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Low/Stuttery FPS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DarkShadowHaxor, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. DarkShadowHaxor

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    Apr 24, 2016
    My frame rates are all over the place, sometimes okay sometimes unplayable, anyone able to explain? My specs are;
    AMD FX 6300 @ 4 Ghz
    12Gb Ram @ 1600Mhz
    Nvidia GTX 960 4gb @ 1.5 Ghz
    2560x1080 75hz monitor
  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Define 'sometimes'.
    In which cases exactly?

    Your CPU is quite weak, so no surprises if one of those cases would be when using complex vehicles (T-Series and alike) or spawning multiple vehicles.
  3. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    AMD FX has part in that, but also maps you play, some maps have few spots where CPU has to work quite hard, but rest of the map it goes very easy. Shadows use CPU, turn them off and see if there is improvement.

    Another thing is 960 and that resolution, you might run out of GPU power too, however it is not simplest of things and requires lot of testing to really understand how things work in BeamNG, different places, cars and settings can stress CPU or GPU, so only way to know what to do is to figure out what limits your performance and it can be completely different from next person.

    What you need to do is to get to situation and location where your FPS is really low, then open task manager and have each of individual core load visible, don't run MSI afterburner or any other FPS monitor, see if any of cores reach 100% or near, then hit J in BeamNG and see if one core remains that high usage or if usage gets even higher.
    Then turn shadows off and see if that single core load is less than 100% now.

    Next step is then to use MSI afterburner or something else to see GPU usage, you need to set GPU usage visible in OSD from settings, again same place and without pausing physics and with pausing physics observe if GPU load is 99-100%, if it is less, then for sure your CPU is what is cause of that slowdown.

    Mostly CPU limits come up when using car that has lot of lights and all those lights are on (high beam) with high light quality and shadows enabled, however on some maps there are so many objects making shadows that CPU has trouble keeping up, this shows up as single core CPU load maxed out and GPU not having 100% load.

    If you have 100% GPU load when slowdowns happen, then turn off SSAO, if that does not help, then lower resolution or faster GPU is needed.

    However it is known that AMD FX does not run BeamNG quite as well as it can run some other stuff.

    One thing would be to post screenshots of your BeamNG graphics settings, dynamic reflections and SSAO would at least be something you need to keep off, probably normal graphics profile instead of High and there are some maps that have locations where probably everyone needs to keep shadows off in order to stay above 60fps.
  4. CaptanW

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    Aug 18, 2014
    Turn reflections off, this will greatly improve fps.
  5. MehmetErdemErcin

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    Sep 21, 2013
    I'm using my fx 6100 in 4.5ghz with gtx 960 4gb. 1080p gaming is really good. Fps can drop and try to close applications that you don't use. And use medium preset its enough. (I experienced some problems with battlefield 1 like sound cutting overheating etc. etc. Beamng is better.)
  6. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    You might have very little impact to fps by texture detail level setting, I don't think there is measurable difference between high and low settings of that with GTX 1050, but it affects looks more than other settings, imo. Worth to test, select medium preset, then select custom and set texture setting to high and see if there is any performance difference for you.
  7. BombBoy4

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    May 16, 2015
    Lighting, SSAO, disable intervehicle collisions, lower resolution, etc.
  8. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    it sounds stupid, but you can even try forcing it to run on integrated graphics, as the drivers could be incompatible. (mostly happens for me with old games and programs like blender, though.)
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