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G27 Force Feedback problem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 94xlt, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. 94xlt

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    Apr 13, 2019
    I got it saturday and I've just now plugged it in, and it isn't working with beam. I'll have to try some other games but I haven't installed any drivers or anything, due to not being able to find them. Please help!
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    Works fine with ETS2.
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    I got the wheel working but not the pedals and shifter. Help?!
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    Now I tried to get the pedals working but after assigning hitting the throttle holds it at the rev limiter after letting off, and also the clutch isn't detected.
  2. loba04

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    Jan 1, 2018
  3. 94xlt

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    Apr 13, 2019
    Now they aren't even being detected.
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    Restarted PC and now it works great.
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    How can I clear the settings and revert to default FFB stuff in beam? The revert button doesn't work and I have essentially no force feedback right now. The wheel will remain turned and spin pretty easily.
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    It's impossible to drive like this.
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    Still haven't found a way to fix this yet
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    Please, help
  4. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    Ensure all cables are connected, one by one. The wheel can partially (mal)function when not all cables are correctly plugged.
    Ensure the drivers (or g-hub, or whatever Logitech requires these days) are installed. Lack of, or incorrect versions of, manufacturer software/drivers means possible lack of clutch pedal/H-shifter and limited steering lock angle.
    To erase all your customizations, go to Options > Controls > Reset All. This will remove all your changes to all your bindings, steering wheel or otherwise.
    Make sure to disable Steam's "Big Picture" mode, as this often messes up with the way games view the input devices. If in doubt, close Steam and run BeamNG.drive directly from its installation folder.

    As a rule of thumb: if you ever need to customize any Logitech G27 binding in order to play in BeamNG.drive, it means one of the above didn't go right. The G27 works as-is in BeamNG.drive under normal conditions.
    • Informative Informative x 1
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