General Car Discussion

Discussion in 'Automotive' started by HadACoolName, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. JBatic

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    Jan 22, 2015
  2. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    The car will look nothing like that. Underneath all the wrapping its probably similar to the other family SUV's on the market.
  3. JBatic

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    Jan 22, 2015
    Hopefully, coupe suv's are bad looking designs.
  4. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    It might be a X6 competitor.
  5. Ytrewq

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    Dec 6, 2014
    With supposed Duster underpinnings, I doubt that.
    --- Post updated ---
    This looks surprisingly good, especially when compared to X6, Model X and MB coupe crossovers.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    1. I did say might for a reason. I'm not sure if it'll stay a sub-compact though, like the original Captur.
    2. Yeah, though the teaser looks more like a Megane for some reason.
  7. Ytrewq

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    Dec 6, 2014
    The article speculates that this coupe might be based on the Kaptur instead. Made specially for Russian market, Kaptur is essentially a reskinned Duster made to look like the smaller Clio-based Captur. The decision to create this car was made because Duster's rough and sturdy suspension is more suited to Russian roads than Clio's sophisticated and fragile one.
    Fun fact: the first letter of the name was changed because, if spelled in Russian, Captur/Сартир is a misspelled version of the word "toilet".
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  8. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    On the other hand, Captur sounds/is spelled like Capture, but without the "e" in it.

    Also, here's a render of what it could look like:

    It reminds me a bit more of the Koleos than the Megane (though this is a render.
  9. EcoNadder77

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    May 29, 2017
    Today I had the fun pleasure of riding around in a manual Jeep Wrangler with the top down and doors off. During that trip, the owner mentioned that when the drive-train was put into full time low, the front wheels would spin slightly faster than the rear ones to "pinch" the ground for better traction. Can anyone confirm whether or not this is true?
  10. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    I certainly can't, but it leaves me wondering whether they meant more torque to the front wheels rather than more rotational speed. Since for the front wheels to rotate faster than the rear ones would require different gear ratios (final drive?) for the front and rear of the vehicle. Not to mention that on tarmac either the front or rear would have to break traction (because differing wheel speeds), leading to excessive tyre wear and poor road characteristics. Of course, locking the diffs on tarmac is never a good idea, so I guess that is a none issue. So if what they say is true, it must only be active off road on super loose surfaces like dry sand and gressey mud, since it would cause a lot of stress on the vehicle on grippy off road surfaces like rock and dry cracked mud.

    However biasing (vectoring) torque between the front and rear is pretty normal for all wheel drive vehicles these days (and technically old-school ones too if the diffs are locked depending on the terrain encountered). Usually the goal is to send the torque to where the traction is via locking diffs, since if diffs are unlocked and 1 wheel has no traction, 100% of torque would go to the wheel without traction.

    On a loose surface biasing the torque towards the front of the vehicle could lead to the front wheels breaking traction before the rear ones do, which would be in line with what they said. But I can't see how that causing a "pinching" effect on the ground would help. Generally my understanding has been that all wheels moving at the same rotational speed is the best option for traction, so that they aren't fighting against each other.

    But to be clear, none of the above is from a well informed point of view, just questions it raises in my head. Hopefully someone who is more familiar with off-road stuff can respond.
    #12830 aljowen, Jul 14, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2018
  11. MotherTrucker02

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    Jun 29, 2016
    That would mean that the front and rear diff ratios would have to be different which would give the "pinching" effect in low or high range 4WD, not just low. Either that or the transfer case has different ratios from front to rear only when put in low, but I highly doubt the wrangler's transfer case is that complicated. I've seen competition rock crawlers with different diff ratios front to back and it does seem to help pull the truck in the direction you turn, but I doubt the Wrangler has this feature, I could be wrong though.
  12. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    From what info I can find, same ratio front and rear. Same tire size front and rear. No torque biasing centre. Definitely didn't have that feature
  13. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    A few days ago I posted to say that car people need to become politically active in order to save our hobby. Now I've figured out how we'd do it. We'd attach ourselves to the worldwide populist movement which is currently ongoing. See, there's a lot of people out there who have noticed, and who are obviously not OK with, the general loss of freedom that's been going on throughout the developed world. Everyone sees it now: though we've certainly become much "freer" over the last 50-60 years in terms of how much immorality & indecency we can subject our fellow humans to, our daily lives have, over the same period of time, become strangled by millions of little "sins of the system" to the point where breathing is practically the only thing we can do without government interference. Intrusive surveillance watches our every move and machines analyze this data to understand our personalities so that we can be identified even when technically anonymous. Despite the constant braying about safety and the greater good which inevitably accompanies this loss of freedom, the people with genuine calamitous intent are managing to slip through the net with ever-greater frequency. People are sick of it and that's how we end up with Trump, Brexit, very nearly Le Pen, and a lot else, but, not being car enthusiasts, they don't make the connection to the car hobby.

