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Low GPU Usage

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Gnarlex™, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. Gnarlex™

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    Feb 20, 2015

    Recently returned the the game after getting a new GPU (AMD RX 5700), and found that my GPU is barely being used, usage is at somewhere from 20-30%, which causes low-ish FPS.
    I have no clue what could be causing this, my CPU Usage is around the same as the GPU's usage.
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Maps with very high draw calls will cause this as the rendering queue might not show up as game or app usage. It could also be a video driver - see below for details on if it's the video driver or not. OVERHEATING can also cause issues, but usually that means the overheating component would be appear fully utilized and a bottleneck, so that's not on the top of the list here, but something to mind for if you haven't cleaned the PC in a half year or more.
    Draw calls are rendering calls of the CPU telling the GPU to render a set of connected identical textures on any one model (or group of identical models simultaneously). 5000 of these can bring even a 9900k down to 60fps or close, vs 100+ fps for a well optimized or just plain boring scene with not much in it.

    Go to resplendence.com I believe it is, and look for Latency Monitor (Latencymon.exe) home edition, and run it and see if you have high latency - it's free.
    If you have high latency and it turns out to be the video driver, this can cause the issue you're seeing (either Nvidia drivers OR AMD, neither is immune, even chipset / network / sata controller drivers can do it, too). High latency is wait time for processes that makes your machine slow when running 3d apps, and doesn't show up as 'use' or busy time for the processor.
    If it's the video driver, follow the steps below:
    If required, visit guru3d and go to downloads / video card utilities and download DDU - Display Driver Uninstaller. download this and then boot into safe mode (shutdown from windows, choose restart while holding SHIFT down while clicking to restart and keep it held until post comes up). Then run this display driver uninstaller program, remove all trace of your video card driver.
    Then reboot into normal mode and install the new driver before Windows can.
    Then reboot again and re-test.
    Updating your chip-set drivers and such can help, as with the other driver types I mentioned above. If you remove the network driver and that's how you connect to the internet, make sure to have a new one downloaded 1st.
    Normal times of 80~250us are typical. The occasional spike every few minutes can be considered in the realm of normalcy, though in the perfect world we don't get spikes like that.

    Make sure you're not locked to 30fps in windowed mode by hitting CTRL+F to see your frame rate. Hitting it twice again will get rid of the fps counter. If you are consistently locked to 30fps then make sure you haven't manually limited anything in your driver control panel 1st, then turn off 'desktop composition' also in Windows option's panel for the interface. You can google how to do that for your Windows version, though I've never tried it on 10. I needed to do it on Windows 7 with my AMD card or I was stuck forever at 30fps (and below).
    ALT+ENTER toggles full screen mode for the game, write this down if you're not already familiar with this, it may run better for you.
    --Good luck!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Gnarlex™

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    Feb 20, 2015
    Hey! Thanks for the long text.
    Just tried latencymon.exe, got anywhere between 30-150 with the occasional spike to 200ish. I am running the newest driver along with the newest chipset driver. FPS are not locked to 30, I used to afterburner overlay to check :)
    GPU is not overheating either, at a steady 50-60°C.
  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    That seems pretty normal then. Go load up on 15+ traffic cars and enjoy the game (it should do 30fps or better fairly steady with 15 vehicles + your own in play).
  5. Gnarlex™

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    Feb 20, 2015
    ...and right back.
    It seems to have fixed itself. Completely steady 60FPS now, no dips below, no stutters. I have no clue what caused it before, GPU and CPU are also sitting at 50-70% now.
    Oh well!
    Thanks for you help!
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