
Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by rt389g@hotmail.c, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. rt389g@hotmail.c

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    Jun 9, 2014
    Has anyone tried this? It appears to be completely open software for creating characters and has DAE support. However, exporting it into Beamng or Sketchup did not work. It did go into Beamng, but was invisible. None of the textures were exported. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I have not done a serious read through their docs, but did some reading. I am very new to modeling. Are there different versions of DAE? I also have not had the chance to export to blender which is an option, and then to Beamng. I was just wondering if anyone has used this software and what they thought. I know its not really geared toward Beamng, but still might be fun to explore.
  2. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Well before anything you need a physics structure, aka a Jbeam files, this structure defines the actual physical structure of what you're creating, the model is purely visual, and deforms/breaks with the physics structure you create.
    Here's a wiki link for content creation:Read more here
  3. rt389g@hotmail.c

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    Jun 9, 2014
    Thanks for the info. I am pretty new at modeling. I have looked at that page before and I have a lot to learn. At this point I was just trying to get a static single mesh model into my map, as a test. Just as I have dropped a simple block model in from sketchup and enabled the visable collision ( I think it was), so a car could crash into it, but my block model would take no damage itself. I thought I may be able to do the same here. I realize actual movement and collision damage to the model requires a bit more understanding and use of jbeam, etc.

    Also in general I was wondering if others have used Makehuman in Beamng or other engines and did they like it. I might play with it this weekend if I have some time. I can try to get ilt into blender and see what I can learn.
  4. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    To do a static map object you must have a seperate object in the DAE set for collision meshes, Can someone shed some light on that? I don't know the exact way to name your collision mesh, but others should.
  5. rt389g@hotmail.c

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    Jun 9, 2014

    Also, I notice in wiki link it talks about LOD models and so forth to optimize the game with pop ups, etc. I have noticed in map mods for Beamng entire mountains popping in. Is terran handled differently for that issue, other than LODs? I remember a mod in another game that the same thing happening (huge mountain popups) and the maker of the mod said it was a simple fix, something he had missed. I do not have the game in front of me know. Maybe there are terran LOD settings in the editor? Thanks again for any info, I am trying to make a map myself to contribute to the Beamng community.
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