so good.
  3. Goosah

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    Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 30, 2013
    I don't see any differentials. The gear ratios are prob too high without the final drive/diff ratio, and it may be that the diff code is required to get power to the wheels at all, not sure. My mod does the same thing when the diff slot is empty.
  4. TomiL88

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    Aug 6, 2013
    Well that makes sense. Didn´t even know there is any diff. code.

    BTW this stupid vehicle is just an exercise for my future Toyota Land Cruiser mod. :rolleyes:
  5. Lokio27

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    Feb 17, 2014
    Vroom Vroom goes the cube with wheels...
  6. ducky108

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    Apr 27, 2014
    funny thing is this is about 100x further than many peolpe with perfect looking reference models have ever gotten, im glad to see your doing this in the opposite direction. learning the internals first instead of making a really pretty car that doesnt do anything but yet it gets a website created everyone wants it there may be a beta release at some point that barely works. So this is the best post i have ever seen.
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