WIP [Tutorial] Big Iron's Noob-Friendly BeamNG Guide

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by Big Iron, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Big Iron

    Big Iron
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    Jan 9, 2018

    Thank You! So, if you're here that obviously means you have bought BeamNG.Drive and you want to know how to do some stuff. So, let's dive right in.

    A few things before we begin:
    -This game IS fully compatible with Xbox 360 controllers.
    -This game is VERY intensive on system resources
    -This game is HIGHLY addicting.
    -This game also has a supportive community and MODS. TONS. OF. MODS.

    You can spawn yourself in a free-roaming world by pressing PLAY then clicking on FREEROAM. Select a MAP and a SPAWN POINT, then click on SPAWN in the bottom-right corner.

    You will spawn in the good ol' Gavril D-Series Truck. You might not like this, so you can change it by pressing Esc, or Escape which opens a menu on the left-hand side of the screen. click the icon that looks like a CAR. This is your vehicle selection menu, there might not be a ton to choose from as of now, but remember there are MODS and this game is also in EARLY ACCESS, so the development is not fully completed.

    So, did you changed your car? Great! Didn't change your car? Great! The GEAR-SHAPED ICON below the car icon in the menu is your vehicle customization menu, you can choose the parts in your vehicle, custom-tune it in the TUNING tab, get a fresh spray in the COLOR tab and save or load a SAVED PRESET in the SAVE&LOAD tab!

    If you don't like the world you're in, hit ESCAPE again and press the RED ARROW at the bottom-left corner of your screen to go to the MAIN MENU.

    The final thing we want to go over in this short tutorial are the CONTROLS. This is how you control your automobile within the BeamNG world. The ARROW KEYS are to drive.
  2. Spiicy

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    Sep 8, 2016
    This was not the most needed thing, but for complete beginners, yes this is helpful. half of beginners don;t even know what the wiki is so ;)
  3. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    WIP, if he keeps adding content to this, it will eventually be useful even not quite so beginner persons, I like the idea, sharing is caring! :)

    Wiki, I actually did not see the Wiki at first, someone was friendly enough to point me to wiki and then I saw it. Somehow that top bar blends too well.

    I contribute this, free to use as you like:
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