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Force feedback entering infinite spin upon crashing car

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by joesphan lu, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. joesphan lu

    joesphan lu
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    Aug 5, 2020
    Hello! I have been developing a force feedback wheel for the past month, and I was adjusting the damper settings yesterday, when the wheel went max speed to the left after a crash. My best guess is the feeling is similar to parking right up against a curb and steering left or right (which you devs create an impressively realistic feel).

    Now naive little me didn't put any safety interlocks in my firmware so the big servo shredded the madcatz wheel into pieces.

    Is there any safety lockouts I can do, besides depending on my firmware to take care of it?
  2. KillerMemz

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    Sep 7, 2020
    set the max wheel strength to under 100%, the wheel will maintain the scale of the force feedback as you set with strength and damping, but it will clip it in software if the feedback goes too high. This is described in finer detail on the steering wheel setup page of their documentation portal.
    Sorry you lost your wheel to it, I didn't even know Mad Catz made sim equipment.
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