More Realistic Tire Reaction After Being on Different Surfaces

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by SeLJaK GaMeZ, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. SeLJaK GaMeZ

    SeLJaK GaMeZ
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    Apr 18, 2015
    Hi people of the BeamNG.Drive forums and Devs of the game,

    I've been playing this game for roughly 300 hours (it would have been more if my computer didn't break), and one thing always bothered me a little bit. That tire grip doesn't seem to get affected when the tires get dirty or wet. So if you just went off-roading and get back onto pavement you don't feel like there is any dirt on your tires it's just an instant grip switch and can be off putting and is unrealistic. A nice feature to go along with this, though not necessary, is the visual effect of your tires and car getting dirty or wet when going through dirt or water.

    I feel that this slight change would make the game so much more realistic and overall easier to drive as sudden grip changes can suddenly throw off the balance of the car when braking or turning making it handle unpredictably.

    Hopefully this is a feature that the devs will implement in the near future (maybe even 0.8.1, probably not though).
  2. fufsgfen

    Expand Collapse

    Jan 10, 2017
  3. A Tiny Dent

    A Tiny Dent
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    Jan 9, 2017
    Thanks a lot!
    It helped me:)
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