WIP Beta released The Tennessee USA Roane County 0.71 Beta Discussion/Suggestion/feedback Thread 19.3.1

HUGE 175sq/mi, 193+ miles of roadway, US40 highway, 3 Towns, Signs, Working Traffic Lights, Trees

  1. Michi4711

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    Jul 11, 2014
    How can you all be able to get more than 40 Fps? I get only 30-40 and my PC shouldn't be the problem :D
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    You can try playing around with video settings a bit, but yes I agree, you should at-least be in the 40~60fps range there. Try toggling reflection resolution and toggling shadows - I know beautiful videocard - shouldn't have to... but this map really pushes the envelope for what is possible with this game. The game engine isn't quite there yet in fully supporting open-world play - but ALMOST is. This map was made when I decided to release my open-world-concept test for this, by creating something as large as most commercial game maps, to see what the engine would do and how it handled it. At first it skipped a lot, was randomly choppy, etc, so I went back did some more optimizations... Well put it this way with a new game version here that we have this week - it runs much better than when it was first released. It should get better as time goes on, not worse. In the future, I hope to make more adjustments that bring FPS and features - not take away FPS to add features!
    The landscape itself is not 100% visibility-optimized as you see in commercial games, it currently lacks visibility-blockers (These get buried in mountain ranges, or tall long hills, or seriously huge buildings, to disgard rendering behind it at the game-engine-renderer level, improving FPS by increasing the reject-map of what not to render) to help speed up rendering by reducing polygons and surfaces needed to render.
    It's possible there's a setting in gfx that'll help. You can try medium textures but you shouldn't *have* to do that. It's worth a shot.
    Tis the fun of cutting edge hardware, cutting edge software, and brand new drivers for everything :x Enjoying my driver russian-roullette as of late myself (@#$^%ing stupid technology!).

    As of late, from what I know, there's no way to get it to STOP at stop signs - but the moment I am able to get the AI to do that - it will be done!
    At this point it would have to be done at a script extender IF the AI was implimented in a manner that could be extended.
    The AI basically draws a line down the middle of it's lane and stays with that line as best as possible, and generally will try and drive civil unless being chased by someone fairly closely. IT will try to stay in the lane and maintain control of the vehicle and not slide off the road. YES it still messes up now and then but mostly only when you chase it or when there's a hard corner tapered the wrong way (usually a mapper's fault there unless it's being pursued by a vehicle near-by).
    On the highway it should mostly stay in the right lane, although on the mountain on Route 40, I took special care to really keep it in-lane and at the appropriate speed so that it doesn't frequently drive off (it used to, to much hilarity, but for the sake of creating a driving environment, I fixed it). Route 40 is the only posted numbered motorway in this map, it's the main East to West corridor with all the on/off ramps etc.
    I would very much love to have the AI stop at stop signs but it won't be able to for the time being. I am sure there's way to do it via script, but not from the map editor. That'd be more a mission editor type of thing. Right now with most quad-core intel cpu's running best with 7 vehicles or less (it's called an i7 because it runs 7 threads best, where an i5 works best with 4~5 threads)... it's not quite practical to think about massive amounts of AI vehicles at the moment. I know ways it can be done though, and how it's done in GTAV for example, and I will be sharing more with the devs later on down the line to try and make this possible some time in the future.

    A bit of wishful thinking aside, I am sure maybe we will see something in the future like this - keep fingers crossed.
    I am hoping to have a new version of this out by Mid-January though it won't be a show-stopping-amazing update, it will just be an incremental one. I am trying to get missions in but I have to hack them in via ganked scripts from the game itself (copy script change some variables... hope it works... try and try again!). There's still no mission editor but there's obviously someway else to do it.
  3. bigbadboy

