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  1. coolbill14_ 2

    coolbill14_ 2
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    Dec 22, 2015
    so i went and checked back on a recording a made a while back of beamng and never posted on youtube and i saw some map befor i selected a level called "the void" whats that?? i dont see it anymore so im assuming bug?
    i also watched old whybeare videos and he has it so somethings up right?? but seriously what even is "the void" map?
  2. Zappymouse

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    Jun 18, 2013
    Just a blank map with some goofy lighting. Nothing interesting.
  3. KozyKat

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    Jun 13, 2015
    I remember the void. It wasn't that good. It was just small, pure, grid, without the grid. It was really hard to see and it looked like you were driving on nothing. Edit: ninja'd
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