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When will it be available on IOS - Mac?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tinki 2, May 29, 2019.

  1. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013
    with 7 vehicles? you'll be maxing the GPU and most of the CPU. it's not the same as just playing normally, or the same as a desktop which would not throttle over time no matter the load.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. InfernoGems

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    Aug 16, 2017
    It gets warm (hot), but I have never checked if it actually throttles. I do play for several hours at a time though so the impact isn't great enough for me to notice it.
  3. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I'm not sure of that, depends from the map of course, but considering at Italy for me there is really no hope to run 6 different cars at max graphics while keeping 60fps and for American road that is something like similar, maybe 1 car more, I would think he would have CPU limit hitting quite easily, with reflections and ssao one can make GPU reaching limit quite bit sooner now in 0.16

    Using copies of same car tends to bit better and using some other maps like JRI can be lot better in how well one can max CPU.

    Now being CPU limited can actually reduce throttling as GPU does not heat as much and cooling might be able to cope with heat better. I would think that GPU is making more heat on laptop than CPU as CPU is quite low heat model already.

    There are so many variables in play that I don't think it is possible to make very solid statement without personally testing laptop thoroughly

    For me with this desktop that I build, I know that running CPU at max load for very long makes VRM to throttle, despite it has 93CFM fan, I can't get airflow to cool both of VRM heatsinks equally and that limits a bit of what I can ask from the system. VRM temp stays low, but it measures that only from one place, afaik. That leads to imbalance and MB transfers load between components based on heat among them.

    That then leads to limited current output as part of VRM runs with higher limits. I need to look into getting another case so that AIO don't come so close to VRM heatsink and I could mount it to suck air from the heatsink to keep running over 4.8Ghz for hours (it is fine for close to 30 minutes at 5Ghz and at under 4.8Ghz it does not throttle). Current setup involved metal cutters and a drill to move AIO bit on side as there was issue with space.

    So even with desktops there can be some issues no matter how good cooling parts you have, not sure how laptop VRM stuff is handled, probably those don't need to be quite as beefy though, but that is another bit that could become an issue.
  4. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    To my knowledge, it doesn't need to be reworked for Linux, as there's Proton (running Windows games through Steam on Linux). The only big change that BeamNG devs would need to make is to implement Vulkan, but that would probably benefit everyone, not just Linux users :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. MilanKD

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    Jul 23, 2016
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