New ideas for a greater Game

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Driverone, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. Driverone

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Hey i had recently while playing new ideas what would Maybe increase the fun.

    First Stuntcar Weights:
    The use is. When you jump a car from a ramp, the car lean to the front because its heavier. What makes the car automaticaly crash. But if you can add weight to the rear trunk.(or the front if the rear is heavier) The car would be perfectly leveld on a Jump. and land kinda savely.
    Thats how real Stuntman does it.

    Second Addabel wings:
    After the node weld Thing? Idont know. You could Maybe make some prop wings that you can connect with any vehicel to make some small jumps a bit longer. The car would clearly not really fly at all but it would be fun to jump of a cliff and glide a bit.(kinda)

    Third Addabel Thrusters:
    Wouldnt it be awesome if you could put thrusters on the back of you car. Activate it with the num pad and driving with like 400 km/h into the sunset. or kinda Building a plane out of a car like in garrys mod.

    Fourth Addabel Helicopter blades with Motor
    I know it would look silly but woudnt it be cool to a helicopter engine to a pigeon and make it fly. Or probably horribel crash.

    Fifth Bigger nos bottels
    I know it not that realistic. But if you really try to make a Speed record in your car. It really frustrating if you run out of nitro and couldnt set a new Speed record for yourself.
    When you watch the YouTube series Roadkill with the Episode Earlcamino.Theyll put a reeeeaaaly big nos bottel on there car. So for me its realisticly enough.
    (please do it, it was so depressing not to get up to my wished speedmark, i tried it for Hours.)

    sixth Boat Hull and a Gamemode for this
    let me explain. I drove with my modded moonhawk with nearly 250km/h into the water. The car stoneskipped for nearly 200m. I couldnt believ it. If you add an addabel boat hull and a looooong racetrack with a loong Swimming pool on the end of that. It could be a stoneskipping challenge or Maybe added as fun feature to racetrack. I mean even without a boat hull. When you drive really fast you can skip trough the water without sinking. That was at least a big fun for me.(i drove on dryrock Island on the Long boot Landing stage and jumped into the water. try it out with a realy fast moonhawk)

    And the Last. But please read it frist.
    I know i know. much peopel sayed this alread but hear me out first please.
    My idea is:

    Open site or something where peopel that wants multiplaye can support you with Money or theyll knowledge. Like Patreon or something. I know makeing it is difficull and expensive. But its the only Thing thats really missing to make this to the ultimative fun game with Friends. Playing with Friends makes it Always more intresting and fun.
    #1 Driverone, Aug 15, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  2. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    Devs already said that is close to nigh impossible.
  3. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    You forgot stats.

    Total cars wrecked, per make/model, distance covered per model/trim, on air, on two wheels, while thrusters were on/off etc.

    Those stats can be then be used at online leaderboards, you can build new innovative gaming modes that utilize those stats.

    For example WR jump, you can use script to create a jumps with WR distance gap between them using track builder tracks, so if one wants to try to beat WR jump, clicking try to beat button initiates a script which places ramps with correct distance of each other, there are HUGE amount of possibilities from there.

    It is not online multiplayer, but it is online gaming and provides quite fun challenges with relatively low amount of work required to build the system.

    Of course there is no point on building something like this while simulation is still evolving, but I would think that being one low hanging fruit which would be insane not to grab.
  4. Dr. Death

    Dr. Death
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    May 12, 2016
    Im gonna be a party pooper and shoot your dream down. You cant add multiplayer JUST by throwing money. The devs already make so much money a patreon wouldn't be required.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    Plus, it would take them many months to create multiplayer for the game. Same with VR support.
    (According to what the devs have posted on those ideas)
  6. NistingurA

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    Nov 22, 2013

    Sry, but Multiplayer probably won´t happen at all. The way Beam works makes it near impossible to get a Multiplayer working that everyone enjoys
    • Agree Agree x 5
  7. Holden Knox

    Holden Knox
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    Jun 20, 2018

  8. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    He basically misspelled "addable".

    Damn, I haven't seen a thread with so many grammar errors in a while.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Driverone

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Wow. Thats so nice of you.
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