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Weird mesh problem

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by mike94, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. mike94

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    Mar 7, 2015

    I am making this '68 Ford 3000 tractor for BeamNG. Some of you might remember this mesh from the Ford Force mod pack by NI Modding for Farming Simulator 2013.
    This mod is for my personal use only at least for now. I might publish the mod if I ever gonna finish it and if I get the permission from the author of the model.

    I made some improvements into the mesh and managed to make this wobbly jbeam structure for the frame from scratch using Zmodeler and imported it into Masa's Node Beam Editor. Jbeam spawned fine ingame, there was no errors.
    However when I added flexbody section into jbeam file and spawned the tractor, this happened:

    I wonder why my mesh looks like this? It is gray and partly transparent. I tested the mesh by replacing the cab from D15 and it looked fine with orange texture which read "No Texture".
    I made the jbeam following exactly the instructions in the vehicle creation wiki page.
    I can't get the mesh to spawn correctly no matter what I do.:(
    The .jbeam file is included in the post.

    Can someone more experienced modder help me?

    Attached Files:

  2. randomshortguy

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    Aug 9, 2013
    - The mesh will default to grey if there's no materials in the dae, but will show the orange "No Material" when the mesh has materials in the dae, but they are not in the materials.cs that Torque3D uses.

    - also, it is partially transparent because the normals are goofed, I've never used Zmodeller but I would import it into blender. From there, select the object, enter edit mode (tab) and in the mesh tools find Recalculate Normals and it will fix the problem
  3. mike94

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    Mar 7, 2015
    The mesh has proper materials and I recalculated normals again in Blender. Nothing changed. This is strange, if I replace any mesh of the other vehicles with my tractor frame, it spawns fine and with orange texture. It seems like the problem is in the .jbeam file.
  4. randomshortguy

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    Aug 9, 2013
    Perhaps it's not a jbeam issue, but a materials.cs issue?

    Anyway, I don't know the exact problem, but why don't you try working backwards; replacing bits of the D15 until it's 100% tractor? If replacing the D15 chassis with your mesh works, just keep replacing the D15's jbeam and textures.
  5. mike94

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    Mar 7, 2015
    I replaced the cab of Dkutch's Datsun 720 with my mesh and used the same .dae, materials.cs and texture files as in my Ford folder and it looked like this:


    Mesh spawned fine and textures looked ok. UV mapping is screwed up in some parts of the mesh.
    I don't get it. Why the mesh don't work with my .jbeam file?:mad:

    - - - Updated - - -

    I finally solved the problem!:D The game had created another materials.cs file into documents/BeamNG.drive/vehicles/ford_3000 folder. I deleted it and now textures look good and it also fixed the screwed up UV mapping on the mesh.
    #5 mike94, Jul 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2015
  6. ThreeDTech21

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    Sep 27, 2013

    And i keep saying there needs to be a way to turn off caching so creation can be faster and error free... but no one seems to care...
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