WIP Beta released Tacho with shiftpoint data, alias Refreshed "SimpleTacho" HUD ui app for simracer

Discussion in 'User Interface Apps' started by lezs, Jan 16, 2024.

  1. lezs

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    Jan 28, 2017
    Dear BeamNG community!

    As a simracer I always missed a simple, but accurate RPM HUD UI app in BeamNG.

    Accurate?! How? Accurate, as it is presenting us the correct, calculated shiftpoints!*

    After long-long hours working on this project (because I'm the tester, and neither of my friends ever programmed in Javascript) with one of my Administrator friend, and the other one full-time programmer friend, we made this little refresh on the originally included "SimpleTacho" app! :D

    The original one showed us the red line at 90% of the available RPM range, and the close to idle RPM range.

    !!!The RPM bar now will change it's color depending on the calculated shift up, and shift down points! These are used for the whole "shift decision" progress in BeamNG! From now on, we don't need "Shiftdatadebug" app running, or "torquecurve", when we want focus on timeattack, or a race!

    Yes, the App has some unnecessary rows, but I let you use it as it is, because I don't want to waste my friend's time anymore. We don't need any credit.

    If you want to change the colors of the RPM bar, then you have to modify the RGB data in the line 50, 53 and 55 of the app.js file.

    - If you change, or load up other Apps, probably you would have to "refresh" or "restart" the simulation, with R or CTRL+R
    - In the first gear, there is no shiftdown data, same is true for the highest gear, there is no shiftup data! (Not needed) Therefore they'll be always green (1st towards N is green, and last gear won't have red-line, just shiftdown colorchange)
    - For P,R,N, and other ("-" indexed) gears, we didn't plan so much, it has a fix RPM value for coloring, you can modify it in line 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 with RGB values in the app.js file.
    - And probably we have some others, I do apologise for that.

    If you have any suggestions, questions, or you've modified the app, please let me know, and I'll refresh it!

    The refreshed app, with refreshed style (svg file was modified to my taste, you can use the original one too):


    ((((correct shiftpoints: calculated in BeamNG, short form: the ideal RPM to use an engine for the best performance is between the MAX torque, and just a tiny bit above MAX power. But gear-ratio and gear lengths can modify these best shifting "points" or RPMs. All of that is included in this amazing simulation, huge applause for it from a vehicle engineer (myself) Dear Developers!!!!)))
    #1 lezs, Jan 16, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
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  2. lezs

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    Jan 28, 2017
    Okay, it's refreshed a bit! The link's .rar file is updated!

    Unfortunately, we have forgot to add "vehiclefocuschanged" parameter, which led to not functioning at all when you start a mission.

    It's fixed, and works when the countdown finished, or anything other pop-up is disappeared. (I think, but I'm not that all-around player in BeamNG world)
  3. lezs

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    Jan 28, 2017
    Most fresh version, if you are interested in that write to me, and I'll share it with you.

  4. RubyNarwhal

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    Aug 9, 2021
    The download link doesn't work
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. lezs

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    Jan 28, 2017
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