Unpassable Coltris

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Blijo, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Blijo

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    Apr 27, 2016
    Hello Devs and other readers,

    @FLyInG 2 YoUr SoUL and I were discussing an issue with the CRD where the coltris didnt stop some nodes causing unwanted behaviour.
    Coltris have a weak and a strong side so nodes can go trough them(to prevent clipping), which is useful in almost all situations.
    In some situations, like this one, one would want the coltris to be super strong so the node isnt able to go trough it.
    Our suggestion is to add a property called "Passable" or something like that, it would be useful for all high impact situations.
    It should be "true" on default, "false" would make it unpassable for nodes(on both sides I guess) and it should be optional.

    I guess its too much work to add this for only a few cases but one can dream right?
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    They have soft vegetation (veggies!) and also if you try to hit the yellow barrels on the freeway (that usually have sand/water in them), near the exit-ramps, they have soft-collision too. It's not always easy to do but I understand what you mean. Nodes can pass through the backside of a normal (if you have them wrong way, BAD things happen, like cars getting sucked in), they can't pass the front unless it's made to be soft vegetation. They added this about a year ago if I remember correctly, so hitting a carrot plant or an ant wouldn't total your car anymore.
    *Barrels are in West Coast, somewhere, one of the exits on the free-way.
  3. estama

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 7, 2012
    The collision code always does its best to stop nodes passing through triangles. Based on that, if a node manages to pass through a triangle, this happens despite the code's intention and not due to some design choice or anything like that. Based on that, if the current code fails to stop something right now, it means that the best i could do to stop this from happening wasn't enough. So i cannot add a flag to "make this not passable" because i have no way to enforce this flag. I already did my best, and it was not enough.

    Nevertheless, the collision code is more or less constantly being worked and improved. So things that are passing through right now, we might find a way to stop them in the future.
  4. Blijo

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    Apr 27, 2016
    Ah nice to know. lets hope they get stronger in the future :)
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