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    Aug 3, 2016
    thanks for the advice on this map opinion sorry for wasting time
    --- Post updated ---
    if beamng did let you do the stopping thing would you do it or is it just a waste to go map to map

    and if you could would you make it stop at reds and go on greens

    i just want your best opinion because i was going to make a map at some point similar to yours but very different with them stopping at lights and stop signs and or just make it realistic

    i know its not a good idea but if you can let me know if it is possible i would appreciate it

    thank you
    --- Post updated ---
    i really appreciate your artistic math skills i wish i knew how to make a map as good as you and as large as yours but your creativity is really good and i hope to see you grow in artistic skills and make more beautiful maps like this one

    question: am i able to download a map editor and work on my own map without being in game?

    keep it up

    thank you for making beamng drive as awesome and as perfect detail to make me feel like beamng drive is worth it
  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The map editor is in the game already. Running in something other than full-screen, press F11, you'll be in the map editor. You have to run the game to use it (but you could also edit terrain from L3DT or world machine - they're both commercial, though. Blender can work with terrains, and is free, but you'll really have to learn long and hard to use that one.
    When and if I can make the AI pay attention to traffic lights, I will. Currently, it does not know about them. AI does not take into account traffic signals and may never but who knows. For now the closest it comes to a stop is when there's a really hard turn, that's it. When in the future it becomes available, it will be considered, but it would require quite a bit of scripting (which is currently beyond my ability).
    This is, however, most surely not garunteed in the future, nothing is set in stone, and anything may come over the year with the forthcoming versions of the game itself. It is a driving simulator afterall so who knows what they will do. If something is possible to make this more realistic then I will most definitely try to implement it into this map/game.
    Like I said I am sure if someone's up to scripting something would be possible with the script extender but it may have to be pre-planned routes with something like that. It would also take more processing power but wouldn't murder FPS (unless it was just too many vehicles for the CPU).
  5. bigbadboy

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    Aug 3, 2016
    i really like your artistic skills in this map is there by any chance you teach me :)
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    so maily if i was going to use something like grid map and wanted to make my own map i use the world machine or wehatever?

    how much cpu would you recommend or memory would you recommend for a map this size?
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    so if i was going to make a map this size with ai paths i would need what exacaly like what skills to keep it steady and not kill my computer
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    what is l3dt is that a program or something in map editor that you use to make a terrain
    --- Post updated ---

