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Update Speculation thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crazikyle, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. marijn123@lol

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    Apr 24, 2017
    i have been thinking and i think the next car probebly 0.20 or 0.21 will be a old 1930's some where around that age car.
    reasons are :
    the last car update with a totaly new car was the blue buck.
    before that we got an electric srb4.
    and before that we've the autobello picollina.
    and we have been asking for something old for a long time.

    i needed to get this idea out there so good luck with this kinda information

    (sorry for my bad english i am tired af):)
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  2. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    This is the next car:

    If anything that pattern shows the next car will be a newer one (old-new-old), which happens to be what we're getting. Also, it's debatable whether or not the eSBR was a "totally new car."
    Who's this "we?"
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Nathan24™

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    Apr 18, 2017
    I think he's referring to the majority of members who have been asking for a prewar car.
  4. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    As far as I know this "majority" is mostly just you complaining a lot with a few people agreeing with you. Just as many people want a modern car.
    There's no majority of people who want a certain type of car; the only thing everyone wants is fresh content.
    • Agree Agree x 12
  5. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    "Majority" is a strong term, but last time the discussion was had on this thread (pg 934) posts in favor of a pre-war car repeatedly had over 10 "agree" ratings, while posts against a prewar car were just the same 4 people making the same generalizations over and over... So, there is certainly support for one.

    Anyway, it looks like 0.19 will be the hatch, 0.20 or 0.21 will be the Wendover, and then we have no evidence to say anything after that. I hope whatever comes after the Wendover will be from a new country (example, a classic British sports car covers multiple empty niches).
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    We don't have any idea when the Wendover is coming, and no evidence to support the claim that it'll be in 0.20 or 0.21. All Diamondback said was "the next car will not be the Wendover," and we know that for sure now that the new car has been semi-revealed. People back in 2016 were assuming the Bluebuck would be the next vehicle, and look what happened there.
    I'm not saying it's impossible. We just don't know.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    I would be really surprised if it isn't the next car after the hatch, there's no point in unnecessarily drawing out this car's development even longer. One car before it is fine to show off some of the new features of the game, add variety, etc.., two would just be an unnecessary delay to the already 8 year development of the Wendover.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    People were saying the same thing about the Bluebuck. We've had several cars released that weren't part of the original list—the Roamer, Piccolina, and eSBR are the first to come to mind—and we may get more surprise cars in the future. We also don't know how far along in development the Wendover is (my guess is it still hasn't gotten past the early modeling stage), so it might not even be possible for it to come out in 0.20.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    Jesus christ not this fight again. No prewar cars have been confirmed, and i pretty much doubt are ever going to be implemented. The only ones interested in pre war cars are a pretty loud minority.
    • Agree Agree x 8
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  10. vmlinuz

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    Mar 2, 2014
    Ancient Roman chariot or refund /s
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  11. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Yes, we've had plenty of cars that we didn't know about in 2012/2013 and since it's safe to say the Wendover is not the last official car, we certainly will have more. But that doesn't change the fact that putting two new cars inbetween the Bluebuck and the Wendover seems more like procrastinating the Wendover's release than anything else. The hatch has the potential to add a lot of things we don't currently have; that should be enough to hold people over to allow for the development of a relatively boring car without people getting too bored.

    Considering that, bar any major surprises, the Wendover will be using existing drivetrain components and only have basic configs (FWD V6 boat isn't really a versatile enough platform to have any crazy configs), the Wendover's development length shouldn't be that long. If we stick to a car every other major update schedule, we'd be looking at a Wendover release in late summer I suppose.

    As for the idea that only a "loud minority" want a prewar car...
    This is really getting on my nerves now... I've been saying the same thing over and over. All anyone has to do it go to page 934 and look at what was said and what got rated "agree" to. The idea that it's just a "loud minority" can be disprove just by going to that page. That's all you have to do. One side had far more people rating "agree" while also having counter arguments to the same things being said by the same people over and over on the opposing side. Calling the larger side with responses to everything that was said in opposition the "loud minority" as your main argument against it... Really?

    As for "we don't have evidence" for it... Yeah, no one has evidence for anything beyond the hatch, the Wendover, and filling missing niches...
    #20631 ManfredE3, Jan 18, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 4
  12. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
    Grenville Steam Carriage or refund.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Honestly, I don't think there are a majority of users on here who want a classic car. There are people like Nathan24TM who do want a classic vehicle like an old car or an old pickup truck. I actually do want an old truck in the game eventually, but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. Also, you might be correct about the "majority" thing.

    About the "the only thing everyone wants is fresh content" statement. A lot of people only want fresh content, but there are also people that want something specific to be in the game like an old car, new car, or a new feature/addon to the game in general.

    By the way SuperAusten64, I have 2 questions for you.

    1. What do you think of the body style of this new and upcoming car?
    2. How you feel if an old vehicle came to the game?
    Honestly, I couldn't agree with you more about this pre-war car thing. I wouldn't mind if a pre-war car came to the game, but I don't think there is going to be a pre-war car coming to the game. A pre war may come to the game eventually, but I doubt it will come any time soon.

    By the way, do you actually hate pre-war cars in real life?
  14. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    You are learning about the wonders of stadistics, you and your 13 agrees dont matter in the grand scheme of things, unless you present them like they are the only thing that matters. To have something real you can stand behind, you need a sample bigger than 14. If you can prove that im wrong with more than 13 agrees, im willing to eat my words.
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  15. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    I don't see how you can call that side a "loud minority" when there was more people on that side... Yes we are dealing with a small sample size, but that doesn't change the fact that within the sample size we are working it, there was significantly more people.
  16. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    • Like Like x 1
  17. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    So making a new sample size to potentially retroactively justify the title?
  18. alex.tunn

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    Jun 18, 2016

    The clear winner

    pls no one kill me.
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  19. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    The problem with your sample size is that it is not representative of everyone that was not considered, there was no disagree, and there is no way to know for sure out of how many those 13 agreed to it
    • Like Like x 1
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  20. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    Remember what I said before: I'm pretty much 100% certain that no one is against new vehicles being added to the game. What people disagree on is what gets added first. I'd love to have a prewar car, I can't wait for the Wendover, and I'm getting hyped for the mystery car. Wouldn't you want a prewar car, at least if you got the cars you wanted first?

    I like it, and I'm excited for it.
    The more content, the merrier.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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