    The secret to gaining political acceptance of our hobby's cause, then, is to show them that we really have the same overall cause i.e. individual freedom. The overzealous policing, the expensive, nitpicking inspections, and the elementary modifications being banned for stupid reasons are just a different side of the nanny/ninny state coin. The same people may not be calling the shots, but the difficulties in our hobby are an outgrowth of the same things that annoy normal people, and we still have a common enemy in out-of-control government. For an example, if someone is in favor of smaller government and more freedom in general, then they should be in favor of ending the catalytic converter felony as well, simply because that's an out-of-touch, heavy-handed rule that the US federal government in particular has no business making or enforcing. Thus, while our objectives may be hobby-specific, they are coincidental with the following easy-to-agree-on points:

    -Decentralize the legislative process down to the lowest practical level, and shut down unelected bureaucracies. One size does not fit all, and powerful centralized governments inevitably become oppressive even when every operative thereof is individually well-meaning.

    -Get the government out of the market as much as possible. While our interest may be specifically in stalling BEVs and autonomous cars, the overall practice of government "steering" the markets through subsidies has got to die.

    -Concentrate police resources on real crime. We should not have cops sitting out on the freeway with speed guns while drugs, gangs, and homelessness are tearing their city apart.

    -Restore true objectivity in science; a scientist who fudges data to support a narrative is guilty of a severe ethics breach.

    The main difficulty here is that so many people, even car enthusiasts, are used to the way things are currently done that they're afraid of freedom. Just look around and see how many people seem to believe that if government didn't ban things for stupid reasons and then demand to inspect every single modification you make right down to a non-stock tire size, we'd all be suffocated by coal rollers or run off the road by rusted-out death traps. Getting through to those types of people will be incredibly difficult.
    #12833 NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck, Jul 16, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  14. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Won't find me anywhere near populist movements. Homelessness isn't a crime for police to be solving, those are people that need help, plenty of biblical stories on that, someone that Bible bashes so often knows this surely. Nah, populism, the place where I lose access to healthcare, have no rights as an employee, can't be free to be anything other than a straight white man. That's not freedom.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    This has to be one of the biggest straw men I've ever seen in my life. I actually looked it up and what I found indicated that populism has many different definitions, and some people think the word itself should not exist. The first definition I found indicates that it's less a complete philosophy than a base to which almost anything can be appended:

    • n.
      A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.
    More fleshed-out versions have different ideas, but the base form of populism, or at least the label, has been used by movements of many different types, all over the political spectrum. Ben Stanley furthermore describes it thus:

    A racist component is not necessary. I don't want to go on because this is all massively irrelevant to the topic at hand, so if you don't like "populism" just call it "that thing that's been happening where people are trying to take back control of their countries from the people who've been running them into the ground for way too long".

    As for your comment about homeless people, I fully admit that the church as a whole is not doing enough here, but also, not every homeless person is just someone struggling to make it. At least where I live, a few are outright crazy, like dangerous crazy, while others panhandle in shifts and actively avoid gainful employment. At least in the case of crazy ones, the police need to be there to keep them from hurting themselves or someone else, and could also point the non-crazy ones towards resources that can help them out, which is also something the church should be doing, but that doesn't mean people in other capacities can't do that, and someone whose job is literally to patrol the city all day is rather ideally placed to identify these people and help them find help - which may, indeed, be in the form of a faith-based organization.

    Even besides all that, that still leaves drugs and gangs, which are legitimate police issues, and I'd say a bit more urgent than speeding.

    To return to the subject of cars. The left wing, and to be honest the center-right "establishment" as well, will do nothing to protect car culture. A good day is one where they aren't actively destroying it in the name of safety or the environment. If you want to halt or reverse the slow death of our hobby, you won't find another option as good as the "third option" people are starting to take. Probably won't find another one full stop.
  16. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    You've got free Tommy in your signature. That explains exactly what kind of populism you want. As do your 2 example leaders, one of whom has literal ties to neonazi parties
    --- Post updated ---
    Besides. What is trumps record on protecting automotive culture. Do everything he can to ban foreign made vehicles - eliminating consumer choice in process. Promote a trade environment in which numerous automotive manufactures are already protesting against as it destroys their ability to manufacture in the US. Look at Harley. Announcing factory closure and the shift of manufacture out of the US with a great loss to American jobs
  17. Ytrewq

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    Dec 6, 2014
    Far left vs far right fight in a car discussion thread. First I wanted to join, but now I'll rather sit back and watch.
  18. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012


    Double oops...



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  19. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013

    The facelift has been recently revealed..... still not a big fan of it's design.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. JBatic

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    Jan 22, 2015
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