    sorry ill stop bugging you
    #445 bigbadboy, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2016
  6. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    @bigbadboy You can download a trial of L3DT program if it helps with this, but please don't pirate. Buy it if you find it useful.
    Terrain is prepped out with terrainparty.com at 1081p and loaded and upscaled into L3DT (commercial, paid, about US 30$), and prepped up so that it's 4k square and usable with Beamng.drive. Then I prep out a blank map from one of the in-game maps that has the most assets of any map I will need (like for example, Tennessee USA would be most like East Coast, but also makes use of many other in-game and mod-map assets, with permission of course from associated mod-authors). I then get the terrain setup inside Beamng.drive and start mapping. I add in more assets as I need them and as the computer's resources allow, frequently checking my memory footprint (how much RAM I am using) and the processor use amounts while running tests with AI. Before I start laying roads and positioning objects I make sure that my map's square size (the size between vertices in the map terrain, in meters) is roughly equivalent to that in real-life if I intend on remaking something in real life in Beam. If I don't intend on remaking an exact road network that exists in real life, the square size would be more fit so that mapping would be running smoother on the host computer, and that it would play-back on player's computers smoothly. In this case, I took the former, not the latter.
    The most thing that eats video memory, is textures. This has been limited to about 3.5gb, so that users with GTX 970 Nvidia cards (they're rather plentiful) don't get hung out to dry. Keep an eye on this amount with a program like MSI Afterburner or similar program.
    The most thing that eats up System memory is the physics modeling of the map itself. This increases exponentially, the larger the map's terrain resolution is (the 4k square I mentioned earlier, is the largest natively working with Beamng.drive without it locking up on terrain importation), and square size is (again, size between map vertices on the terrain). The physics model includes terrain collision and collision with trees, buildings, and other map furniture like lamps, poles, rocks, guiderail etc. The square size of the map will set essentially your detail level on whether your map is fairly small and able to recreate a perfect pothole simulator (should you choose to), or if you want a larger map like this one where you'd have a less precise terrain model, but have a much bigger area to cruise. It's a trade-off. I figured well there are plenty of smallish maps around, lets see if this game can handle a MONSTER of a map, and it did, fairly well too! I always push the engine to the limits, so that's why this doesn't run on computers that just meet the basic requirements, but will *just* run on computers that meet the recommended requirements for this game.
    Keep your AI paths simple. Most of my AI paths on THIS map are directly integrated into decal roads themselves, however, some are made in a 'hackey' method that involves laying an (invisible) two-point decal road (only two nodes, beginning and end), on each end of a bridge for example, so the AI will think there is a level road there and be completely oblivious to the fact it's actually on a bridge over a river/lake/creek/etc. Sometimes I overlay complex intersections with simple (invisible) AI path-only decal roads, while disabling AI through the intersection bits so that it JUST follows the path of my invisible roads. Otherwise it gets mixed up and can slow down processing. In the very least it helps save a FEW FPS when multiple cars are driving about on their own. This simplifies processing of the AI script and in-stead of presenting the AI with like 10 chunks of intersection, where it must pick a route, sometimes driving all which ways (randomly), it just goes straight through, makes a realistic turn, etc). I also used this method to guide it up and down the mountain on Route 40 as I mentioned earlier to keep it in lane. For what it's worth, I also used this method to keep the AI in lane on the freeways/hiways in So-Cal Interstate. You can also use the map.json to script in bridges, mesh roads, etc, with AI NODES (waypoints) in your map so that it shows up as a road to the AI and on the minimap too. Both the waypoints and invisible decal roads will get AI over bridges so long as the line between the two points roughly follows the bridge surface level. Large deviations vertically between the points (bridge or not on a bridge) may cause the AI to stop or slow down randomly as used to be the case on Desert Highway before I spoke with the author about what I knew about the AI (he fixed it).
    Back on track, basically, if you're targetting folks with 4~8gb of RAM in their computer, then make a map no bigger than So-Cal Interstate or Black Hills by Ouerbacker (also, Nevada Interstate which is based off Black Hills, which was my 1st map btw). Maps as large as THIS map (Tennessee USA) should not be attempted by anyone other than an experienced mapper with lots and lots of time and motivation at hand.
    Basically, in a nutshell, that's a 4096x4096 square map terrain size, with no bigger than a 2~2.5m square size. Anything larger could be out-of-reach for those who have 'at or less than 6~8gb of ram'.

    Just make sure when you go to create a map that you:
    Know what or have a good idea of what you wish to create. Pictures help a lot! Go on google and get some pics for inspiration!
    Make sure to look on this website for plenty of tutorials, they are out there. I can't walk you through every step of the way.
    If you don't script your forest brush editor properly, the editor will error and possibly kick you out to the desktop, losing map progress. If you don't want this to happen, make a desert map. Start with the Utah map if that's the case, making your own terrain.
    There's plenty of free texture sites out there, make sure to make use of them! Get good with paint.net program (free) and you can make your own. That's not the only freebie out there, there's also the GNU IMAGE MANIPULATION PROGRAM for linux windows and mac.
    Notepad++ is a free script editor that's absolutely a lifesaver for working on Beamng map scripts. You can not live without this. Learn it, love it.
    Most mappers will be more than happy to allow you use of resources so long as you give them credit when and where you use them.
    I could not have made this map nearly as wonderful without using some/a bunch of resources from other mappers, regardless if I acquired them on my own means or if they sent them to me themselves. Ask, and you shall receive, or at-least have a good chance of it.
    Have a good friend or two or at-least some folks you know on Steam or on here with this game who you can speak in private/email/instant message with to test out your map creation *BEFORE* you release it to the public. Don't be like me. My first map release of Nevada Interstate was an absolute unmitigated disaster (I've said so before, too, on other forums). 'Doh. Having been an early adopter, I believe I was the first of my Steam group to own this game... So I had no one I knew to test, but I am sure it could have been arrange. Just remember that!
    In all seriousness, I wish you the best of luck. If you wish to use assets from any of my maps, describe the assets (or take pictures), you may use them ofcourse (if they are mine!) but let me know so I can forward permissions to others or tell you who to contact/talk to.
    Please don't build a map directly off my map (e.g. replacing the terrain only!), as it's incomplete and there's multiple scripting errors in the forest brush (That don't affect play at all, it's unfinished assets or missing assets) that I haven't fixed up yet as it's NOT DONE YET. Please pick a completed in-game (developer's) map to build off of. There's also a 1~2 dozen MB of incomplete assets I haven't even finished scripting in yet.

