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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HIderi, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. HIderi

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    Feb 11, 2018
    So recently I was scrolling thru the forums and wanted to play beamng. maybe start automation, maybe modding. Does anybody have any recommendations for a gaming pc? I'm on a budget of maybe 800 - 850$.
    I also don't have a clue about anything PC related lol.
  2. Zero

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    Sep 2, 2012
    Do you want to build it yourself, or pre-made? It's not hard at all to build it yourself, and you save a lot which means you can get better parts.
  3. HIderi

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    Feb 11, 2018
    Self made. I have a lot of room on my desk with an xbox and a G920 and shifter.
  4. Taza

    Expand Collapse

    Nov 8, 2015
  5. Alex [ITA]

    Alex [ITA]
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    Apr 1, 2016
    Personal suggestion: that configuration is good, except the power supply. Change that to something like the Corsair TXM 550W (total build cost: $808.75), the EVGA Supernova G2 550W (total build cost: $819.52) or the Seasonic Focus Plus Gold 550W (total build cost: $805.75). These are "Gold" certified and are believed to be more reliable and less power consuming than the one you picked for just a bit more.
    You can choose "Bronze" at last (I have an old CX750M from Corsair that is rated bronze and it works ok, but it has coil whine), but I don't recommend going under the bronze level for many reasons (first of all the reliability).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Jaime Palmer

    Jaime Palmer
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    Apr 1, 2017
    I have a EVGA 650 B3 it's a 80plus bronze and sometimes, mostly when I'm charging my car (EV) I got the annoying coil whine noise and I hate it!
    So do you think with a better PS I'll get rid of it?
  7. HIderi

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    Feb 11, 2018
    Thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely consider it.
    --- Post updated ---
    Also, should i look at full or semi?
  8. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Just built my first PC two days ago. Got something I liked on PC part picker, ended up going to a local store and got something completely different because last gen components were like 50% off. If you have a reliable local store, see if they have anything on clearance. Just remember to do your research, salespeople are there to make money at the end of the day. They want to hook you up with something that'll work for you, but might not say anything about better options.

    Also, there is a computer off topic subforum with a general discussion thread. This section is for general BeamNG discussion.
  9. esesel

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    Feb 18, 2019
    Just keep in mind that beam is very demanding.. cpu duh! but also gpu should at least be current gen low midend components aka 1660 ti/1060 and ryzen 3 3200/ryzen 5 2500... also dont cheap out on the powersupply go 80+ gold and more power than you need (upgrades) go for a decent motherboard (the ryzen 3000 socket mbs are very expensive) considering the low prices you should go for 16 gigs of ddr4 memory (fast speed only necessary for amd cpus) and 1 tb of ssd (the prices are really good!!!) The ryzen cpus have decent coolers, but a better cooler (water cooling is unnecessary for a beginner pcmr member) increases the lifetime of the cpu. The case is not really a contributing factor to performance (i wouldnt spend more than necessary though) also do not spend any money on rgb!!! It looks atrocious and will be out of style two years down the line...
  10. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013
    personallier addon, i don't see the point in buying a separate hdd and ssd at those price points. just buy a 1TB ssd for like $20 more than their combined prices.

    and the PSU upgrades other people are suggesting are completely optional. i personally imagine if you got to the point where you're spending >~$600 on a GPU you can also afford to get a beefier PSU at the same time.
  11. Alex [ITA]

    Alex [ITA]
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    Apr 1, 2016
    It's up to you. They're both good, the semi has only the CPU/Mobo power delivery cables that cannot be detached but you'll use them anyways, so there is no real problem. The full modular is good if you intend to use sleeved cables so you don't have unnecessary cables in the case. I have both a full modular in my primary desktop as well as a semi modular in my secondary rig. I had no difficulties at all to hide the cables in both the computers.
    Choose the one that is better and costs less between the two.
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