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Forum changes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tdev, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. wilkgr

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    Jun 30, 2017
    After reading this entire thread, here are my thoughts on this:

    • Ratings aren't needed, but a "thank you" button would be great. Don't give the names/how many people said "thank you"/notifications, but the OP can view the amount of thanks if they open the thread.

      Reasoning: Minetest forums don't have it, and many mod threads are full of "+1" and "Awesome" posts. Rigs of Rods forums does have it, and there are fewer of this type of post.

    • Minimum post length: perhaps a minimum of five characters (including at least one space)?

      Reasoning: This, too, would hopefully reduce the number of "+1", "gr8" or "No" comments (the last one would require an explanation for it to pass the filter. This isn't perfect but it would be an improvement.

    • Prioritize reports (successful reports / total reports). This is something which websites such as Quora seem to do.

      Reasoning: People who have often reported correctly are more likely to do so again in the future. This allows prioritisation to have reports that are more likely to have action taken on them. What Quora also does is to have specific users who have a successful report to total reports ratio over a specific number (e.g. 95:100) to be a "trusted reporter" where the system will take a (limited) action based on reports. As the reporter isn't aware of the status it is difficult to abuse this.

    • Provide an incentive for reporting successfully, such as a 'thank you' notification.

      Reasoning: Guess what, the mods do listen! o,O It's gratifying to see some reaction to reporting posts, and encourages users to continue reporting (for lack of a better word) "bad" comments.
  2. titantls

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    Feb 9, 2014
    "...to the point that one moderator ragequit already" Wow, I knew it was bad, didn't realize it was this bad. Haven't been on the forum much recently (due to personal reasons). Feel bad for the moderator, ive seen some really unmature things happening on the form the last couple of months. Glad its being addressed, I was worried that this forum was gonna turn into something I dont want to be a part of.
    I would make a suggestion but it looks like you guys got it under control! I can only reinforce the idea of a simple "like" and "awesome" voting system, like someone said a few pages back. But im not a pro, guess I should leave it to them :p
  3. Snowstorm

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    Apr 23, 2017
    I feel like this has some of the best ideas so far, at least in this thread. More research is probably necessary though...
  4. 88c900t

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    Jan 13, 2016
    were a number of threads deleted? The last couple that I've posted in apparently no longer exist...
  5. MrAngry

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    Sep 5, 2013
    I like these changes, they make the forum more post-related
    These are actually legit ideas that I think should be implemented for the benefit of all of us.
  6. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    I would like to point out for posterity that I was not one of the toxic attacking members. Well, once I did really let someone have it over a disingenuous (but technically true) statement which was also not related to BeamNG.Drive, but that was over a year ago and I haven't done so since.

    Not really a useful post, but there you go.
  7. Flippi 284

    Flippi 284
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    May 2, 2017
    This is actually a GREAT idea. I think it would help a lot.
    As for the forum changes that tdev said, it’s ok. Not much that I will complain about.
  8. Taza

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    Nov 8, 2015
    Having read the forums right when I woke up I think we already have some improvement. Mainly because there was a lot less to read, and what was to be read was mainly worth reading. I did find myself looking for the like button however because I thought some posts deserved that, old habits I guess. I'm excited to see what other changes there might be, new features like the dark theme would be awesome. I have thought of leaving the forums for good but this likely won't happen now, it sort of feels better.
  9. Ai'Torror

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 29, 2015
    My idea to get rid of the extra spam is to make all of the ratings in offtopic and some of the most popular threads in general discussion not count...
    People would have to actually help the community to achieve the ratings... I think that enabling the ratings only in sections like:
    - Ideas and suggestions (agree/disagree)
    - bug reports (everything without the funny one)
    - questions and support (everything without the funny one)
    -mod support (the same as above)

    As for threads in offtopic and general discussions, ratings could be enabled, but they shouldn't count to the total ratings.

