Questions about g-forces and UI apps.

Discussion in 'Programming' started by NaxNir, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. NaxNir

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    Jan 28, 2014
    Is it possible to have a variable that is the g-forces acting on the car. Is this right?
    MyAppsName.prototype.update = function(streams){
        //convert to G
        var gForces = {};
        $.each(streams.sensors, function(index, val) {
            gForces[index] = val / 9.81;
    and would the variable be: gForces

    The second question is how is it possible if that variable is greater than, say, 1 it will print out "Crashed"? Is this right?
    if ('gForces' > 1) {
    and have it stay like that until the car is reset. I have a thing earlier in the app that will say "Alive" can I make it loop back to the begging once the car is reset.

    Copied from Some-questions-about-app-development Please delete that other thread, as this is the correct section.
  2. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
    Among the built-in apps is a g-meter. The variable you need is used in that. Just open it up and find it. I'd find it for you, but I'm a bit busy ATM and don't have BeamNG installed on this machine.
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