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Idea : LIDAR street view beamng portability (lsvbp)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dothero, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. Dothero

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    Oct 30, 2018
    I didn't put it in idea and suggestions, because despite being the best idea ever for beamng, this is like saying why don't we all works together to create a equal world were everybody will be free and healthy. It's brillant, but not technically possible.

    YUP this is a shitpost.

    The idea : Why won't we takes car like real life cars, put a bunch of 360 8k camera, lidar, and other expensive and cool stuff to put on the cars, and make them driving around the world like street view or the cheap alternate version bing streetside (because that's a thing apparently).
    We collect all the data (like big zuck) and put it in an high tech algorithm, process all this and hear you are : real world into beamng.
    (Yup all this just for saying "wouldn't it be cool if you had the entire world in beamng ?")
    We can train an AI to see wich ground system applied.
    Don't worry with creating the big algorithm, I have a plan :
    You take a bunch of engineer, give them some white coat, glassy things, colored water and bingo here the algorithm.

    Someone needs to disconnect my internet.

    Thks for coming to my TED-talks.
    --- Post updated ---
    Why did I post this ?
  2. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    There was some game which said it had the whole planet 1:1 in it, but I haven't heard anything about it for quite a while... nor do I remember what it was called
  3. Dothero

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    Oct 30, 2018
    Yeah, not really the whole world actually. like it's a racing game. We can get rid of Ocean and deserts.
  4. ThomasMu

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    Aug 12, 2013
    Probably Outerra, it`s still in development but it`s slow going.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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