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Saving Level Changes-- New vs. Old World Editor (issues)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by B3_Burner, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. B3_Burner

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    Mar 13, 2019

    If I want to save changes to a level (let's keep it simple and say I only want to change the default time of day),
    Old World Editor would direct me to the proper folder of: C/Documents/BeamNG.drive/levels, where I would simply give it my own unique name, and the file would be saved with the name of the level in lower case letters. Easy enough.

    However, New World Editor directs me to the improper folder path of: C/Games/steamapps/common/BeamNG.drive. It kind of drops me off in no-man's-land, and I know I don't dare change the level files in the default levels folder.

    So I could redirect it manually to Docs/BNGdrive/levels myself, but then a strange thing happens. Rather than containing the internal files within a folder named after the level I made the changes in, it dumps all the files loose into the levels folder leaving me to sort through the mess, and try to put it in some organized fashion.

    Has anyone else had this problem, saving level changes with the New World Editor, and how do you stop it from doing that?

    Thank you.
  2. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    I've heard that it randomly dumping all the files is intentional to prevent it from overwriting the original file because otherwise you would lose it forever. But it still makes no sense to me and idk if it's true. Also, it happens with old editor too. At least it used to happen, idk if it does now.
  3. B3_Burner

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    Mar 13, 2019
    Luckily I've never had issue in the Old Editor. But when they deprecate the old and I'm forced to edit with the New, I'm in big trouble.
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