RHD vs LHD in Video Games

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Googlefluff, Oct 9, 2015.


Do you prefer left- or right-side-driving countries in video games?

  1. Prefer to Drive on the Left (UK, Japan)

    15 vote(s)
  2. Prefer to Drive on the Right (USA, Europe)

    30 vote(s)
  3. No Preference

    12 vote(s)
  1. Googlefluff

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    Feb 12, 2015
    So, this is a totally random off-topic poll that I figured I may as well post here. I was just randomly thinking about a debate I had years ago on the now-defunct TDU2 forums about including locations that drive on the left-hand side of the road (like the UK, Japan, etc.) in freeroam games and how almost no games do. A surprising amount of people felt very strongly about this so I wanted to see what you guys think.

    Despite having a drivers license and living in a country that drives on the right, I actually prefer driving on the left in video games. Would you like to see more games include left-side-driving locations or would that annoy you? I think this is actually something that should really be talked about with the Forza Horizon series becoming a regular thing. Since they've done America and Europe, I think Japan would be a very strong contender as a location for the third installment, seeing as tuner and drift culture is so popular worldwide.
    #1 Googlefluff, Oct 9, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  2. ktheminecraftfan

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    Mar 14, 2014
    how about New Zealand for the next instalment of forza horizon.
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  3. Googlefluff

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    Feb 12, 2015
    I would actually really enjoy New Zealand as the next setting. They have some truly amazing roads and scenery that I would think everyone would love, however I feel it's unlikely since it's not really a "mainstream" country, for lack of a better word. You know what I mean lol
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  4. LachlanRGaming

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    Mar 13, 2013
    Was actually thinking about another Test Drive Unlimited with 2 islands like TDU2 but with maybe a scaled down Australia and normal New Zealand or rather but doesn't seem like there will be another TDU for a long time.
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  5. ktheminecraftfan

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    Mar 14, 2014
    please do n9ot mention TDU2 I have bad memories of that game corrupting my game saves.
  6. Occam's Razer

    Occam's Razer
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    Aug 7, 2013
    There was a big debate on the Blender Artists forums a while back about changing some of the base code. Blender 3D, against the flow of basically every other program known to man, uses a right-click to select, and some of the main coders had unveiled that they had the potential to change that if the community was so willing. The resultant discussion quickly became extremely heated, even though every point advocating either mouse button's use could be equally applied to the opposite. Wrapped up in a futile stalemate, the discussion ultimately dropped off.

    In a similar vein, I picked 'no preference' on your poll, as the only real advantage or disadvantage to either is based firmly on personal familiarity.

    Anywho, the only real preference I have is for more variety. Whether between games, or ideally, within them. As for New Zealand, it would be a change of pace. It's widely known to be a place of majestic other-worldly beauty, and has diverse biomes crammed into a limited space surrounded by a seemingly endless ocean; basically JC2's Panau... but with rings and hobbits and Mt. Doom.
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  7. Cira

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    Aug 8, 2013
    Yea well ... so much LHD countries vs RHD ... not a hard decision. I also really liked how they handled driving in TDU2. Loved that game. So sad that the servers seem to be offline. I'm always in for some cruising in TDU2.
  8. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    About 40% of vehicles on roads globally are RHD.
  9. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    GTA permanently messed with my mind for driving in games. Even though I live in a left-driving country where the driver sits on the right, and always remember the correct side to get in a real car, I ALWAYS go for the left door on a game. It confuses the hell out of me playing Mad Max because games very rarely represent RHD cars.
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  10. LJFHutch

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    Environment Artist
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 4, 2012
    Left vs right doesn't bother me all that much, I've learned how to do left now.

    What does bother me is how arbitrary the clicks are; select object is right click, select a menu item is left click, cancel an action is right click again, it makes no sense to me.
  11. jammin2222

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    Sep 15, 2013
    I would love to see right hand drive cars in Beam. It would be amazing if there was a global option in the settings to pick between right or left hand drive cars. (I imagine it would go next to the setting that lets you pick the default car in free roam, hint hint). I rarely use the cockpit view at present as it just feels wrong and goes against everything I have ever known.
    Even two of my friends I showed the game too said "are there any RHD cars?" So I spawned the pigeon and they said "they're taking the p155 aren't they, its not even a proper car!" lol. I did explain to them that the game is still in Alpha.

    As for maps that are not race tracks, it would be a pain in the bum to make left/right hand drive versions. When I made Sketch city I set out the roads to drive on the left because I'm biased to that way of thinking, but loads of people wanted a flipped version. So this time in Generic city I tried to at least make the traffic lights ambidextrous. I haven't had any comments about it, so I guess it either worked or nobody cared. Though I don't think sticking the steering wheel in the middle of the dash would be a good solution for cars. :)

    I agree with Occam that it's personal preference at the end of the day. If there are chalk and cheese situations like this, with two very clear ways for something to work, then an option for the user to pick what suits them best will solve all related arguments. I believe blender has an option to change the mouse behavior, but it defaults to the backward way of working. I don't really want to go into blenders UI and how non standardized it is, but if they could make it conform to standards used by most other software I might actually have the patients to learn it without getting irritated. If something irritates me, I tend to steer clear of it. Hence why I rarely use the cockpit view or blender lol :)
    I'm getting to be a stubborn old fart. lol
  12. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013
    I prefer all you strange and insane countries that drive on the wrong side of the road switch to the right.

    In multiple ways.
  13. BlueScreen

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    Apr 5, 2014

    (imported from here)
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  14. Googlefluff

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    Feb 12, 2015
  15. MOHAAPlayer

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    Jul 6, 2014
    That might be because your PS3 might be kinda borked!
    PC? It goes up and down A LOT! PS3/360? I have no idea but I think the servers normally stay up for those versions....
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