Mud and (maybe?) water deformation.

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by 318mphwreck, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. 318mphwreck

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    Jun 8, 2013
    My suggestion is to have some mud deformation. Maybe even add water too, and have water deformation, like in Spintires. I feel this would be a great addition to the game's enjoyment level. :D
  2. Kamil_

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    Mar 17, 2013
    Hello, welcome to the forum.

    This question has been discussed many times. Please use the search bar in the top right.

    There has been no official word on it yet, or at least I can't remember.
    But you can check for yourself:
  3. Stian Aarskaug

    Stian Aarskaug
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    Sep 16, 2013
    No, that leaves no relevant results.

    Use the advanced search!

    ...or Google custom search if you know how.
  4. JackAttak

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    Sep 12, 2013
    Did you really need to reply to a 2 and 1/2 year old post just to tell them how to use the search bar?
  5. Stian Aarskaug

    Stian Aarskaug
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    Sep 16, 2013
    To be honest I did not notice that, I'll try to notice that next time. But then again, threads are there to be read whether they are 1 week old or 5 years old. So that comment makes this thread more complete, the time stamps are not necessarily important. But I agree that it's kinda pointless commenting old threads like these as there's a ton of them. So my bad, I didn't notice the time stamp.
  6. JackAttak

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    Sep 12, 2013
    I agree with this. However, I fail to see how your post made the thread more "complete", since the original reply already linked to some related topics, and the original thread starter hasn't even logged onto the forums for two years. Oh well, no big deal. :)
  7. Stian Aarskaug

    Stian Aarskaug
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    Sep 16, 2013
    It's more complete, because people come across ancient threads to find answers and the advice "use the search bar" is meaningless because people will just continue to use the god damn search bar that allow them to add to that pile of duplicate threads. And you'd want people to take this lesson with them when making other threads that aren't about this exact topic as well (that's why you'd want people to have the correct instructions of how to determine if a topic is already covered).

    When people say "search before posting", the meaning behind this is that the answer is already out there, as we don't need a thousand duplicates. So when you think of old threads as a resource, you would want to make them useful for other people stumling apon them later on. Often times I spend my time looking for solutions and answers in old threads, e.g. where someone asked for a question for their problem.

    Bottom line though, I wouldn't have posted here if I knew it was ancient. ;) But it kinda bothers me that all these shouts about "use the search bar" is useless and doesn't really help, because you're telling them to just make the same mistake as before (as they will, if you are aware of how irrelevant the results are from the default search - and you never use advanced search for this on other forums). Heck, I did the same mistake in the beginning. I searched for it, no results, had never seen a thread about it, so it must not have been discussed before I thought. I took for granted that the search bar defaults to showing actual title/topic relevancy.
    #7 Stian Aarskaug, Oct 4, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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