Vehicle specific bindings enhancement

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Neo, May 18, 2020.

  1. Neo

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    Oct 31, 2015
    I want to discuss an enhanced way for the loading of vehicle specific bindings to archive a more modder friendly handling.

    The problem: for a modder it is not possible to add new bindings for custom inputmaps, without to overwrite the default binding file.

    Current situation:
    • ge\extensions\core\input\actions.lua:readActions reads all "input_action*.json" files relative to the vehicle name and adds them to the game, eg.: vehicles/fullsize/input_action_speedtrapmod.json (nice)
    • ge\extensions\core\input\bindings.lua:getBindings on the other hand only reads all "deviceName" .json (& .diff) binding files for the given vehicle name and input type informations and applies them, eg.: vehicles/fullsize/inputmaps/xinput.json (not so nice)
    I suggest something like this:
    • "core_input_bindings" extension should also load all files in the subfolder with a given pre- or suffix like currently "core_input_actions" does, eg.: vehicles/fullsize/inputmaps/xinput-speedtrapmod.json
    • all characters after a specified delimiter gets ignored
    • all files where merged together, with the standard files at first position to be able to overwrite the default bindings
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