Place static obejcts

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by moravas, Oct 29, 2018.

  1. moravas

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    Oct 27, 2018
    Hi All,

    I wanted to place a car and a traffic cone as static object into one of the official terrain (Utah, CLiff, whatever), but my problem is:
    As I opened up the "car selection menu" and clicked on a traffic cone, my driving has replaced by the cone. I figured out the model location and I copied into the "art" folder of the level. By this way, I could place it, but there were no collision, the driving car just went trough it. In the word editor the collision shape was set properly.
    Can somebody explain me, how can I place these vehicles as static objects with the right collision shapes?
  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
  3. moravas

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    Oct 27, 2018
    Thx for the reply.
    Well, even is they are physical objects, they can be suitable for me. What I want to reach is to "place / add" them to a terrain. E.g.: on a large asphalt plane I want to build a slalom track with traffic cones that can hit by the driver car, instead of replacing my driving car to a "traffic cone". The situation is same in case of cars, like building a car park place with some non-moving cars in it, that can be hit by the driver car.
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