Retarder simulation for bus and T-series

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Michaelflat, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    ever been on a hilly bus route?, if yes, then you know this sound!

    This is a retarder, this converts kinetic energy to heat, using a kind of torque converter application, where one side is bolted on and not allowed to move, the sloshing of the liquid (turbulence within it) slows the bus down, but generates heat.
    This heat is carried away by the main cooling radiator, meaning it never really has a break going downhills! This results in buses that are roaring almost all the time, as there is so much heat to dissipate! Heat from engine and braking!

    the retarder will not work when coolant is above a certain temperature.

    This is a relatively new feature, and not common on older buses like the wentward, but i suppose it can be retrofitted where necessary on the wentward (hilly routes). The T-series is a bit borderline, i think a compression brake might be more suitable, but some trucks have both:
    (very new truck however)
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  2. Capkirk

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    Nov 19, 2017
    I would definitely like both of these as well. A compression brake should be pretty easy to implement. As the Herbie mod has shown, dynamic torque curves are possible with lua, so a compression brake should work by just setting torque slightly negative as long as the RPM is above idle.

    A retarder would also be pretty easy by just uncoupling a TC from the engine and locking the input, and should work with the existing TC simulation. Of course, theres no transmission thermal simulation yet, so it wouldn't add heat to the cooling loop.
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  3. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Engine braking is negative friction, compression brake would probably just multiply dynamic friction.
  4. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    negative friction? is that power :p I know what you mean.

    Yeah transmission thermals would be awesome too, soo many things on my BeamNG.wishlist!
  5. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Oh yes, have you heard about dark energy? :D :D

    I was to write negative torque, but then remembered that in BeamNG it is called just friction, so ended up someplace middle it seems :p

    Backtorque I think it was in

    There is indeed lot of wants, probably not nearly half of them makes sense for developers to include though, so better try to learn that LUA, it might come handy :) (If darn thing just would stick to my teflon brain)
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