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Using commands to set engine damage?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by FalloutNode, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. FalloutNode

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    Dec 21, 2015
    I would like to know how to set engine damage using the lua commands. I looked into the games lua folder, found a file called "combustionEngineThermals", tried some commands, like "headGasketBlown". and putting stuff in front of it, like engine, powertrain, thermals. I also tried something I found in threads while searching for this, but couldn't get anything to work.

    Maybe someone actually knows how programming works and how to use these commands, because the console says that it has changed some global variable, but no damage occurs.

    I would really like to damage individual parts of the engine, without having to overheat it and getting the wrong damage.

    I also think this should be included in the funstuff menu, as currently its pretty wack. Being able to play around with the engine thermals would be a lot more fun than just being able to detach all body panels.

    Excuse my poor text structuring and grammar. I hope whoever reads this can understand it.
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