[SOLVED] - Ground Types only working on half a map

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by JorgePinto, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. JorgePinto

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    Aug 4, 2013

    I just encountered a weird problem porting the Vice City map, I'm using the groundType modifier for certain textures in the json file, so they act like they should (grass, sand, dirt...) and so far, it has been a successful method, but for some reason in the new segments being ported, everything behaves as asphalt, while the rest of the map still works with the assigned groundType.

    A quick example with grass in one of the first segments ported, works as expected:


    And in one of the latest, literally the same texture, but scaled down...acts like asphalt. Same map, same day, not even reloaded anything, just drove the car from one part of the map to another:


    I checked the material names 100 times already, I deleted caches, and anything extra I could think of, but to no avail, no material in the new segments is working, no matter if it's sand, grass...

    Is there some kind of technical limit perhaps for how many times a texture can use the groundType modifier, or what could possibly be happening here?
  2. JorgePinto

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    Aug 4, 2013
    OK, finally found out what was wrong, I didn't noticed blender automatically changed the material name in the COL mesh, so it was correctly been read for the texture, but not for the groundType.
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