    As per my map, it'll be done WHEN I WRITE 'HEY ITS DONE', hopefully that's before the world ends / World-War-3 ... but who knows. All's I can say is I am working on it when I am motivated to (otherwise if you do it because you have to you end up making rubbish!) several times a week. So-Cal Interstate needs a big update first and foremost (and possibly Nevada Interstate will get better than just a .mis patch it currently has when I have time after that's done).
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Make your posts SHORTER.
    Also, this is derailing this thread/going off topic. Further questions you can post on the content creation forum.
    I wouldn't try to make a map as big as this one, because you would take a year to finish it even if you worked on it 40 hours a week. Try making one that's a quarter this size. a 2048x2048 terrain size, with a square size of 1 or 2 or something in between will be just fine for a beginner. If you don't have a lot of creativity also a large map will not suit your ability. So it's something to think about.
    You can post some pictures and your questions in the content creation forum. I will help you in there when I see posts, as will others - AND you won't have to wait as long, either. There's plenty of mappers to help you. It's best to start with real terrain as flat maps that start out aren't usually as good and will always be obvious.
    You won't learn this overnight. I've been doing this about a year and I'd have to say that while I am pretty good in the mapper itself, I certainly don't know everything.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. EuroTrucker

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    Mar 31, 2014
    When I load up your map on BeamNG version 0.8, I get a pop-up error saying "Error reading PNG file; bad adaptive filter value" and it also says "C:\jenkins\workspace\gameengine\root\gameengine\Engine\source\gfx\bitmap..." where it would have the program name.
    See attached
    Sorry for the long picture I'm using two monitors.

  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    That's odd, it's working dandy on here... are you sure that isn't something with the game?
    Steam>Right click on beamng.drive>properties>Verify integrity of game files ...
    I will have the png's mostly converted over shortly but the normals still use them (I have to speak with the devs on how they get them properly mip-mapped so they don't look 'dirty' using .dds format, it has odd compression that DOES NOT play nice with concrete/asphalt normals). Strangely, I have never ever seen nor heard of this error.
    Please verify the game and report back if you still get this same error.

    It's possible the download is corrupted, or a file went bad on the local disk, some bits went bad on the zip... too bad there's no PKZIPFIX.EXE anymore :x
    It might be a good time to go and type in cmd.exe in run, and right click > RUN AS ADMIN when it comes up.
    Make sure you're on the drive the file is stored on, then Type "chkdsk" without the quotes, and hit enter, and see if it says anything about 'bitmap does not match' blah blah, this is a common thing to have happen, can cause disk performance to decrease and stupid/goofy errors/freeze/oddball things like my virus scanner becoming spaztastic.
    If it says something like BITMAP DOES NOT MATCH (it's a master file record), then retype "chkdsk /f" and hit enter, it may prompt to run-after-restart, press Y.
    If it does not find any errors, then you can close out the window (or type exit, to make it close itself), and skip ahead to the next paragraph.
    Close your other applications (not the command window) that are important and save any work you have open, your web browser tabs etc.
    Now type "shutdown -r" in and it'll prompt you that the system will shut down and it will then REBOOT TWICE to run the disk checker.

    (the next paragraph)
    Only other thing I can think of is a directx error or something to do with the dual screens... directx you COULD try to reinstall, but I don't know otherwise.
    What kind of video card are you running? What OS, a little bit about the system hardware, like cpu and ram maybe?
    I've been working with PC's/PC Hardware/Windows/Linux 22 years and I've never seen that one. Google it? If Torque3d comes up that's the engine Beamng is based on, that's valid help too. I'd honestly google before doing anything. Google knows best. If it's something with my map, well, then I will fix it but thousands have downloaded it without that error popping up. My map has caused enough issues for poor @Nadeox1 trying to tell people 'hey, your computer can't run that, not our fault his nuts mod made magic smoke come out'... but just 'nicer' and 'more professionally' :) God bless Nadeox1 - that man has much, much, much greater patience than anyone I've known.