    P.S. sorry for all fo the spelling errors, phone isn't the easiest thing to write on + my screen i super cracked.
  10. Flippi 284

    Flippi 284
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    May 2, 2017
    But what if someone makes a funny post in ideas and suggestions, for example? Plus it would take up extra time for something that wouldn’t make too much of a difference anyways.
  11. Ai'Torror

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 29, 2015
    It would make a difference, funny rating isn't really that important and basically all of the spam comes from general discussion and offtopic, so disabling post counting and rating in those sections would get rid of qquite a bit of spam.It would require a rating/post count reset to be fully effective, but I guess that it is worh it
  12. Crashtest Failed

    Crashtest Failed
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    May 10, 2016
    1. Why do we need to know it? it is not necessary to know my gender, is it? Unless you want to use this forum to start a relation with someone. But still it doesnt have to matter...

    2. It is private data. The European General Data Protection Regulation is coming into effect in May. This regulation can be found online if you want to read it/ have to (like I do)/ really have too much time.

    *only read when interested:*
    It basically means companies should protect their EU-users data and store/process it in the EU when possible. Also, that data should be deleted after a certain amount of years, depending on laws of the country where the data processing facility/storage is.
    (EU) people also will have the right to be forgotten; make companies delete all data they have on that person.

    What if companies dont obey this law? a 20 million euro fine if you screw up. Or 4% of the revenue. Whichever is bigger, obviously.
    This is only a worst-case scenario imho, it wont get that bad to BeamNG.Drive.
    Maybe to some big companies like Facebook or others.
    For some countries, it would actually have a big bad impact on their economy.
  13. Pazzi8

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    Jan 8, 2016
    The truth is that in this forum there are so so so so so many idiots (some are just kids), and i'm glad that someone is working for cleaning this. I hope that this "forum update" will works, good job Tdev and all the developers team!
  14. Rolph

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    Feb 19, 2016
    You have great ideas, though, I don't think a character minimum would be useful. If user just wants to post ''yes'', ''no'', ''xd'' or something along those lines, he will just write up some gibberish in the end to pass the character minimum.
  15. Deleted member 160369

    Deleted member 160369
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    Well, there's nothing anyone can do about it. Spam is a recurrent issue on every forum board I can think of.

    Either we stop abusing their trust and finally use this forum like mature people ourselvelves, or we deal with stricter moderation.
  16. Car crusher

    Car crusher
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    Nov 17, 2013
    I feel like we should keep ratings, as they help to know how the stuff you're posting is received by the community, the like whoring and spamming could be fixed if maybe you had a ratio of positive to negative, a percentage instead of a raw number
  17. LucasBE

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    Mar 22, 2015
    Is that a crime if I joined when I was about 11 years old? I mean now i'm 14 and I never caused
    trouble.. (I think :confused:)

    Expand Collapse

    Nov 26, 2016
    And some members on the forums were banned, beacuse they posted the thread about the rateings getting deleted.
  19. SmokingTiresGaming

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    Dec 3, 2015
    Wow, what an earth is happening, it's sad to see how aggressive people are about ratings and how many people just post and post posts (some even shitty ones) to get ratings. C'mon guys you wont get anything from ratings, no money, likely no respect and so on. Just enjoy the amazing game and possibly try to make a mod. I dont really care about the rating system, mainly becouse im too lazy to like others posts. And also theres no worse thing than rating someones shitpost accidentally. That has been happening many times to me when i have used my phone to read the forums. Also give the devs some respect, without them Beamng.drive wouldt exist. Beamng community has been my favorite community but due to some new unrespectful member this community has become something else. I miss the good old community. Sorry for possible typing errors, its hard to use phone for typing, ok?
    #239 SmokingTiresGaming, Jan 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  20. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    All I hope is that we dont see the group posts like from the RP groups, that should be a totally "closed" group so only members can see the posts from them in the "New Posts" sections, thats what I would have as an addition to the forum
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