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state of SLI/Crossfire support in 2020?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by sam0x17, Jan 19, 2020.

  1. sam0x17

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    Jan 19, 2020
    Hi, I was wondering what the current state of SLI/Crossfire setups is with BeamNG? As far as I can tell from googling, specific support for SLI/Crossfire was never added to BeamNG, but that it has "worked anyway" at least for the last few years. I wanted to confirm that before buying my new computer as I am replacing a rig with a 2080 Ti with a rig with dual 2080 supers in SLI. If BeamNG is only able to make use of one of the two 2080 supers, my upgrade could actually be a significant downgrade for BeamNG, and I will have to reconsider my configuration.

    So will BeamNG be able to make use of both 2080 Supers in SLI?

  2. EvilMcSheep

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    Jan 5, 2016
    Good morning! I generally get >90% performance scaling with both GPUs enabled on my HD 6990, but there are some issues too;
    • GPU-accelerated UI will flicker like crazy, so you'll have to disable this feature, and put up with the low refresh rate UI, as it was a few updates ago.
    I haven't seen anyone else report these, so it might just be related to my card/driver version (Catalyst 15.7.1, from 2015), but anyway;
    • Having PointLights in sight (such as seen in the orange-lit tube in GridMap) causes massive frame drops (average FPS reported as ~half of normal, but the frametimes are horrible). Going into the map editor and deleting these lights is quite easy though, and they're generally not used in maps very often.
    • For dynamic reflections, having less than 2 faces per update can cause flicker, and you'll want to reload the map every time you mess with this specific setting, otherwise it'll start flickering as the scene changes.
    I'm very happy with CF on Beam myself, the only concern is future support for it, as the engine is improved upon - the above issues are relatively recent.
    Fortunately though, I've yet to encounter any problems with the recent major graphics update, so that certainly brings hope!
    (I have a 2nd 6990 now, I'm just waiting for the CF bridge to arrive, so maybe I'll get to tell you about how well QuadFire works in a few days too :D)
    Good luck! :)

    EDIT: Here's an essay about it, sorry for the delay https://www.beamng.com/threads/hd-6990-4-way-crossfire-quadfire-beamng-benchmarks-and-quirks.68546/
    #2 EvilMcSheep, Jan 20, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
  3. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
    Dual GPU support went from awesome in the mid-2000's, to "eh" in the early 2010's, to damn near non-existent.

    Don't bother.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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