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Logitec G27 Set Ups

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by freshmeat107, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. freshmeat107

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    Oct 10, 2013
    So I am screwing around trying to find a overall good set up for my Logitec G27 and cant seem to get it right. I was wondering if some of you fine folks would be willing to share with me what you guys have for your setting in both BeamNG and the Logitec Profiler.
  2. stbest95

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    Aug 5, 2013
    1. download "wheelcheck"
    2. run it ( first pic - ignore points 6-8, the file will be saved in documents)
    3. import the file it puts out into beamng (see second pic)
    4. profit! (more linear ffb output)

    message me if you have any more questions
    btw: dont worry about the wheel shaking like hell when the car stands still. other sims cant simulate cars standing still either so they disable ffb when stationary (for example assetto corsa).
    main reason is the delay between the games output and the wheels reaction.

    Attached Files:

    • Unbenannt.JPG
    • Unbenannt2.JPG
    #2 stbest95, Nov 29, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016
  3. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    @freshmeat107 if you haven't already, please check this guide: http://wiki.beamng.com/Steering_wheel_setup

    @stbest95 nice to see people generating their own response curves! my advice is that you try to get rid of the ffb deadzone, by introducing a very small artificial ramp at the beginning. in your case, i would remove the data points between 0 and around 12 to 15%. This should get rid of some of the shaking. Tools like wheelcheck and others aren't perfect, and I suspect they report ffb deadzones when they are really just hitting the point of static friction vs dynamic friction in all of the internal moving components of the steering wheel hardware. These tests usually start from standstill, which creates this artifact of ffb deadzone, when the deadzone really isn't that big at all, even in our relatively cheap logitech steering wheels.
    • Informative Informative x 4
  4. stbest95

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    Aug 5, 2013
    thanks for the tip, i will try that :)
  5. 1UZ-FE

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    Oct 13, 2014
    I downloaded both WheelCheck and FCM. FCM freezes when I try to run the force test, and wheelcheck simply does nothing when I choose the force test as well. I searched for new .csv files made under the documents folder, and nothing. I have even ran as admin and forced Windows 7 compatibility on both.

    Edit: Got wheelcheck to work. Properly created a .csv file and placed it in the inputmaps folder along with loading the curve in the UI. Everything feels great, except for the unwanted vibration during steering movements, slow or fast.

    It happens in multiple instances, but mainly when initiating oversteer, and especially during countersteer and most instances of heavy lateral G's being held or transferring. It is apparent enough to take away from the experience. It's honestly so bad that having no correction response curve with settings of 220 Strength, 2.4 Max Strength with maxed out smoothing is much better, but then the FFB begins to respond to minor movements/adjustments (x axis state values close to center) on the wheel axis a little "late". Another issue is that during WOT it seems there is too little of resistance when turning the wheel. I am aware that there will be less resistance at this moment, but it seems just too little. Think of a slight left or right tug on the wheel to change lanes slowly. Those type of subtle and minimal change in value of the X axis don't respond much until the wheel gets dipped far enough in either direction. Think of a deadzone. It's really not all that bad, though.

    Is enabling the curve supposed to bypass the FFB settings? I noticed it seems to have no influence on it.
    #5 1UZ-FE, Dec 2, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
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