Unsolved Help with UI App that reads scriptAIManager data

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Keudn, Jan 10, 2021.

  1. Keudn

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    Nov 14, 2020
    Hi everyone,
    I am a member of a discord group that does scriptAI racing with autobeam cars, and we have been wanting some sort of race ticker UI App for real-time car placing during the race. Since we use scriptAI to race the cars, my first thought is to make a UI app that reads in the current node or time each car is on in the line. I looked through the scriptAIManager.lua file and found this section

    local function onVehicleSubmitInfo(vehId, data)
      --print(' * got info: ' .. tostring(vehId)) -- .. ' : ' .. dumps(data))
      -- record percentages
      if data then
        data.percent = 0
        if data.scriptTime and data.endScriptTime and vehDataReceived[vehId] then
          data.percent = data.scriptTime / data.endScriptTime * 100
      vehInfo[vehId] = data
      if data and not vehDataReceived[vehId] then vehDataReceived[vehId] = true end
      -- detect when we are done
      if vehDataReceived[vehId] and vehState[vehId] and vehState[vehId] == 'playing' and not data then
        vehState[vehId] = 'idle'
        vehInfo[vehId] = nil
        vehDataReceived[vehId] = nil
      -- recording:
      --  time = wall time spent so far
      -- following:
      --  endScriptTime = total time in recording
      --  scriptTime = where we are in the script
      --  percent done = scriptTime/endScriptTime
      --  posError = distance to the line in meters: minus = left of path, + = right of path
      --  time = wall clock of playback
      --  timeError = time - scriptTime
    I'm still very new to Lua, but it seems to me the scriptAIManager app is displaying the percent of the line finished by reading in data.scriptTime. Couldn't I just read that value for each car and sort them then? How can I make a UI app that can read in data.scriptTime?
  2. angelo234

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 11, 2017
    Here's some JS UI code I wrote up that should help you get the scriptTime for each vehicle. Hope this helps :)

    //Creates a Lua global table in GameEngine Lua
    bngApi.engineLua('script_state_table = {}');
    //This is called all the time
    scope.$on('streamsUpdate', function (event, streams) {
            //This calls GameEngine Lua to tell all Vehicle Luas to insert their serialized ai.scriptState() into the GameEngine Lua script_state_table
            bngApi.engineLua('be:queueAllObjectLua("obj:queueGameEngineLua(\'script_state_table[\'..obj:getID() .. \'] = \' .. serialize(ai.scriptState()))")');
            //This gets that script_state_table from GameEngine Lua
            bngApi.engineLua('script_state_table', function(data) {
                for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
                    var veh_id = key;
                    var scriptTime = value.scriptTime;
                    console.log("Vehicle ID: " + veh_id + ", Time: " + scriptTime);
  3. Keudn

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    Nov 14, 2020
    Awesome! Thank you! I'm still reading through that trying to figure it all out but I'm sure that will be a big help!
  4. angelo234

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 11, 2017
    Yeah the way to send information between Vehicle Lua and GameEngine Lua is pretty hackish but that's the only way to do it. :\ And FYI the "script_state_table" data is one frame behind so you'll be receiving the "scriptTime" from the previous frame.
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