    --I will check back tomorrow about this error.


    RUN CHKDSK /F ON ALL YOUR IMPORTANT AND SYSTEM DATA DRIVES AFTER A POWER FAILURE OR OTHER UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWN, OR YOU WILL HAVE MUCH REDUCED DRIVE PERFORMANCE! Follow the steps above! My 1065mbyte/sec drive c: goes to 600mb/sec and random read/write performance is far reduced as is IOPS, if I don't do this after a power failure.
    Doing this just re-matches the master file allocation table (bitmap) with the backup one and the journaling.
    If you don't do this it's got to check the file journal everytime it has a 'miss' and sometimes even moreso.
    This is also good to do if files are 'missing' or 'broken' or programs stop functioning, do so sooner than later.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. EuroTrucker

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    Mar 31, 2014
    I'm running
    Windows 10
    Intel Core i7-6700HQ @ 2.60 GHz
    16gb RAM
    NVidia GTX 1070
    in an ASUS laptop.

    I did the Steam integrity check and it came up clear.
    I have to go into Task manager and close BeamNG that way after the error and this is the error code it gives when I close it :BeamNG.drive 0x00000001".
    I did a google search and the only two were on the BeamNG Forums
    I don't know how to reinstall DirectX.
    And I got the same issue after that on just my laptop monitor.
    I am still getting this issue

    #450 EuroTrucker, Dec 31, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
  11. EuroTrucker

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    Mar 31, 2014
    I have fixed the issue by redownloading the mod and it works fine now.
    I would say a file corrupted when I downloaded it (thank Australia's only internet service).

  12. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Well good you got it fixed. Figured there was something wrong with the file itself - the chance of that bring quite large actually over a 740mb (?) download.
  13. Joeyfuller2000

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    Jan 19, 2015
    Burger world....

    Beavis and Butthead comes to mind

    Also, great map!
    It is very interesting to see that beamng is capable of handling such a complex thing.
  14. MehmetErdemErcin

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    Sep 21, 2013
    Can my PC can run this? AMD FX 6100 overclocked to 4.5ghz (In future, it will be 4.8 or 5 ghz I hope I don't burn my CPU with my air cooling.) 8gb corsair vengance 8gb 1600mhz 2x4gb ram. And, Sapphire Radeon R7 260x 2gb gddr5 128 bit (Not O.C. model, the base one with 1050/1500mhz clocks.) overclocked to 1300/1700 mhz clocks. Can I run this map? :D
  15. NewoFox

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    Feb 17, 2016
  16. Kevin R

    Kevin R
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    May 5, 2016
    Absolutely gourgeous and enormous map. I've already had hours of fun on it since I downloaded it last week. Runs like a charm on my PC by the way. (i5 6600K, GTX1060, 16GB RAM)
  17. TheDongFather

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    Feb 1, 2016
    Hey, man. I love this map but my only criticism is that water onscreen tanks fps. I can run this at 60fps at medium-high detail for most of the time but as soon as water appears its sub 30fps and almost unplayable. Is there a way to reduce the reflection quality or something of the water? (I have dynamic reflections etc disabled anway)
  18. Exchy

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    Aug 27, 2016
    Intended? Lmao

    Edit: Yeah, something didn't let me start driving on Sbr4, still wonder what it was lul

    Attached Files:

    • Untitled.png
    • Untitled.png
  19. Zeke Atkins

    Zeke Atkins
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    Feb 4, 2017

    Is a GeForce GTX 1050Ti superclocked (Single fan) a good graphics card for this map?
  20. Zeke Atkins

    Zeke Atkins
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    Feb 4, 2017
    Try setting ai mode to random, then changing it back to disabled
    That keeps happening to me too.
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