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mass uploades with onedrive

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by jmsguyette, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. jmsguyette

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    Jun 6, 2020
    Yes I am new to beamng.
    after I have finished playing beamng drive I found that my OneDrive is uploading files upwards of 800mb. why is this, is it normal? can I turn it off without effecting the game play? I apprecieate any information that will help.
  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    The game uses Documents/BeamNG.drive by default to store your settings, cache and mods (Userfolder)
    If you use Windows 10, and have enabled the OneDrive integration, your whole Documents folder becomes a OneDrive sync folder.
    All the things you have in there will be synced with your OneDrive account and so on.

    That's generally bad for the game, in fact you should be seeing a warning about that.

    You can change the Userfolder location using the Launcher > Manage Userfolder menu.
  3. jmsguyette

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    Jun 6, 2020
    Thanks for the response, How can I disable the OneDrive integration?
    --- Post updated ---
    I'm not very literate with computers. I just got this new laptop after several years without one. if I change the location where should it be?
  4. jackh4x

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    Aug 11, 2013
    **These steps do not consider that your OneDrive has been syncing files. I'm not sure if these steps will result in data loss. Please head this warning.**

    I recently performed a couple of fresh windows installs. Disabling OneDrive has to be one of the first steps I take. If you look at your windows taskbar, you might see the onedrive icon right there, or it is 'hiding' in the carrot icon ^ . When you find the one drive logo, right click on it and select 'settings'. Uncheck the box giving OneDrive startup permission. Then, right click on the OneDrive icon again and select 'quit'. It will ask for a confirmation as if to offer last words before you shut it off forever. OneDrive should no longer run in the background. Confirm with CTRL+ALT+DEL > task manager > startup > verify OneDrive is not present. Disable OneDrive if present.
  5. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    You can check this page regarding OneDrive deactivation:

    Any you want / prefer, as far it does not require any special permission to access.
    For example you can use C:\BeamNG (ie. create a folder in the C: drive, and use it as new userfolder location)
  6. jmsguyette

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    Jun 6, 2020
    thanks for all the help. I turned it off from startup menu. my last session on beamng had it uploading 998.6mb to OneDrive. now nothing....thanks again
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